June 12th, 2012 Now is the time to rest. The energies are still coming in. It's good to rest every once in a while. Lightworkers need to recharge their energy a lot. Like me, I spread my Light everywhere. When you give Light, you need to replace it. That is why you are tired a lot. There are other things contributing to you being tired. This may be one of the things contributing to you being so tired. I'm tired a lot. I need to rest a lot during the day. My sleeping pattern is off. Just remember to rest. The big event is happening in about a week (aka summer solstice.) Earthrise is here.
sleepy all the time, me too
Thank you earth rise...........! Yes, i have been sleepy ,all teh time..and now i sleep during the day time and night time and eveery time I can and when i can . I look forward to your posts.
Yes.....for the past two
Yes.....for the past two weeks I have been taking naps....when I don't usually do this
thanks for good advice
thanks for this - I need to get alot more sleep - am having terrible difficulty sleeping - feeling like I am awake even when I sleep...discombobulated all day long...so emotional (overwhelmed with feelings of compassion) all the time I feel as if I am unable to accomplish anything...still tingling all over constantly - struggling to get a grip
Madame Butterfly