Did N. Sumatra earthquakes set off chain reaction?

Lia's picture

Planet is shaken by shocking number of tremors since April 11, 2012...

PINK's areas of concern:



NOTE: This is only a personal opinion. I may be completely wrong, and I'm not a earthquake or techtonic expert, I'm only going on past observations, science and logic. I have studied geology and hold a strong interest in the meteorology, geology, weather related events and outer space. I am basing some of my viewpoints on my study in earthquake related topics and techtonics. There is much left to learn and I'm learning along with everyone else how these major events are affecting our planet Earth. This may or may not be in agreement with other people's assessments or views. I fully expect that others will have different opinions and may well be much more experienced than myself in this area that I'm discussing. I welcome anyone to share what they know about these earthquakes and what they think might be happening to our planet. One other thing I forgot to mention in my video... There is some discussion that our planet is traveling through a interstellar cloud of solar debris, particles, and that this may be causing severe weather on the planet.. That is another possibility I'm currently looking further into... Geomagnetic storms do affect us on the planet but to what extent it does, I'm not exactly sure. I do not offer any expert advice on predictions of any future earthquake events. If I say anything at all, it would be purely an opinion that is being expressed by me. Anything may be subject to change if I find new information to point me in a different direction on anything I've stated here..

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