THAT STUCK FEELING (and what to do with it)
Breaking the customs within, that encourage a heartless existence.
Dear world,
The reason humans experience so much discomfort with self and each other is due to heartlessness.
The media encourages egoness… and thus people have “thunk” that to be in ego would bring comfort.
The ego can never bring true comfort… each comfort that the ego attracts is an illusion to true comfort.
True comfort at the “entire being” level can only be felt through the heart.
When in ego, the being is fragmented, and perpetually uncomfortable and believes that seeking material gain will bring comfort.
True comfort at the being level is not found in the physical world.
True comfort at the being level amounts to being fully present for your own presence.
If you are not fully present for your own presence, then ego likely controls you, and so do other people… by promising a comfort that can not EVER be fulfilled.
The rats in the maze are offered the smell of cheese… and the rat is comforted to be perpetually smelling the cheese, without ever getting the cheese.
Those beings in ego are trained by the media who consider those in ego, to be rats in a maze that they can play with.
If you are in heart-presence, you treat others as you desire to be treated.
If you are in ego, then others will treat you as they desire… and if they are also in ego, they just might desire everything you have.
If you are in ego, you will allow others to take everything from you… just as you have taken your own very presence from yourself.
If you are in ego, then the greatest present you are… your being which is a gift, is not available to you, and thus, not available to anyone.
If you are in ego, you are already highly controlled, but would be unwilling to accept that you are controlled, or you accept it, and feel good that somebody else controls your life… for a price of course… always for a price… a price many have thought was ‘worth it’.
-it’s simply an organ that pumps blood
-the heart is the main pumping station that distributes lifeforce
-the heart is the doorway to self
-the heart is the doorway to being fully present, and not pulled apart by linear time, into fear-based future imagings, or pain-based memories.
-the heart is the doorway to knowing
-our energy field also funnels everything through the heart
Feelings of being stuck in your life are a sign of a heart feeling that no longer is ego’s promise of comfort is dangling carrot.
If you feel stuck, then the beauty of this moment, is an opportunity to move from ego to heart.
If you feel stuck, then the beauty of this moment, is an opportunity to fully connect with your own essence to achieve full comfort and access to unlimited dormant gifts.
The ego sells promises of gifts, that the heart actually fulfills the promise.
See how the customs of your society may encourage a heartless existence.
See how a heartless existence is ego-bound.
See how a ego-bound existence will involve you controlling others, and others controlling you, all while your own essence and love is withheld from yourself and everything you touch, while you perpetually seek more comforts that will never bring inner peace.
Inner peace can be experienced if a being can be fully present for self, and thus all that there is.
All the trappings of the ego can be immediately discarded, if one is willing to be present for the greatness of self.
The ego will sabotage a being away from it’s own greatness.
The ego will sabotage a being away from it’s ability to create with thought, frequency, Light.
The ego will guide a being away from Divine Will.
I bring you these words to bring clarity on these matters which have caused much confusion and discomfort for many including me.
Walking the path from head to heart in peace and beauty…
Absolutely Essential
Thank you for sharing this! It is such a great reminder and a must to be aware so present with the breath as often as we can remember! Evntually it will be automatic.
Take a deep Breath~
Much Love and Peace ~