The focus here at Sacred New Earth is being anchored in the here and now Consciously co-creating a world were no darkness can exist. Creating a world were mutual respect, consideration, love and honour of each others light is all that exists. In order to create a world such as this we must actively embody that which we wish to see. The universe is one great divine mirror and to change the world around us we must first change ourselves from within.
There shall be no censorship here at Sacred New Earth. Any and all content posted which states untruth or distortions of the truth will be commented on with clear information stating the error. All information in response to content will be ether channelled or written with inspired thought from the most appropriate higher being for the job.
All fear based theories and fear based responses to truth posted by members here will be dealt with in private with the focus being personal growth and the overcoming of all which is holding you back.
As always I encourage you All to use your heart and higher guidance in discernment of ALL content presented here - REE