In order to be who you really are, it is necessary to understand what you really are. Once you become aware of your truth , you will come to know that all things are possible. It is only you that offers your own limitations.
There is nobody making your decisions for you.
There is no force outside of yourself imposing its will on your life.
This is very hard for most people to understand. We have been taught as infants to know fear and lack.
Most human beings have been trained to ignore their true selves.
Each physical being, has a non physical counterpart.
A spirit, A soul, A GOD FORCE, that is directly connected to a universal life force energy.
This is the same stream of energy that that created the universe, and all things in it.
Many MASTERS have come forth to teach the concept of the divinity of man.
Some choose to keep it a secret.
Even the great MASTER/TEACHER JESUS says in the Bible .
that each of us are children of GOD. It is by his example that he sought to show mankind their true connection to this pure, positive energy source.
The affirmation of I AM THE SON OF GOD, indicates that he knew exactly who he was. A physical extension of divine energy.
He also acknowledged that those he came in contact with. were no different then he.
The key to his ability to heal the sick,was that he recognized the divine
spirit in everyone he encountered. Even the ones who considered him a threat to their established way of life.
It was by his demonstration of the power of LOVE, and forgiveness that that he sought to show that each and every one of us have direct access to this divine GOD FORCE.
Many would have you believe otherwise.
Unfortunately it has become big business to have you believe that you are "unworthy" or even vulnerable. This is not true.
When we entered into this world, we came knowing about the GOD FORCE.
This unified field of energy, that runs through all things. We were aware of the fact that the universe is abundant, and that anything was possible.
We had to be taught about lack. And trained to know fear.
Look at the children . For they are truly wiser than we give them credit for, They know that nothing is more important then that they feel good.
What do they know,that we as adults, have seemed to have forgotten?
Answer: Our origin is not of the physical world.