Earthrise is here on June 12th, 2012. Take time To Rest

earthrise1234's picture



June 12th, 2012 Now is the time to rest. The energies are still coming in. It's good to rest every once in a while. Lightworkers need to recharge their energy a lot. Like me, I spread my Light everywhere. When you give Light, you need to replace it. That is why you are tired a lot. There are other things contributing to you being tired. This may be one of the things contributing to you being so tired. I'm tired a lot. I need to rest a lot during the day. My sleeping pattern is off. Just remember to rest. The big event is happening in about a week (aka summer solstice.) Earthrise is here.


sleepy all the time, me too

arun's picture

Thank you earth rise...........! Yes, i have been sleepy ,all teh time..and now i sleep during the day time and night time and eveery time I can and when i can . I look forward to your posts. 

Yes.....for the past two

Guest's picture

Yes.....for the past two weeks I have been taking naps....when I don't usually do this

thanks for good advice

Madame Butterfly's picture

thanks for this - I need to get alot more sleep - am having terrible difficulty sleeping - feeling like I am awake even when I sleep...discombobulated all day emotional (overwhelmed with feelings of compassion) all the time I feel as if I am unable to accomplish anything...still tingling all over constantly - struggling to get a grip

Madame Butterfly