~ SURPRISE~Join US for a Live Internet Love Party~ Requested By The Creator~ 9:00am Pacific

Lia's picture


~ Requested By the Creator! We are Hosting a Surprise Love Internet Party Today! The Intense Energy is Coming In and We are Arriving at Victory for the Light In ALL WAYS! Join US for an Intense Energy Family Reunion today!!. BYOB, Bring Your Own Being!



Join Us and Please share with others. The More Collective Light we Gather today the Smoother and Quicker this Transition into ALL Love is Occurs. And its occurring and we cannot go back. We are On A Roll.. UP.




Is Everyone Ready to Awaken? Love Says YES!~


Love The Earth Allies




I am at workand there for can

Michael Hall's picture

I am at workand there for can not join in, I am there in spirit my brothers and sisters! I love you all so very much.



missing the meeting

Janie's picture

because it took me until 1:00 to finally get through emails today. I am so sorry I missed this. My love and my heart is with you all, regardless. We are all ONE here; so just thinking about it helps. Besides - maybe I didn't miss it after all. We DO live in no-time now, don't we? -- which is exactly why I missed 9:AM. It's all so slippery now :D

missing the meeting

Janie's picture

because it took me until 1:00 to finally get through emails today. I am so sorry I missed this. My love and my heart is with you all, regardless. We are all ONE here; so just thinking about it helps. Besides - maybe I didn't miss it after all. We DO live in no-time now, don't we? -- which is exactly why I missed 9:AM. It's all so slippery now :D