Kryon: Claim the Mastery -

Denize's picture

Out of the four questions raised by the audience, this question: What can we do to help clean the planet? resonates with me the most. And I felt drawn to share it in this video. 

If you have given pure intent to be in partnership with your Higher Self you are well on the way. However, let us also begin to consciously be in partnership 24/7 rather than only in moments when we find ourselves in dire straits. Making every moment a spiritual moment is the next step to being a Master ourselves. There is a constant flow between Spirit and you because you have chosen to open the portal for messages to flow through for inner guidance and you take appropriate action. Pure intent is about 100% determination, focus, being in energetic flow of trust, allowing for divine timing and unfoldment to take place. And you see divine perfection in yourself, in others and the situations that lay before you. This is how you carry peace and compassion within you wherever you go. Your energies of peace and compassion affect others. This is how we move energy.

I remember not so long ago when I call upon my angels for help with virtually everything. Until one day, when I heard a soft whisper "you too can do this" in response to yet another call for help from me. And that's when something shifted in me. Yes, our angels and guides are here to support us but I have become reliant on them rather than going within to ask what it is I need to know. Because the single most powerful question is: "Dear Spirit, tell me what it is I need to know." And the Divinity inside responses. Always, without fail. This is how we gain clarity in our lives in the moment.

I have since taken down my angel altar and in place of the angel images and figurines I have placed my own images as a reminder that I AM THAT I AM, I am God also. It is the next step to loving myself more and increasing my own self-worth. And I began instructing my cellular structure to vibrate to my intent and directions. I began to slowly discover the power that I already have and just waiting to be discovered. It's about becoming a master of my own energy. We are on a journey about mastery, our own.
