Many have written in about dealing with delays and many others are contemplating how to cope with waiting.
I got an email from a young guy who’s in college and not feeling very passionate about his time in school. Solid dates are what he really wanted so he could make his plans on whether to start a business or tough it out in classes.
He admitted to being lazy about meditation and didn’t feel drawn to doing any kind of work at all, yet he still was wondering how to connect with his guides. In his estimation, nothing much has been happening.
His message made it clear to me that it’s easy to call oneself lazy and continue to be so, but we have no call to complain about how long it’s taking if we won’t participate ourselves.
A reader writes that as he takes in what SaLuSa and others speak about, it’s becoming obvious to him that there’s reason for the delays that have nothing to do with waiting for the “dark” to give up. Channeled messages have said previously that all deadlines have passed, and that the galactics can impose their will on those who refuse to stop the obstruction.
Everything has a purpose, he points out, so why the continued delays? He feels that the galactics could have moved the dark hats out of the way by now, and they all could have been contained. But instead, he says, we’re waiting and getting ever closer to December 21st. He points out that the presidential election in the U.S. is not until November 6, and he questions what is being gained by the delays that allow the continued suffering of the masses, some of whom are deeply impoverished.
Compared to most, this reader says, his own suffering isn’t so bad but is still undesirable. He feels that the Light has already won, but wonders why we still have to wait.
I hear you. Your guess is as good as mine, but I will share with you my own feelings on continued delays.
None of us want to wait further for what we long for. I subscribe to the messages saying the light has already won. My heart tells me this is so.
I agree with you that everything has purpose and for my part, I don’t need details about what’s happening behind the scenes. I’m in trust mode, observer mode. My meditations keep me calm and informed with inner guidance, so it pretty much matters not to me what anyone else is saying.
My heart tells me that all is well and on track. Whatever the reasons for continued delays, I have what I need and I trust the Divine Plan. I also don’t wish to see any more suffering, and my prayers and meditations (light and energy work) are one way I contribute to the end of suffering for ALL of us.
I have also seen it written that our Star Family would step in more if it didn’t look like we were able to make some major changes ourselves. Apparently we’re doing so well at bringing and anchoring light here and in unifying with one another and with All That Is that they don’t want to interfere.
It’s kind of ironic to me that doing great works makes us have to endure prolonged suffering, but I do see the end result being that collective consciousness gets an added boost of rather epic proportions. I think that’s the point, really, to get as many humans as possible to ascend to the 5th dimension.
Love and Light… Suzanne
I too am wondering why we are waiting if the galactics are free now to help us or have we all just been kidding ourselves that we are on the right track. I am no longer telling people anything as before things I have said have never happend. I am tired of looking like some kind of a nut but may that is what we are suppose to look like. We are told to trust well show us a reason to do so!!!!
My take on this
We are all tired of waiting and the word "soon" has become meaningless. We are however making progress and as you pointed out we are learning to do it ourselves which is the only way we can grow. You can do a childs homework for them and get them good grades but that will not put the knowledge in their head that will let them stand on their own.
Also what we see as suffering is only the other end of the stick . Pleasure and suffering, joy and pain, its still the same stick, let go of the stick, live in the NOW, be the observer that you are the eternal view point of God after all this life is just a ride.
With all due respect, it's
With all due respect, it's manifestly obvious why you are 'waiting': because you are asleep. You've given up really caring or even noticing parts of reality, running scared from aspects and questions about yourself - am I wrong? Am I a mistake? So you go reading and forgetting yourselves even more: trust me, rein in the chaos. No matter how scary it might feel 'waiting', as soon as you start seeking to actually experience and interact with the living truth of things and relating to them directly - e.g. being totally emotionally open and non-judgemental and really perceive what is unfolding - then you become grounded and embodied in this living reality and feel it developing out from the inside. In other words, stop hiding from reality and yourself by reading crap on the internet - fear your probable ignorance with regards real life (which aint news but people's inner worlds) more than your not so inevitable stupidity with regards public small-talk or channelled scripts from who knows how dubious the sources.
If you fear you will not find truth but just nothingness, then look - you've already uncovered and limiting beleif and liberated a fear. If you go out, and are still enough, for example out walking, you will see - this may not have been true last year, but it is now. You need to be still and feel always what is going on if you really don't to know what's going on.
Fantasy Land
First, from my heart, Love and Peace to you all. I feel it is time to share a concept: January 1, 2013. We have all read and felt and sensed and meditated and hoped and prayed and visualized and on and on. Why? We are good hearted souls. The channels are good hearted souls. Earth however, while beautiful and pleasant at times, is not such a nice place to be a this time in history. Too many control structures in the Matrix.
So, the Ascended Masters and the Galatic Federation have channeled about so many wonderful things. But nothing much happens except life as it is in this world today. I do really want to believe something good will happen, but alas....maybe it will happen "soon". So my plan is to take them at their word and wait and live as best I can until January 1, 2013. At that point, if I still hear "soon", "someday", etc. I have to think they and we missed this Procession of the Equinoxes and it will be another 10,000 incarnations before Earth gets a chance to break free. (Lots of time to rest and recharge between lifetimes). I'll then stop wasting my time trying to disolve into nothingness and think Love Love thoughts 24 hours a day. I'll pack the crystals and the books and go back to work at the corporation. So if 15 million ships are out there and there is an angel on every street corner, don't be shy. Decloak, Disclose, Manifest Appearance, put an end to this miserable game. Please, directly or indirectly, respond in a way that actually helps people on this planet. In other words, stop talking and do something. In the name of Light and Love, enough.
Were we wrong? No. We are good hearted souls hoping for something better. Does it exist? I don't really know. Do You?
Good Luck. God Bless. Love and Light to You All! See you on the other side....