Your Are Enough, Exactly As You Are
25th August 2012
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
Imagine being totally accepted for who you are.
No need to be anything, or anyone more than you can be right now.
Imagine that there’s no judgement of anything you’ve ever done.
No blame for falling short of anyone else’s expectations.
Every moment is an opportunity to accept ourselves, exactly as we are, and to allow the consciousness of unconditional love to flow through our whole being…
Imagine that every time you failed in life, that you didn’t actually fail. Instead, you learnt something new – taking you deeper and deeper so that you could arrive at this moment right now…
The amazing paradox is, that when we fully accept ourselves for who we are, right now, that we create the space to become totally authentic, completely ourselves. We become the ‘us’ that we’ve longed for at the core of our being for so long…
“The curious paradox is, that,
when I accept myself as I am,
then I can change”
- - Carl Rogers
Thank you for sharing that. : )
It is indeed quite a paradox that you can't change anything by TRYING to change it, but if you Unconditionally Accept it exactly the way it is, then it can (and most likely will) substantially change...
The thing about "trying" is, it's basically the same thing as "lack of success" or "not having". For instance, if I "try" to be confident, then I'll remain UNconfident.. because by "trying", I'm actually CREATING the scenario that I'm still lacking confidence....which is a simple concept when you think about it, because the supposed "lack of confidence" - which I ASSUME I'm afflicted with - is the very thing that I'm "trying" to change! So why do I keep "trying" if all that does is hold the "affliction" in my present reality?? It's a classic catch 22...
We absolutely are creators of reality. We are all co-creators of OUR objective/collective reality, AND we are also individual-creators of our own subjective/personal reality. Let's clear up any doubt about this, because it is no myth; it is fact. (And it's accurate to say that the two types of Existence - objective reality and subjective reality - are intertwined and correlative. These two realities have a mutual relationship with each other, and when Love is present, said relationship is in perfect harmony.)
One's creative powers do not come from his physical actions; one's creativity comes from her 'Inner-Self'. The Inner-Self is the naturally-correlative combination of one's Intentions/Imagination/Soul/Feelings. In other words, by deeply connecting with your Inner-Self, you can make amazing creattion even when you're very still! (However, there are of course instances when it's also necessary to utilize some physical action- whenever that will assist you to follow your creative urges/highest desires in a paractical manner. [If we weren't meant to ever take action, then we wouldn't be able to move. :p ])
To be continued soon...