Family Album

Images uploaded from our Family

11-11 @ 11:11

tho's picture

After meditation this picture in the outback was taken
Sharing the Love ~*~

Planetary Ailments

Naive surrealist's picture

Planetary ailments

You have worship/ studied these in many lifetimes...... They are currents, flowing threw all realms..........siblings so speak...... The true powerhouse of this maxi/ mega verse that you you...... You see children as you daily surrender to the powerhouse within you.... Digesting the ringing /tonal symphony that is blanketing this realm.... Aiding you to shed all previous moments of multi dimensional happenings. Stepping up fully into your grandness..... You out shine.... Vibrate higher/ faster then all of your siblings...... Here we say again.... Simply Allow yourself ....... They all my be having a difficult time... a bad day of sorts for aligning.... There conjunctions may be stuck in a vibrational dance of long ago....... A plea..... For there siblings below to step up and out shine them..... Showing them the release we come in at this moment... Clearer.... Stronger...... For as you enter your inner chambers and silently celebrate the great vastness of you...... You allow you and all your siblings EXPANSION...... Rise above.......Vibrantly Vibrate on........for that is what you can here to do.......Thank you ... Enjoy!


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