I believe it is one of everyone’s deepest desire to be FREE…
free to express your authentic Self… free to shine your beautiful light… free to follow the call of your heart and have the resources required to make this possible…
And yet so many feel stuck, trapped or obligated in a life which zaps the joy right out of them and not seeing any way to get out of it….
This is where your spiritual ego can have a field day!
Do you ever find yourself saying things along the lines of:
I’ll go and take that holiday I have always wanted to when…
I’ll take some time for myself to do what makes me happy when…
It’s the If/when game. Which has When/Then agreements….
You know the ones, they tend to start with : Every time when I …. then… and the blank gets filled in with something which happens to prevent you from doing what you intended.
For example:
Every time when I want to take time for myself to catch up on journaling, to go within and recharge… then some disaster happens and poof! gone is that ME time!
Every time when I make plans to go on a holiday, then some unexpected bills or expenses show up and I can’t go.
It’s precisely these inner agreements which keep the same old scenarios playing out, again and again.
Maybe different players or different costumes but the play generally has the same story line! And they often seem to show up when you’re about to go and do something you really love and enjoy, which would make you feel free…
While we are in the new moon window, this is a fabulous time to get clear on which intentions you might like to launch into BEing.
Like planting seeds in a garden…you’re planting these intentions in your consciousness…
To ensure optimal growth of those seeds/intentions… you might want to clear out the weeds/limiting beliefs and agreements.
I absolutely love the Symptom Causing Patterns audio from Delphic Wave. It is one I use on a regular basis and I am finding myself regularly handing these agreements over to the cosmic laundry service, which is on 24/7.
I have discovered that, in order to be free, I am having to let go of ALL the contents of my inner database…hand them over to the Divine, to Source, allowing them to be upgraded, others deleted… trusting that I’ll keep the wisdom and that everything is optimized… not knowing what that might look or feel like!
And here-in lies the catch… giving up the desire or need to control.
When you get to this place and you say: “Yeah, sure, I am willing, ready and able!” then be on the alert for your spiritual ego to pull out the tricks to prevent you from truly surrendering!
HINT: You can be sure your spiritual ego is on overdrive the moment you’re telling yourself that the insights you just had are insignificant so not to share them, conveniently forgetting them… or when you find yourself coming up with all the ways you think you’re so spiritual… and then comparing with others…or another big one, when you believe you have to see/know everything before it can be transformed. This last one calls for taking a DEEP BREATH and laugh about the many ways you have done this… and then…give yourself permission to LET IT GO!
If you find yourself feeling offended by the simplicity of this, then you KNOW you have struck a chord;)
Perhaps you can recognize this:
With all the processing and clearing I have done, it surely can’t be that simple to let go?! There must be something I am not seeing here…
Or feeling extremely annoyed or peeved that you didn’t ‘see’ this before, that you somehow must have missed this… I mean, what kind of a spiritual warrior are you that you don’t have this resolved yet?! And into another round of beating up on yourself you go…
if you start feeling antsy pantsy restless when not DOing anything… feeling this inner drive that you have to earn your goodies… and by ‘simply’ BEing, that would not qualify…
Have you ever noticed how many people have worked their butts off their entire life, to retire and finally have the time to do what they really love… only to get ill or die before enjoying the fruits of their labor? That very expression implies you have to work for your enjoyments… and the harder you have worked, the more there is for you to harvest…
The spiritual ego can have a field day with this one as well!
However it shows up for you, what if you sent your spiritual ego into the cosmic laundry service?
What spiritual ego? THAT one!
Hand it to the Divine, to Source. Go on… let go… you can do it!
Take that leap of faith… and set your Self free.
And allow the DOing to come forth from your alignment with your Self… from BEing your Divine Self…
Being on the Joy Sprinkle Trail, I am experiencing how deeply these agreements were held in my physical body… By all the nurturing I am receiving and having the time to BE, I notice how deeply habituated parts of me have been addicted to DOing… the restlessness when there was nothing to do has been releasing and I am feeling the light streams, definitely enhanced by all the Starseed Activations I have received, filling every part of me…
Embodying the light that I am… and the higher the frequencies vibrate, the more liberated I feel.