Uploaded on 10 May 2012 by Zingdad2012 Thanks to Lucas!
Adamu continues his presentation on Unity Consciousness. In this, the 6th video in the “Adamu Speaks” series, he tells us why we might wish to attain unity consciousness for ourselves. Some of the benefits are quite wondrous and magnificent indeed! Adamu also offers us an exercise that we can use to see if unity consciousness is right for us. In the following videos he will discuss HOW we can begin to attain unity consciousness…
The full “Adamu Speaks” video series can be seen in the correct order at
(website) zingdad.com/adamu-speaks
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For much deeper information about unity consciousness, ascension and related concepts please see the book, “The Ascension Papers” by Zingdad. Available at
(website) zingdad.com/book-1