Billy Meier The Silent Revolution of Truth HD UFO Film - UFOs 1 Hour 36min

Lia's picture

Uploaded by UFOTVstudios on Oct 26, 2011

From UFOTV®, accept no imitations. Now presenting the most controversial UFO / ET case in history. The truth is exposed in this remarkable film about how one man's meetings with extraterrestrials lead him through dozens of countries, meeting many famous world leaders including Saddam Hussein and later revealing ancient prophecies that would eventually come true. In 1958 he predicted the Iraq Wars, Global Warming and even the AIDS epidemic. You will be captivated by how "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier became known in his early years as "The Phantom," (a real life combination of Indian Jones, Han Solo and Larwence of Arabia), who carried a 44 Magnum and apprehended serial killers and mass murderers. Meier's life story is an enigmatic journey that ultimately culminates with him becoming the messenger for an advanced race of ET beings know as the Plejaran. Their message is clear: earth is in trouble, the people have been asleep, and we must make drastic changes or there will be devastating consequences for all of mankind. In his later years Meier stumped hundreds of skeptics with his clear UFO photographs, film footage and sound recordings of Plejaran "Beam Ships," all taken and recorded in broad daylight. Exotic metal samples he received from the extraterrestrials according to scientists, remain to this day, irreproducible. So decide for yourself if it's all a hoax, and if so, then ask yourself, why has Meier been the target of 21 assassination attempts? Could it be that the message that humanity so desperately needs to hear is not welcome by many of our world leaders? Discover why this, the most controversial UFO case in history has endured and remained alive in the face of intense skepticism for over 50 years.

Coming to DVD from UFOTV - The Silent Revolution of Truth - Produced in HD - Go to

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About Michael Horn

MH 1 2009.jpg Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts (, which he has researched since 1979 (and proved to be absolutely authentic). He is the writer and producer of the new, award-winning feature length documentary, “The Silent Revolution of Truth”, as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD “The Meier Contacts – The Key To Our Future Survival”.

Michael’s very eclectic background includes:

  • award-winning film director
  • film producer
  • prize-winning painter
  • designer/creator of the still popular fashion fad “fingernail art” (featured in Harper’s Bazaar magazine)
  • award-winning songwriter
  • one of the first creators of digital online book publishing (ebooks)
  • music and video producer
  • science researcher
  • national and international lecturer
  • frequent media guest
  • published writer
  • credentialed teacher
  • humorist
  • pioneer in commercial water purification applications (Starbucks)
  • set designer, health care professional
  • creator of the Future Self interactive therapeutic video technique
  • volunteer work with children and seniors.

And there’s much more on the list.
Read more…




Lia's picture

There are some predictions which billy made in the beginning of this, which due to the Increase of Light on the Planet all of these have been dissolved from occurring. We could still see some shake ups, but not complete devastation. All Our Love

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

Only thing that concerns me

aqualisa's picture

Only thing that concerns me about Billy is that he claims he's the only human on earth to have met, and be in contact with the Pleiadians. To me that sounds like his ego's got the better of him?

Agree with YOU

Lia's picture

All Our Love~~~ He did have a special Mission though!

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

BIlly Meier Film

 Aurora's picture

Billy claimed he was the only one that had contact with Semjase, he in fact was the only one he knew of. However, Semjase also visited extensively with a scientist named Fred Bell , who wrote about that and more in his book, including the fact that she had also had contact with Fred's grandfather before him. who was an archeologist during the time of the war with Germany.   I spent time with Fred Bell, who just recently passed on, and he had much information to back up his experiences which took place over a number of years. He was a well known rocket scientist who had worked with Werner Von Braun many years ago.  but it was not known to BIlly Meieir, over in Switzerland. Nor did Semjase inform him as he had a different mission on earth.

This video

MomT's picture

The eyes of the authority gave her away.  Could not look straight into the camera.



What a wonderful film this

Doreen Smith's picture

What a wonderful film this is....I am thankful Billy Meier was such an avid photograther and writer..I was amazed he had such vivid proof of all he experienced so we would have a clear picture of who is is and where he's been..I have, only in these last 9 months learned a little about Semjase...I was captivated by the recording of the whirl of her craft...

Many thanks to Michael Horn as well to have had it in his heart to bring this amazing documentarty forth in such a wonderful, illuminating way...

This is an amazing video and one I intend to share...Sending Much PEACE, JOY, LIGHT AND LOVE TO ALL! NOW! :) <3