The Plan Expanded
The original plan for the liberation of this planet has been expanded. There will be less talk and more action:
1. Less intel will be declassified and given to the general population. The reason for this is that the awakened part of the general population has underperformed regarding what it did with the intel received. It is not strategically wise to release intel that even the awakened population laughs at and at the same time the Cabal uses it to the disadvantage of the Light.
You will still receive intel and updates, but certain things will be withheld until the appropriate time.
2. The Matrix is beginning to crack in the mass media. The cracks will expand and widen.
The mass arrests scenario is beginning to leak into the mainstream. This article tends to be a little bit too violent for my taste, but it manages to get across the message that certain people need to be stopped in their actions:
And you might want to sign this petition:
Almost half a million people signed it in three days. It has a potential to reach the critical mass and trigger some real changes. Make it viral! I have received reports that the petition page is blocked by Internet Explorer. If you can not reach it, try with Firefox or some other browser instead.
Mainstream media are starting to report about disclosure also. You can read this:
And this:
3. At a specific point before the Event, certain actions will be taken that will bring undeniable proof to the awakened population that the Plan is real and that there are indeed Light forces working towards the planetary liberation.
4. Greed and lust for power inside the Light forces on the surface of this planet (Positive Military, White Dragon Society…) is understandable and tolerable as an intrinsic part of the human nature, to a certain point. But when it begins to hinder operations, create delays, or when certain suffering could be prevented inside the general population and it is not, people responsible for this will be held accountable. The Resistance Movement is monitoring all operations of the surface positive groups and knows exactly what everybody is doing.
5. The Resistance Movement will give positive groups on the surface of the planet a certain limited period of time to carry out the actual liberation themselves. If they fail to do so, direct action will be taken by the Resistance independently from any positive groups or the general population. This is the second part of Operation Omega Phoenix. Very few details will be given out before the actual operation itself. If Operation Omega Phoenix 2 will be needed, it will be less user-friendly to the general population because a little more severe disruptions in the distribution chain are possible. The Green Light (advance notice to the general population) for Operation Omega Phoenix 2 may or may not be issued.
6. The “containment”, as many channels describe it, is not possible. There will be actual physical arrests of the Cabal taking place. The positive ET forces will only assist from the distance with their light healing and balancing technologies to ensure they will happen with as little violence as possible.
It makes me sad that there
It makes me sad that there are so many lightworkers laughing at all this. So many are starting to think that none of this is real, I do not understand. All the proof I need I have, in my heart, soul, and in my FAITH! I love you all, no matter what "side" you are on. I love you all.
~Michael Hall
I feel you Michael
The reason being is many lightworkers have been pulled into their heads and the mind matrix. Thay have got to get back into their Heart and feel again. To much waking up going on the computer and being let down because they dont see headlines, when they should be doing the things they came here to do Live, Love and Shine. Then they will feel the wave that is building.
Many Blessing's to you all and "Know" that "LOVE" is here!
I wonder if that means the containments have failed or that information was false?
I have heard again and again
I have heard again and again about the channeling that it is too heavily influenced by the channeler and their own emotions. I think you can tell the way that Micah was discredited by the source that said the new loving plan was " containment " ...remember there is nothing wrong and "violent " about aresting these evil beings when it is done in love of the greater good. The biggest problem in this lighworker community is the total pacifisim to the point of victimization .. as a lightwarrior sanctioned by the Source I can tell you there is no desire for revenge or lust of violence, but certain actions are called for and required ! VERY FEW of the channeled sources are pure ... I do not claim to know who those are or are not , but when you get direct info from someone working in the here and now with the resistance , be sure .. this you can trust ... containment seems to be a Fantasy and all the people trying to now play semantic games with the term " mass arrest " to rationalize why it has not happened yet , come on ..mass arrest means mass arrest not well massive amounts of people are being " stopped " Argh.. and KEEP THE FAITH !!! we are getting there KEEP MEDITATING and VISUALIZING !!
Peace and Love ya'll
Thank you Cobra for all your
Thank you Cobra for all your wonderful and amazing work.
Love and light to you.
It is so very disappointing
It is so very disappointing but still totally understandable to hear that there is going to be a reduction in the amount of intel that will be released to the general public regarding upcoming events.
I personally don't understand how so many Lightworkers could respond so negatively to intel that has been given us up to now. I admit that I felt disappointment when dates came and passed without the results that we were expecting, but in my heart I have never doubted that everything that we have been waiting for is either here or very near.
How can there be so much judgement when you look at the enormity of this undertaking??? What's going on here has never before taken place in the history of this Universe!!! Wake up and pull your heads out of the sand!
How can anyone quit when we are this close to the finish? Especially when we know of all those warriors who have been working so hard and unassumingly for US and all of humanity on the front lines for years, some of whom have made the ultimate sacrafice.
We should be coming to these allies On, Within and Above the Earth with hat in hand asking what we can do to help. We live in a world of victims and that needs to change NOW!
Love & Blessings to you All!
Perk up all!! Check this from Iceland >
Iceland Unleashes Bounty Hunter on Crooked Bankers!
Another Iceland link - from Business Week
Oops I meant to put Business Insider
Not Business Week on last post. ;o)
Thank you for this information!
Thank you for this information on Iceland.
And thanks to ALL for commenting. Keep 'em coming. It helps to share our thoughts.
I AM feeling that we all owe many thanks to Cobra, the Underground Resistance Movement and ALL Earth Allies for all that they have done and are doing.
Keep FAITH in your LOVEing hearts. As Mother God says - our main mission is to be LOVE in action. Enjoy being joyful. WE ARE all in this together and we know that we are going in the right direction. Smile. Dance. CELEBRATE! Humanity is NOW has WON.
All Cobra Aside...
Constantly we are being told a big secret. That is that We have powers to change it all. In fact it will not change if we do not take the Valiant Step in to the realms that have always been there. We don't need off-planetary help for this but they have chosen a new way to explain it to us and if the Divine spirit crew wants to come through as e.t. or whatever the message has not changed since the "mustard seed" times "You could tell that mountain to move hence." How to apply it all I have no idea but the point is that We are not helpless and "what we are thinking" is "what we will be doing." Getting wrapped up in all this banker banging is draining our Creative energies. Let Shiva deal with the money grubbers. If you are still using "their" dollars than what actions have you really taken. If you are still watching "their" T.V. what entertainment is in store?
If, it is your cup of tea though and gets your juices going by all means find this one youtube vid: "What I have been afraid to blog about." It has the whole a-z and even Michael says getting mad enough to throw books is just fine! Well, maybe not a nice book. But if you desire to understand and see in to the very real world of unfair finance by all means watch these videos put out by a market guy that gives the facts fast and pretty and leaves you to your own conclusion plus is not there to sell anything. I would attach it here but I will leave it up to you to search it out. "What I have been afraid to blog about" on youtube.
Cobra Message
I read this and the one thing that I felt was not completely true in this message was the part about the crack in the matrix. That is a 3d description of what we see as the power structure in the world. It took me a while to understand that what I felt as wrong was the idea we are still buying into the 3d world, the illusion. I understand now after hugging my tree and going within, that it is necessary to describe things the way Cobra did because the mass reality is still focused in the 3d world. It was the way most would understand this.
The rest is not a surprise because Galactic Free Press has been putting this all out there for some time. I do hope that it goes peacefully and we will all see all this happen in the best possible loving way.
Being personally responsible & being accountable . . .
Knowing what we want, the type of world we want for ourselves, our families and friends and for the whole planet is OUR WORK NOW.
As we keep focused on this, and as we deeply desire to know who and what we really are, and why we are here, every single thing supports us. We have to recapture our imaginations because it is through the imagination that we envision a better and more expanded life.
Didn't we hear earlier from COBRA, via his website, that the Resistance has cleared the 'cabal types' from other planets? If this is so, let's imagine this happening now, here.
If the Light forces (Positive Military and White Dragon folks and . . . ) are having challenges doing this, let's just acknowledge that what we choose for ourselves as a better life and a better world is already done in our visions and imaginations. This is how we help.
Getting into that FEELING of it being done is what will help us.
Express appreciation and love for this. KNOW that it is already done in our desired reality and give attention only to this.
Take care of our business day to day and KNOW WHAT WE WANT.
Being Personally Responsible & being accountable
This is really good. A friend and I were talking about how we can change this world right now. We both decided it could be done with a pleasant smile and eye contact with those we meet on a daily basis. Helping someone in the smallest of ways can bring more love to the planet. We can do something to change things in our own small way which will cause a ripple effect very quickly.
Good for you Cobra and the
Good for you Cobra and the Resistance movement I feel your frustration
Although I have to admit that even I have walked away at times from my computer
Disenchanted with the whole affaire.
I know if I see the word SOON or Devine time and even the word arrests
I turn my computer off and say that's it I've had it sick of this BS.
But I know that's what the bad guys want so I keep going
Spreading the word to the unenlightened is like trying to sell amways in the old days
The moment you mention the word amways every one runs for cover
Even my two children walk away from me should I bring the subject up
You know I for one look at the Extraterrestrials as just humans like us with feelings
There just further evolved then us but non the less people.
Myself I'm only human one of the 99% we have been lied to cheated abused brainwashed
All our lives it's not easy to move from the mindset of distrust, been cautious with something
That sounds too good to be true.
I know as normal humans we would find it most difficult to just preach freewill towards
Someone that's getting the life knocked of them I don't think freewill would stop
Us humans stepping in regardless to what our creator would think that's what makes
Us different I guess.
Surely the resistance movement must have the ability and technology to just hijack
The mainstream media away from the creeps running the show and just put the
Documentary THRIVE on TV for the world to see.
I have to think like that because I'm only human
Cobra don't you dare give up on us
Thank you for the update
I had been receiving the same uncertainties about many of the lightworkers. Long ago I learned to take what feels right and leave the rest, but unfortunately many recently awakened are blindly following some questionable advice and intel. There is much arguing and backbiting, within the lightworker community.
It is very frustrating to see this occuring. I do not blame you for being disturbed by these occurences. Far too many are still wrapped in their ego shells. I wish I could ask for your patience with us frail humans, but I do understand that time is of the essence and we truely do not deserve patience as we have allowed much of this to happen to us, accepted the lies and the programing and even when we saw what was happening we did little. But because I love my fellow man/woman with all my being, and I only want to see the best for them, I keep wishing that something large would occur that would awaken them from their slumber and make them realize what has happened to them.
What ever takes place, in love, I know it is the right thing that you may have to do. I truely believe that many of the cabal will need to be arrested publically, before many of their sheep (who do not know any better) see them for what they are. While many are still asleep, even those who are recently awaken are very suspicious (understandably so), and many of those who were starting to open their minds, have heard so many stories and warnings (causing fear again) that they are uncertain and frustrated.
I will keep my focus as I have for the past 45 years of love, and a new earth with health and vibrant life, and abundance shared with all. If we need to do more as the light force let us know. We will be listening.
Love and Light