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ancient symbol in the skies April 2 2012 Leduc Alberta Canada

Anonymous's picture

For the second day in a row, the symbol as you see in the top left of this photo has shown up during a series of sun observations over the last few days. The sun was brilliant with great rays and seemingly beautiful, shape-shifting elemental clouds interacting with it. Again, please use discernment, but when I came upon the ancient Anunnaki symbol shown at the start of "Anunnaki Coming Back. Ancient Technology: The ET Connection," and am amazed by the similarities between this geometrical shape and the one depicted in the video. This photo was taken on a Samsung Galaxy Tablet. Please note that my camera is offline right now and this is a new form of viewing/photography. This photo was taken in Leduc, Alberta, Canada April 2, 2012. With great love and light ~ thank you. Dawn (revised April 4 2012)

13:20 Calendar, (04.01.12): Wise Blue Owls Starting New Life! Hoo-Hoo!

hollyirenecardoza's picture

13:20 Calendar, (04.01.12): Wise Blue Owls Starting New Life! Hoo-Hoo!

Art: Blue Owl by Fluro-Knife

“Come On, Y’all! Raise the Vibration!”

Earthstar Peace Calendar:
♥ 11:11 (Word of Love)~Day: Sun Day/Manitou Day, Violet Crown Star, Essence of Freedom
HINHAN UNCI Grandmother Owl, Guardian of the Moon, Awakens Inner Wisdom and Remembrance, Speaks of Our Circle of Light & Mystery in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF LIGHT SOUND, & VIBRATION 
Period: WAMBDI WICASA Eagle Man, Helps One Lift from Material to Spiritual Mind


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