Logic ridicules love, and love smiles knowingly at the whole foolishness of logic.
If you have come here with a logical approach... study, observe, come to some conclusions, but they are not going to transform you; that much you must be aware of. If you have come to be transformed, then fall in love. Then forget the head, then let there be a contact heart-to-heart, spirit-to-spirit. Then there is no need to be too much concerned with what you see, your whole concern should be with what you feel. Then you should not be too much concerned in collecting information, but being in celebration with me.
Then don't take much note of what I say, take note of what I am. Listen to my silences, the pauses, the gaps, the intervals -- I am more there. Then you will become aware of a totally different world existing here, the buddhafield. It is an energy field; you have to be open and vulnerable to it, only then it can permeate you, pervade you, overwhelm you.