Family Album

Images uploaded from our Family

13:20 Calendar, (03.16.12): Way to LIGHT IT UP, Archangels of Light! Your Shield is BEAUTIFUL! Ooo-Wee!

hollyirenecardoza's picture

13:20 Calendar, (03.16.12): Way to LIGHT IT UP, Archangels of Light! Your Shield is BEAUTIFUL!  Ooo-Wee!

Photo: “Big aurora in panoramic view” by Göran Strand of Östersund, Sweden

“Come On, Y’all! Raise the Vibration!”

Earthstar Peace Calendar:
♥ 11:11 (Word of Love)~
Day: Venus-Panther Day, Yellow Solar Star, Essence of Peace
ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL, Invokes Light Protection, Teaches of the Rainbow Aura Thirteen--the Whirling Rainbow of the Mother Cosmos in the SPIRITUAL LAW OF PROTECTION

13:20 Calendar, (03.15.12): Wisdom is Raining on the Earth! Yep--It’s Coming Directly from the Sun☀!

hollyirenecardoza's picture

13:20 Calendar, (03.15.12):  Wisdom is Raining on the Earth! Yep--It’s Coming Directly from the Sun☀! 

Image: “Artist's depiction of solar wind particles interacting with Earth's magnetosphere. Sizes are not to scale.”
-Wikipedia, Geomagnetic storm,

“Come On, Y’all! Raise the Vibration!”

Earthstar Peace Calendar:
♥ 11:11 (Word of Love)~
Day: Jupiter-Whale Day, Indigo True-Vision Star, Essence of Truth
MELCHIZADEK, Invokes the Flame Imperishable, Helped Create the Seventh Generation Law for the Emergence of Grandmother Turtle Wisdom on Turtle Island in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF NATURE

#5 The Way of the Galactic Warrior - Vesica Pisces - Uncle Joe

grailheart magi's picture

Wow... what a ride that was for all of you.. I thought I would rest for a day and just love you! Before I move onto the topic for the day, a suggestion now would be to take this Monday morning quarterbacking as you look at the last 2 days and when it happens again (yes) enjoy it!  No need to get in an uproar... right?  You actually moved up a few notches through all that experience... so when it presents itself you can say to yourself and each other  "Oh, we know how to get through this... just by being ourselves"  Remember the concept of heyoka... that things aren't always as they seem.  And keep in mind, which was presented by one of us yesterday... that through this earth experience, there are pieces of wisdom that you know that we aren't familiar with.  Although I had experiences on your beautiful Gaia, many of us have not.  So being alive in any stage or cage leads us to more understanding of the whole, what we call love, god, source. ... you know them.  I want you to remember that it is more "important", beneficial if you will, that you know all of who you are than trying to be god's perfect little children... that's the old stuff, dear friends.  And although sometimes as we guide you it seems like that is want we want, the REASON it seems like it must be done that way is simply for you to get into touch of that part of yourselves which is so beautiful.  It's all your universe.... ENJOY your creation. I wasn't worried for one of your minutes :-)


Note from Star:



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