People Appreciation Day: One lovely story of reaching out

Phil Rowen's picture

Submitted by bwheeler on 08/16/2012 - 09:04

 Yesterday was People Appreciation Day,  a day when Americans were exhorted to invite to lunch someone different from them. One of the organizers of the event posted this story on his Facebook page from a friend of his.

It's a sad truth, but without the cause of People Appreciation Day and push by Andy McFly, today would not have happened.

My intent was to buy a bunch of food and feed as many people as I could in the time that I had. What happened was this:

I show up to McDonalds and tell the young lady behind the counter I would like to order 40 cheeseburgers. A manager standing behind her says, "WOW, you hungry?" I told her my plans to find as many homeless people as I could and get some food in their bellies. She shrugged. A few minutes later, the manager returns with 40 burgers and says "great idea....they're on me." I said GOD IS GOOD and headed out.

Instead, the first guy I approach grunts, rips the 2 burgers from my hands and walks off. I actually expected worse, Eli was safe in the car, not 5 feet from me, so no harm no foul.

I came upon 2 guys, laying under a tree, all of their belongings scattered around them. I ask them if they're hungry and they start to talk. For about 45 minutes we talked....about God, about humanity, about how the same people walk by them day after day and act as if they're leppers, about the jobs they once had, the families who have forgotten them. All I had was food for them, and a shoulder.

I'm gonna save most of the details of those conversations for just me. In our time talking, they each had a few burgers. Eli even asked one of them if he could have one. He, of course, obliged :-). Needless to say, I had several left over, but I had to go get the kids. One of the guys said he knew where to find some hungry "friends" and I believed that's just what he did.

As I was leaving, he said, "ya know, I don't have the words, but this is're doing good." He leaned in to hug me and I nearly squeezed the air out of him. He said, "I've tried to hug many people in the past 20 years, but you're the first to not turn and walk away."

Eli and I left in tears.

It is my intent to make People Appreciation Day a weekly event.

Again, God is good. Without love we are nothing. Peace.



jago's picture

I think, the intentions come from a compassionate heart in the process of awakening. I must ask, however, this.  Is the intention to feed the sacred vessels of as many homeless people or to poison them?  Harsh?  Well, I personally will not eat anything from Mc Donalds because I love me and love humanity and therefore will not feed fear to anyne precious soul.  That coorporation slaughters and raises with cruelty the animals that they use for food.  Chickens are grown in very small cages and many times are not able to grow legs because their purpose is mass production, not to mention GMO, monsanto's products and the loyalty that this elitist coorporation has with the oppressors of humanity.


By feeding the homeless with beasty foods, meals that do not nourish them but rather feed them the nightmare of the planet, we feed the beast.  Why not give them organic peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?  you can also get those donated by asking for them.  Thank you Hungary for stepping up and trowing Monsanto out.  We share your strife.


I love you all and I share your intentions to love humanity, many times we are not aware of doing it the right way, so please help us universe, source, and great goddess mother of all.


beti's picture

Man is not sustained by bread (or McDonald's hamburgers) alone, but by the love and compassion shown by the manager who donated the hamburgers, and the soul who sought out, embraced and fed the homeless.


By the same token, man is not poisoned by bread (or McDonald's hamburgers) alone, but by the heart and harsh words of those who miss the point of such amazing gestures of love (exemplified by these two souls) evidenced by the words of "jago".


My hope is that tomorrow you will personally make 40 organic hamburgers and most importantly, personally deliver them with the beautiful heart and spirit (and hugs) of this person to the homeless in your area.


That is the "right way" of responding to this article.