I think that my post offering coaching by donation was removed. Is it frowned upon to offer one's services in this forum? Thanks, Adrienne gotgoddess@yahoo.com
If you don't have an account on our site, your comment may not have made it past the spam filter. We'd prefer not to have to use it, but if we didn't we'd get flooded with spam.
Hi Jason - I'm a wonderful coach and healer - and the comments from Father/Mother God are also the only advice your Soul probably needs to hear!
However, I have a great questionnaire that you will have fun answering the questions to, which will bring you a lot of clarity about where you desire to go & grow and what you perceive to be getting in the way. Uncover hidden talents, laugh at your monsters...then recruit them to carry you!
Let me know what sort of help you are looking for as I can send distance healing as well and that lets me scan you and be able to tell what chakras are blocked so you can work on them.
The best advice I read on here recently, which has helped me, is to ask to trasmute the energy and the target of your healing will accept or reject the result. This is in accordance with divine will and also acknowledgement of the gifts within us. I know I have healed myself and others before. I see myself as a shaman. Healer, teacher, guide and seer. I welcome any to message me that wish to speak further, as I feel very new to this path.
We are Here, All our Love Mother and Father God
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
I think that my post offering coaching by donation was removed. Is it frowned upon to offer one's services in this forum? Thanks, Adrienne gotgoddess@yahoo.com
I love this forum, so don't want to make any waves...
Not sure what Happened!!!! All Our Love Mother and Father God
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
If you don't have an account on our site, your comment may not have made it past the spam filter. We'd prefer not to have to use it, but if we didn't we'd get flooded with spam.
Thanks, Will - I probably wasn't signed in.
Hi Jason - I'm a wonderful coach and healer - and the comments from Father/Mother God are also the only advice your Soul probably needs to hear!
However, I have a great questionnaire that you will have fun answering the questions to, which will bring you a lot of clarity about where you desire to go & grow and what you perceive to be getting in the way. Uncover hidden talents, laugh at your monsters...then recruit them to carry you!
Best wishes, Adrienne
sorry i'm like most people now a days broke.I was hoping on some free tips, since we are all family.
Hi Jason
What do you need help with? I have just set up my own Reiki practice so have started to teach and would like to help if I can. My website is www.violet-light.co.uk if you want to know more about Reiki. I have also set up a Lightworker Community on facebook if you are interested. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lightworker-Community/380943205293652?ref=hl
Let me know what sort of help you are looking for as I can send distance healing as well and that lets me scan you and be able to tell what chakras are blocked so you can work on them.
Love & Light.
The best advice I read on here recently, which has helped me, is to ask to trasmute the energy and the target of your healing will accept or reject the result. This is in accordance with divine will and also acknowledgement of the gifts within us. I know I have healed myself and others before. I see myself as a shaman. Healer, teacher, guide and seer. I welcome any to message me that wish to speak further, as I feel very new to this path.
Namaste friend!