~ Yeehaw Equinox Energies Kickin It UP!~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, The energies Have Really picked Up in the Last 24 Hours and Will Be continuing! Goodbye 3d Hello 5d Of Love Everywhere Present!!! Yeehaw! You can Join us On the Higher Grid Today and experience the Love!!!!!!! Love Truly has WON! Love The Earth Allies  Link to Grid http://tinychat.com/soundofheart

Human E.Ts of Light: Messege of a Pleiadian Starseed.


A great war between beings who are destroying and enslaving planets and other civilizations, and other Human E.Ts  and others who have been trying to stop them.

A great war that has gotten very old, undoing and that includes the ownership of this planet.

This war has a lot to do with the enslavement of Humanity and the ownership of this planet.


I want you to know something, that during this war allies became the enemy for power, and beings part of the enemy became our allies because they are benevolent. During this battle, the Human groups call Pleiadians went out in search for support of other species at other planets. In search for help and many civilizations across the galaxy decided to assist the battle for light. There are many Human E.T forces that live through the galaxy and these Human E.T’s have been trying to save other people and Humans of this planet.

The enemy is recorded in the planets ancient history, they called them the Serpents. And other bad E.T’s have joined them in the conquest of the galaxy. Including there are also forces of our kind, Human E.T forces who rebelled against the Human E.T’s star federations of light in order to possess power over the galaxy along with their commanders the Reptilians.



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Ever expanding awareness as existance?


Philosophy and many many... many... questions and with open mind can perceive as a point set where yourself can be from an understanding to existence, yet I am in joy haha with no particular statements of why I have created these reflections lol.

What is our purpose? Why are we here? And why do we see things the way we see them? How come are they perceive in the here and now in this particular way?

Where we stand in evolution of time from the origins, and how the origins relates to now should be known by some to understand whom and what we are... How is it that from the beginning to now we have many ways of being but have no clue whom we are at a grander scale, why is experience happening in this manner?

How is it that within we can create an awareness, scenarios beyond physical existence and not know where and how it manifest and come into being, we constantly sense and perceive but never try and understand what it is?

We are in a body with an endless awareness that can go as far and wide as beyond existence known trough the universe and interconnect within us, functions of where we are in this moment... I do not see clearly what the purpose of this experience is for, as why we are here in this universe on a sphere in the middle of space known as Earth in a galaxy with many other worlds in existence by systems simultaneously dependent on one another on an infinite scale to the smallest systems all the way to the largest of systems. What is the primary function in existence of large celestial body's as clusters seen within galaxy's? And why is it created in this particular manner for what greater function does it serve as a dependency to greater systems?

The universe forms all experience around us, uniquely we are aware of a vastness in experiences that expands a big amount of energy trough everything in constant motions.



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Monday Night Love Party Lighting Up the Grid, You can Join us Live Right NOW


Greetings Love Beings, You can Join us On the Higher Grid This Evening to Light Up the Planet for Our Upcoming events! You can Join  us Live at this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart

Love The Earth Allies

Beginning Now 5:30pm till?


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A Message From The Earth Allies~ Are YOU READY? Love is REAL



Galactic Center - Vision at Dawn - site









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Latest Earthquake Activity - March 19, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 6.1 mag quake at SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

March 19


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Red tide, mysterious ailment killing Florida manatees


ABC Action News - 3/18/13, AP

  • red tide injured manatee

MELBOURNE, Fla. - Even as a Red Tide algae bloom is wiping out a record number of manatees in southwest Florida, a mysterious ailment is killing off dozens more manatees on the state's East Coast. So far, state biologists have been unable to pinpoint what killed them.

Pat Rose, a former government manatee biologist who is now executive director of the Save the Manatee Club, said he could not recall another time when manatees were being killed under similar circumstances on both coasts at the same time.

Read more: http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/state/red-tide-mysterious-ailment-killing-florida-manatees#ixzz2NykyFSOF


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3MIN News March 19, 2013: Fukushima, STARWATER, Global Update





Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers




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The Morning Blessing 03.19.13



"Our body is really the product of our thoughts. We're beginning to understand in medical science the degree to which the nature of thoughts and emotions actually determines the physical substance and structure and function of our bodies."  


If our entire bodies are replaced within a few years, as science has proven, then how can it be that degeneration or illness remain in our bodies for years? It can only be held there by thought, by observation of illness, and by the attention given to the illness.


Instead, think thoughts of perfection.


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The Heart Song for March 19th 2013


The Heart Song for March 19th 2013 is

 When God Sings the Blues

Copyright: Maurice Turmel – Dr Moe – 2001, 2013



ANYTIME YOU USE A WORD OR PHRASE TO DEFINE SEPERATION IN ANY FORM, THATS SEPERATION, Ex; I AM in North Carolina and you are in South Carolina, that's seperation because the earth is not seperated by the ILLUSIONAL lines that are the indicator of the seperation.  NaGeeTa







When God sings the blues

He sings for you and me

When God plays the blues

He prays for all to see


That He is part of us

We are of Him too . . .




When God sings the blues

He does for all mankind

Want us to wake up

To rise and shine


His heart is our own

His love a part of all




On life’s main stage we rise

Heart’s beat and trumpets blare

Sorrow’s are left behind

We march on prepared





When God sings the blues

To all concerned and open

He says: “Step this way please

Your heart won’t be broken


I am the Light and Path

The Love you shall remember”



On life’s main stage we rise

Heart’s beat and trumpets blare

Sorrow’s are left behind


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Angel in the sky: South Florida photographer talks about 'angel photo' she took


WPTV.com - 3/14/13, James Wieland

(Click on the link below to see more photos.)


Just hours after white smoke signaled  that a new pope was named some South Floridians saw a different sign of faith in the sky.


Diane Barnwell was among them. She snapped a photo resembling an angel outside of the mall in Wellington.

To watch the other video and read the rest of this story, visit WPTV.com.


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Blue StarShip/UFO Report - March 18, 2013


2006 - Mexico - Gustavo Alemán, director of the Ovni Merida group, managed to record on video a possible luminous UFO last Friday on September 1, 2006.

According to the account provided by the researchers who were there with him -- Emilio Cetz and Victor Mis - the time was 11:33 pm and they were getting ready for a skywatch when Gustavo told them that there was a flash in the sky. Gustavo Aleman's report:

"I saw a flash in the sky and summoned my colleagues to confirm what I was seeing. When we tried to videotape it, the object came closer to the site and that's how we managed to record it, although at that point it was in plain sight. A few seconds elapsed and the object went away. We didn't see it again. We immediately broke camp and tried to locate it elsewhere along the highway, but it wasn't possible... it was either a mere chance or it was our lucky day." © ovnimerida.com

Source: UFO Casebook




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Owen K Waters & Dreama Vance ~ The God Particle Is Now Confirmed




Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter March 17 2013

The Higgs-Boson sings

The past few days have seen an exciting announcement from the world of science. The existence of the God particle has been confirmed by the CERN particle physics laboratory in Switzerland.

The God particle, known in scientific circles as the Higgs boson, depends upon the existence of a “Higgs field.” The Higgs field permeates all of space and gives particles their property of mass. This resurrects the idea of the “aether” as a universal field.

The aether concept went out of fashion a century ago and sent physics into a cul-de-sac from which it can now escape. The recognition of the most fundamental field in the universe re-opens the doorway to the much-coveted idea of a Unified Field theory that will explain all fundamental forces.


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When God Sings the Blues


When God Sings the Blues

Copyright: Maurice Turmel – Dr Moe – 2001, 2013




When God sings the blues

He sings for you and me

When God plays the blues

He prays for all to see


That He is part of us

We are of Him too . . .



When God sings the blues

He does for all mankind

Want us to wake up

To rise and shine


His heart is our own

His love a part of all



On life’s main stage we rise

Heart’s beat and trumpets blare

Sorrow’s are left behind

We march on prepared





When God sings the blues

To all concerned and open

He says: “Step this way please

Your heart won’t be broken


I am the Light and Path

The Love you shall remember”




On life’s main stage we rise

Heart’s beat and trumpets blare

Sorrow’s are left behind

We march on prepared


(4) (repeat verse 1)

When God sings the blues

He sings for you and me

When God plays the blues

He prays for all to see


That He is part of us

We are of Him too . . .



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TheOne-DreamDreamer – Let Me Try… Said My Self ( And I Did Not Get It!) – 18 March 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted March 18, 2013

One might think getting into a non linear thought pattern is easy, especially if it has been done before… nope, not really. Surprises keep pouring in as if it was snowing Christmas gifts, and they are never as one thinks.

Too funny this ride!

So I was having a chat with my Self, nothing too serious in fact but at one point an issue came up and I asked a precise question to which Spirit answered “Let me try it”.

Mmmmm… what do you mean? (oh can we be shortsighted lol).

Again, no doubt the answer was “Let Me try it.” As if I should flip position with my Spirit so that Spirit would take over. Not sure I would agree with that, not even sure it was possible… ya know… it was probably just my ego wanting someone else do the job for me…


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The Ground Crew in California ~ Straight From the Heart by Valerie Donner


valerie DonerA Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie  Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently working full time with the Earth Council.

We are deeply busy working to maintain balance upon the Earth. Our energies go out like the spokes of a wheel to hold steady the newer frequencies and the influx of Light. These powerful energies are a force field for change. They portend the elimination of all that does not serve the Earth or those living on the Earth with service to others not service to self. It is a big shakeup for many who have their own interests not the well being of all.

The Earth willingly gives to all but there are so many misappropriations of these energies that it is not serving the wellbeing of life. These discrepancies must be resolved and this is where realignment comes into play. On the Earth Council we consider all. The Legions of Light focus on repairing things that are out of order. In this manner it functions very much like the cells of the human body when there is disease only in this instance it is the cells of the body of the Earth. Each call attention to themselves and then change occurs. Balance becomes reinstated. This is happening everywhere on the planet. The energy is directed where there is the most need and then proceeds outwardly.


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My Music Creations ...Cosmos - MoonManT


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Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Hatonn – 18 March 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted March 18, 2013


It has been a while for this one to feel able to bring a message forth. It is a matter of honoring the intuition about what she is experiencing, as so many of you are. As she continues down this road to a higher place of being, so too do you. Whether you realize that it is part of the process, or that it is what is bringing you to a way of being that will no longer bring you to states such as loneliness, pain, both physical and emotional, dizziness, and all of the other conditions that you are experiencing, it means that you will be in a space which is clear, loving and joyful for all of your existence.

I would like to focus on that for a while. What does it mean to be in the fifth dimensionality? It is a matter of coming to the knowledge of what you are capable of and what has happened in the previous times that are indications of the oncoming wakefulness. It is a matter of being able to see what it was that stimulated you to something that took you to a place of joy, or satisfaction in what you were doing. It was a place of being able to see the coming times and to resonate with how you would be able to fit into them in a way that you saw to be fitting to yourself and to the rest of the world.


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Oracles and Healers March 18, 2013


Reblogged from The Creator Writings:

Click to visit the original post

Do not become so caught up in the perceived immensity of a negative situation that you fail to recognize the beauty that surrounds you. Like a spider web, the more the mind struggles, the more entangled it becomes. But, even a spider has its own 'escape hatches'. Breathe and ask to be shown the easiest way. ~ Creator



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Spring Equinox ~ March 20th, 2013 ~ Embrace Your Dream.


Spring Equinox ~ 2013!   March 20th, 8:02 am ADT. Northern Hemisphere.

Fall Equinox ~ March 20th, 2013 ~ Southern Hemisphere.

Embrace Your Dream.


So here we are my Friends..at the end of this Mercury Retrograde we have many Planets now moving into Aries..

We also have the Vernal Equinox, The Beginning and Celebration of Spring, here in the Northern Hemisphere.

My friends in the Southern Hemisphere in Australia, New Zealand, South America and South Africa, will be experiencing the Autumnal Equinox, the First day of Fall on March, 20th, 2013.  Here is the link to my Post on Fall Equinox energy, for my Friends experiencing the Autumnal Equinox on March 20th, 2013.


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RETURNING BACK TO OUR ONENESS (Two powerful tools to practice daily)


Christina ~ Our Gorgeous Planet Is Rising And So Are We




Golden Heart Dialogues March 17 2013

We are living in a world coming into fruition.

Resiliency is the only credential required as we move through a world of chaos and illusion. What we see is not what we get if we are aware, awake and clever enough to reject what does not honor our heart. Anything less is not of constructive use in a changing world. In fact me may bow out and away from that which leads us into a place of non-truth.

We rise up to see where we are best able to expand and grow. When we see where and who we are, we can adjust and maximize our current reality. Always adjusting as we go to manage our best possible potential.

Knowing we do not exist in a world by ourselves is the impetuous for us to go on. When we merge with others in our unique way we are in fact becoming the world we want to know and see.

When we rise up to see the truth of who we are we are more capable of moving in the direction that serves our ultimate good. As we move forward we automatically begin to shift.


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Re~Hearter - Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon! Please Join Us.



Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.






heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain


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Giant sinkhole swallows nearly an acre of land overnight, Louisiana


The Watchers By Adonai – Posted on March 18, 2013


Officials monitoring the giant sinkhole in Louisiana reported that massive slurry burped on Sunday morning, March 17, 2013. Last “burp” event was reported on January 19, 2013. Assumption Parish Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness Director John Boudreau said nearly an acre of land fell off into the west side of the sinkhole. 1 acre = 4 046.86 m2 More debris and hydrocarbon appeared at the surface, Boudreau added. Assumpton Parish Blog reported yesterday that the Office of Conservation is advising the public that a large “burp” event is related to the recent period of elevated deep seismic activity around...

Officials monitoring the giant sinkhole in Louisiana reported that massive slurry burped on Sunday morning, March 17, 2013. Last “burp” event was reported on January 19, 2013.


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The manuscript of survival – part 286


aisha north March 19, 2013



As many of you have already ascertained, it is as if everything is holding its breath now. If you try to feel into it, you will feel a great stillness, as if in a void, and you will mayhaps think that you have been disconnected from source. Well, that is not the case here, as this is only a preliminary measure in order to prepare you for what is up ahead. For we think you all know by now that tomorrow is the day when the world stands still. Let us explain.


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Hail, Tornadoes, Damaging Winds Hammer the Southeast


Weather.com - 3/19/13



Winter Storm Ukko's severe side brought severe weather into the southern states, including intense thunderstorms that produced huge hailstones throughout the southern United States.  


In all, there were 264 reports of severe weather Monday and Monday night across seven states from southeast Arkansas and northeast Louisiana to South Carolina.  For the entire month of March prior to Monday, there had been a total of 165 severe reports, including just a single tornado. 


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Northern Lights Put on Dazzling Show


Weather.com - 3/18/13



The sun eruption sent a wave of solar particles streaking toward Earth at about 900 miles per second, according to observations by NASA and European spacecraft. That is the equivalent of a mind-boggling about 3.2 million miles per hour.


The sun is currently in an active phase of its 11-year solar weather cycle and is expected to reach its peak activity in 2013.

For more details click: northern lights


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US solar installations soared 76% in 2012


Phys.org - 3/18/13

The U.S. installed panels capable of producing 3,313 megawatts of peak electricity, up from 1,887 megawatts in 2011, the report said. The panels installed last year will generate about the same amount of electricity over a year as a medium-sized coal plant, enough to power 400,000 U.S. homes.

Solar grew in large part because prices continued to fall. The average cost of a solar system dropped 27% last year. Also, financing programs flourished that allow homeowners to install solar on their roofs for little or no money down while paying less overall for electricity.


To read the rest of this story, visit Phys.org.


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Saint Germain ~ At present the Earth is about to shut down the 3D habits and energies in such harmonious way as possible ~ Channeled by Méline Lafont 19/03/2013


pleiadedolphininfos Tuesday March 19, 2013

Received on March 17, 2013


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Parts of Drought-Stricken Midwest Flood


Weather.com - 3/18/13



ST. LOUIS – Another wet weekend has caused a renewed rise of Midwestern rivers, creating flooding that is an ironic end to a winter spent fretting about drought.


Parts of eastern Missouri and southwestern Illinois were hardest hit by rain that began Saturday afternoon and fell through Sunday. National Weather Service meteorologist Jayson Gosselin said Monday that Potosi, Mo., got 4.4 inches of rain, Randolph County, Ill., received 4.1 inches, and Farmington, Mo., had 3.9 inches.


For more details click: Midwest 


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Volcanic activity worldwide 18 Mar 2013: Stromboli, Santa María / Santiaguito, Pacaya, Fuego, Popoc...


Volcano Discovery Monday Mar 18, 2013 17:58 PM

Thermal webcam image of the crater area of Stromboli (INGV)

Thermal webcam image of the crater area of Stromboli (INGV)

Current seismic signal from White Island (GeoNet)

Current seismic signal from White Island (GeoNet)



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Visionkeeper - Always Be Your Best…


One World Rising Posted on March 19, 2013




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Heavenletter #4498 - A Greater Horizon


Heaven Letters Published on: March 19, 2013

God said:

At what point do you surrender to a Greater Horizon? The answer is: When you do. When you’re ripe on the vine, it happens to you. It comes over you. It’s where you are, and there is nothing that you can do about it. When you stand in a New York, you stand in New York. That is where you are. It is no big deal.

You stand on a higher step, you see what you see. It would seem you are changed. You were always the Truth of you, whatever the semblance of whatever else you may have appeared to be. The thing is that you see a grander view from where you stand. Anyone would see the same view as you from the step where you stand. You reflect the height from where you see. The higher you go, the greater the view. The higher you stand, the greater the view, the more you are revealed to the world and to yourself.


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Californian shores witness mysterious mass stranding of sea lion pups


The Watchers - 19 March 2013 - NIX

A worrying large number of dehydrated and emaciated sea lions are washing ashore Central and Southern Californian coastline from Santa Barbara to San Diego. Hundreds of these sick sea lion have been admitted to rescue centers so far and rescue groups are reporting substantial spike in number of these malnourished sea lions since January in comparison to previous years count during same period. Sharon Melin, a wildlife biologist with the National Fisheries Service told Wired, “We’re in the process of trying to understand what is actually causing this. The stranding centers in Southern California are being inundated with animals. It hasn’t...



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Victory


Angel Wisdom Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Success is assured


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"The Tremendous Power of Sound"



Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of sound. Much of the information that was once widely accepted and used in the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis about the power of sound has been “lost” or rather we would say forgotten. It is our intention to share with you our perspective on just how useful sound is in your reality, what it is capable of and how it works.


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Coffee Party!!! Love For ALL! JOIN US



Greetings Love Beings,  Equinox Energies KICKIN IN! You can Join us Live In Love and Stand Up with us in Love This Morning at this Link:



Love The Earth Allies


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Sun Dog


Islandnet.com - 3/19/13, Keith C. Heidorn, PhD, THE WEATHER DOCTOR



Many years ago, the nature-essayist Hal Borland wrote in his book Sundial of the Seasons that "Sun dogs and moon dogs are beautiful accents to a winter day or night as the rainbow is to a showery Summer day." Sun dogs usually appear in pairs, and are loyal to the sun (as moon dogs are loyal to the moon), sitting on each side of the solar orb along a horizontal line through the solar disk. Sun dogs appear in January, April, August, and October, the month does not really matter, but they are most regularly seen close to their solar master during winter months when the sun is low in the sky and ice crystals in the atmosphere are more common, but we can see them in any of the other seasons whenever cirrus clouds fuzz the sky above.


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Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~New Pope, New Israeli Government, New Bank Of Japan Governor



It may be just a coincidence but it may also be a sign that something big is about to happen. There will be a new Pope, a new Bank of Japan governor and a new Israeli government taking office on March 19th, a date of occult significance for Asian secret societies (and also, by sheer coincidence, this writer’s birthday).

Pope Francis has already made it clear the soon to be reformed Vatican bank will now be spending its money helping the poorest and weakest people on the planet. Haruhiko Kuroda, the new BOJ governor, also supports plans to use Japan’s overseas assets, the world’s largest, to finance a major campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. The new Israeli government is bankrupt and cannot finance anything but perhaps they are about to become serious about peace for the first time since that troubled country came into being.

There are also many reports of bad guys dropping off the radar screen recently.

In Japan, for example, the Zionist slave and war-mongering right-wing crypto-North Korean pseudo-nationalist politician Shintaro Ishihara has gone into hiding, according to Japanese military intelligence. This is clear a sign the entire post-war cabal apparatus for secret control of Japan is falling apart. In the US and Europe the arrests and resignations are continuing as well. See this site for a partial list:


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Irma Kaye Sawyer ~ Meetings with Celestina: Part 3 ~ Guidance for Lightworkers & Forgiveness



Tuesday, 19 March, 2013  (posted 18 March, 2013)

To understand everything is to forgive everything. – Buddha


This is the continuation of an ongoing conversation with healing angel Celestina, who is identified as part of the Akashic Wisdom Keepers, my personal Guidance Team.

Celestina’s Message: To hold onto the hurtful or negative actions of others is to continue to give them *reality* and also power. This is not to imply that certain actions or events did not in fact occur, but to free you up from the harm associated with them. Shame and guilt are ways that the truth of your being has been hidden from you, and a part of the disconnected aspect of 3D reality has supported very well. We refer to this as part of the “Great Forgetting,” that occurred when you became embodied here. As part of your return to the great Celestial Heart is to offer forgiveness for everyone; including yourselves, and to hold fast to the Truth and Light of your being that eradicates all illusion. This is the deeper meaning of “Forgive them Father/Mother, they know not what they do.” This is not to be said in a sense of superiority or judgment over others; but with the knowledge that beings are at different levels of their own understanding, and that there once was a time when you also may have experienced a lack thereof.


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Corona aurora over UAF ski trail, Alaska


The Watchers-3/18/13



 10mm, F/2.8,...


Time-lapse movie of the corona aurora that appeared over UAF ski trail, Fairbanks, Alaska after strong CME hit Earth’s magnetic field. Red aurora was also captured. (1:54 - 2:32am AKST, March 17, 2013)



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Solar Storms Germinates The New Growth of our Lives.




We are accustomed to having major weather storms, where we get rained on, and rain on and rained on for days.  It is very obvious when this happens because we can see it.  The water pools up in our yards, the streets, our creeks and rivers start to raise…  But what about a sun storms?  There is no visual measure in front of us that says, yeah the energy is coming down hard and is starting to pool up around us.  But yet, that is exactly what has been happening to us from March 12th thru the 17th.  5 Days of being pummeled by the energy of the sun.  I only really became aware of this energy flood yesterday (the 18th) when I attempted to connect to my first lady of the day.

Nothing.  Sorta.

I could feel the energy.  I could hear the deafening silence.  I could not see the first visual or even really interpret the energy that I could feel.  Something felt very very different about this inability to connect thru either my antenna or my heart.  Finally, the information came.  The sun has been intensely watering the earth for the last 5 days and now we are in the midst of electrified change on every level of Life.  Every version of Life.  There is not a dimension or timeline unaffected by this purposeful round of solar storms.


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Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron via Goldenlight: Releasing All Karmic Patterns


Channeled by Goldenlight, thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.

March 18, 2013


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Large fireball streaks across eastern U.S. – seen in 7 states






March 18, 2013HIGH POINT, NCThere are several reports from Saturday night of a meteor gliding across the Carolina skies. Eyewitnesses reported seeing a large bolide meteor that split into several pieces. First Warn Storm Spotter Stuart McDaniel caught it all on his sky camera. McDaniel lives in Northern Cleveland County.  In his video, the fast moving meteor moved rapidly across the sky growing bigger and bigger then fading away. McDaniel isn’t the only one who saw the meteor; the American Meteorologist Society received 55 reports about this fireball seen over Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. Nearly half of the reports were from Ohio. –WCNC




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Dana Mrkich ~ Riding The River In Whichever Way You Choose ~


We are in such a different energetic situation to last year. Last year we were being affected by near-constant waves of energy thanks to the Solar Flares. They acted like the contractions of labour, bringing up from within us all the last remnants of whatever needed to be released before we entered a new level of ourselves in this new evolutionary cycle. Now that we’re in the new cycle, it is like the dam walls have burst allowing us to ride the wave into parts of the river we haven’t accessed before. 

In any given day, and in any given moment, it is our choice as to which part of the river we are swimming in. We spend time in the old part and the new part and neither is actually better or worse. In the higher realms, high vibrational souls go ‘down’ to ‘lower’ levels to help souls go ‘up’ the levels all the time. Sometimes the souls don’t want to go ‘up’ because they are comfortable where they are, or they are needed where they are or they are not yet ready to go ‘up’. Try not to judge where you are or where anyone else is, because wherever you are you have landed there because on some level some part of your vibrational reality was attracted to that level.


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