by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
For every question, there are a plethora of answers. What is the harvest? Will some people get left behind? What is the real meaning behind December 21, 2012? So how will you know which answer is the truth and which ones are disinformation?
The ultimate answer will be found within your own discernment. In other words, if it sounds like the truth to you, then it probably is. Like Gandhi said, “Even if you are the minority of one, the truth is still the truth.” Your higher self and your discernment will always lead you in the right direction, even if it sometimes feels like you are taking the wrong path. When we choose the longer of two paths, we end up learning some of the best lessons in life and this path usually ends up being a blessing.
For example, some people feel like David Icke is full of disinformation. Perhaps some of the reptilian material is a little far-fetched but I wouldn’t discount its validity due to the numerous usages of reptilians throughout modern literature and art history. The rest of his material is amazing in this writer’s opinion and is one of the reasons why he is predominantly featured on this website. For others, his material may not resonate as the truth and this is their prerogative to either accept or reject then information, but to label it as disinformation is preposterous considering the amount of material he uses to back up his presentations.
When it comes to spiritual and metaphysical material, there are many opposing and contrasting views. For example, the rotation of the merkaba has been debated between Drunvalo Melchizedek and Ashayana Deane. Melchizedek states that if you envision the rotation the way Deane suggests, you will implode while Deane states that Melchizedek’s way will turn you into “space dust”. What does my discernment say? I’ve tried it both ways and both were wrong because nothing negative happened. That doesn’t mean thet either of these people are disinformation specialists. On in5d, you will find a lot of Drunvalo’s material because he gives a fascinating presentation. It is up to the viewer to use his or her own discernment as to whether his information is truthful or not.
To read the rest of this article visit: How Can I Tell If An Article Is Disinformation? | | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database
Your heart will show that ''you'' that wants to tell....
Your artcle ispired me to share what I remembered from Osho:
The words of a buddha may not be able to communicate the truth, but they can communicate the music, the music that exists in one who is enlightened. They carry the melody, something of the source, a tiny part, a very tiny part, but something of the source. It should be so, because when a word comes out of a buddha it carries something of the buddha. It has to be so. The word has been vibrating in his being, it has been in touch with buddha’s heartbeat, it has passed through the buddha’s silence, it has been in the womb, the womb of the buddha. It carries the scent, the fragrance.
You can come to truth only when you are absolutely nude; when you have discarded all clothes, all philosophies, all theologies, all religions; when you have dropped all that has been given to you; when you come empty-handed, not knowing in any way. When you come with knowledge you come already corrupted. When you come in innocence, knowing that you don’t know, then the doors are open — then you will be able to know. Only that person who has no knowledge is capable of knowing.
Let your knowing be there, but don’t allow it to become knowledge or character. The moment it is turning into knowledge, drop it, empty your hands. Forget all about it. Move ahead! again like a child. Difficult, I know. Easy to say; difficult to be that way — but that is the only way you can attain to satchitanand — you can attain to truth, you can attain to consciousness, you can attain to bliss.
Thank you Achara
Thank you for your comment Achara.
What a wonderful comment to this article!
Love to you