~WOW~ Report of My First Week of Initiations for Rites of Passage ~September 23-29, 2012

Lia's picture


Sunday – September 23, 2012


I had scheduled to have a spiritual reading done by a friend. Fortunately for me, before the reading, I had listened to the Mp3 message and read almost all of the material provided for the Rites of Passage. My friend informed me that her angels were telling her that the initiations would not be for my highest good because there might have been ulterior motives behind the program such as hidden low vibrational energies.


Given the nature of what I had read from Children of the Sun, I distrusted my friend’s information. Her words were not of love and when I returned home, I felt soiled. My energy was very low and I was doubtful. I used the violet flame to clear away some of this energy and that night I listened to the Mp3 message again. By the time I finished the message, I felt much better. I understood that I had gone through a trial forcing me to choose commitment to the rites, which I did.


Monday -- September 24, 2012


My niece had called me Sunday night in need of an emergency babysitter for her two toddlers. I wanted to work with the light and was disturbed by the intrusion upon my day, but allowed it with resentment. I had been developing an understanding of how manipulation had played a pivotal role in my life in which I had been heavily manipulated by my mother and, in turn, learned to do a great deal of manipulating of my own. By the time my niece brought over the children, I understood that I had initiated a manipulation scenario between the two of us by not being honest with her about my feelings and then by not seeing the larger picture of her need and my capability of providing it. I was able to babysit without resentment.


Turns out that later that day, I manipulated another niece into doing something she did not want to do. This time, I applied the violent flame so that I could release the need to manipulate others.


Tuesday – September 25, 2012


My niece’s estranged husband had come to visit the kids while I took care of them. He’s a troubled man who wants to be a better person. While he was there, my brother stopped by. He was very angry to see the young man because of previous domestic violence that remained unresolved with the law.


Tuesday morning, as I was just getting out of bed, my bedroom door opened and there were three armed and vested policemen standing in front of me looking around my room. My first response was, “Can’t you knock?” This surprised me because this extremely odd situation should have jolted me into cowardice. Instead, the policeman who opened the door backed up slightly and apologized. He explained that he was looking for my niece’s husband. Turns out that the police were nice and explained that my niece’s husband was not to come back to the house until he took care of his warrant, which they said could be worked out reasonably.


The experience, however, was jolting. I thanked the angels for protecting us and helping me to control my temper. I am African American. I have had deep issues with authority. The police have always terrified me, but I managed to call on the pink ray in the midst of things. I was an observer in awe of the dynamics of the situation. Here I was in the midst of another initiation trial, completely aware of what was happening.


I decided earlier that I would invoke the decrees of each flame every day. I felt so out of alignment with myself that I thought this was necessary. The Mp3 message jolted me because I had to admit that I felt so separate from God that I could not honestly say that I loved God. What I loved was working with the flames, visualizing and understanding them. I had come to an understanding that Light is Love and Love is Light. I felt better about the message when I reasoned further that since God is Love then loving the light is loving God.


As soon as the police left, I began invoking all of the flames. I concentrated on dissolving all of my resentments and anxieties against police, militia and authority, in general, all over the world. I wanted purging of all laws, corruption and abuse. Also, I wanted healing for all from all of those low vibrations, including my brother and my in-law. If communities must be monitored, then I feel there might be amiable peacekeepers offering crystals to assist in raising vibrations to levels of joy and happiness. These are the thoughts I tried to send to the crystalline grid system.


Once I completed my invocations, I felt so much better. I had nearly completely obliterated my images and low vibrations of the police. A few more surges of the violet flame throughout the day took care of the rest.


The biggest surprise of the day came that night when I listened to the Mp3 message again. I found myself inside of Matatron’s Cube. For a brief moment, I felt swaddled in a warm embrace that I knew was the Love of God. I was in utter awe!


Wednesday – September 26, 2012


I attempted to perform all of my invocations inside of Matron’s Cube. I imagined the cube surrounding my cells, my bodies, my selves, my family, friends, house, community, city, state, country, the earth, and all life in every place. Outstanding! Calling the light from the Great Central Sun to my cells to the earth to the crystalline grid was an awesome experience.


I discussed with a friend the email I sent her from the Children of the Sun, mentioning the cube I was using and she told me that each of the seven chakras had a sacred geometric shape. Now, I have a better image for the invocations. This was the highlight of Wednesday – a day of rest.


Thursday – September 27, 2012


I live with my mother. I’ve often wondered why I chose her to parent me. We’ve managed to work through a lot of my issues with authority, but manipulation has been left pretty much untouched – on both sides.


My mother informed me Thursday that the time I spent performing invocations was unacceptable.


The relationship between my mother and I has been one long thorn in both of our sides. In truth, we both have being doing a lot of work to resolve our issues, but, sure enough, every time we thought we had plucked the thorns, they returned. Thursday gave me an insight, I didn’t want to see.


I had come to accept recently that I had learned to manipulate my mother almost equally to the level of manipulation my mother used against me. I wanted to end it on both sides. My mother had sabotaged my education, and, therefore, my livelihood and my confidence in confronting authority enough to pursue my own course in life. What I saw Thursday that I did not want to see was my own weakness. I became a very good passive aggressive. I hid myself away in books and harsh judgments. It’s been a long journey, finding my way to light work. Any other time, what happened on Thursday would have sent me into a spiraling depression, but I spent the day calling on the angels and the blue, violet, and pink flames. They offered flickers of light with flickers of hope.


That night, when I finally went to bed, I was confident that I would wake up with a severing of the ingrown links I had forged between authority, my mother, and God. This did not happen.


Friday – September 28, 2012


I began my invocations. I applied the geometric shapes to my chakras. Instead of the flames coming from the Great Central Sun to the shapes, the flames emanated from the sun, through me, through my chakras. The some of the flames turned into rays, projecting through the angle points of the shapes igniting the points on the shapes that covered my cells. The propulsion from this allowed the shapes to spinning, generating more intensity within the flames which grew and exploded. I was able to place the shapes over each area all of the way from my cells to the crystalline grid for each invocation.


By the time I finished, I was ready to face my mother. We had a very brief conversation, qualitatively filled with truth. We both made compromises. It appears now that the roots of the thorn between us have been shattered and consumed. If there are any residual roots, I now know what to do about them.


Saturday – September 29, 2012


My focus has shifted. During my invocations this morning, instead of looking for things that needed to be purged and harmonized, I found myself wanting to amplify perfection or the possibilities of perfection in everything from my cells to the crystalline grid. It appears that the grudge that I refused to acknowledge that I held against authority, my mother, God and the world is gone. I thought that this would bring me an overabundance of energy to add to the grid, but the opposite occurred. I was struggling for energy. My interpretation of this is that the shift in perspective holds a different vibration that I am not used to and that I must give myself time to assimilate it. I’m cool with that.




Well, I can’t honestly say that I have fallen in love with “God”, but I have fallen in love with Light work. It’s the most satisfying experience I have ever had. I am extremely excited about what next week will bring.


Thank you for this opportunity.


In Light and Love,





Rite of Passage

Ra-Raela's picture

Thank you for sharing your experience, Pamela. The violet flame is a very powerful tool to help transmute negative energies. I've used it for years, and it has always helped me through difficult situations.