The spiritual ego is what continues to feed the cancer that is the mental perspective of the us and them idea. The awakened and asleep. The ascending and the doomed. The 3D and the 4+D. These are simply old conditions packaged in a pretty little heart shaped suitcase, packed by our mind. These perspectives still resonate from the old dualistic realities of separation. There is no us and them, there is only One. The more we focus on the Oneness and make it a part of our knee jerk day-to-days, the less clutter we have to divvy through, and the more doors we have available to open, not only for ourselves but for the entire Human Consciousness.
At one point in the majority of each individual’s lives, each and every one of us was standng in the shoes of those we have doomed to the fate of an old world. When in all actuality, everything that is going to happen in the 3D vibration has already been decided to happen by everyone’s higher individual perspective, collectively. Nature is naturally flowing right along with consciousness. There is no race to the finish line of awakening. There are no better or worse. There is only infinite possibility. Everyone is exactly where they need to be, right Now. If they weren’t, then they would be somewhere else.
Our perspectives are present in the 3D. In other words, we have more work to do here. Otherwise, our higher selves would have removed us from this dense physical vessel through death or other means, or we would shift our perspectives of a reality so much that our vibrational perspective of who we are would get so intense that we would literally expand into a new reality. A new reality exisiting on an octave high enough to maintain such a frequency. Until then, we will be consciously participating in this continual evolution. The purity of One.
One of the biggest walls that many of us run into is that of the spiritual ego: which is really just the old ego taking a different form, trying to hold onto existence in a world where it is no longer needed. What makes this possible is the lack of accountability we have in a world of pure love and energy. Not only accountability from others, but mainly the lack of our internal awareness. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the beauty and wonder of the monumental shift that we have experienced, that we forget to realize that ride never ends. Those of us on a spiritual journey have all jumped onto a never ending rollercoaster of infinite potential and growth. Those of us who have chosen to get off of the ride and pursue whatever it is that we feel is good enough to consciously make our continual perspectives in our current realities have done nothing wrong. We will always be the infinite beauty of our reflection of the One, no matter what we choose to do. The disconnect comes when we separate ourselves from those who have chosen to stay on the old ride. This is where the ego comes back into a new world with a different face.
We are all the ride, the rider, and the infinite amounts of different possible rides. No one ride is better than the other because it all depends on the individuals perspective. At one point in our childhood the teacup ride was the best experience in the entire world. It was perfect for our perspectives at that particular moment in time. But, as we get older, most adults would enjoy some rides a little more intricate, involved, realistic, and exciting. There’s still nothing wrong with riding the teacups at 30 or 15 years old, if you enjoy it. It’s just a ride and it doesn’t have to be permanent. Infinite possibilities. Plus, there is no one ride that is the right ride. Some prefer more relaxed and cozy rides, others prefer skydiving into life. Do whatever you want. That's what you came here for.
We all have a responsibility to ourselves to enjoy every moment of our experience, and the responsibility to each other, to realize that we are truly One. The giant hearts of the “Awakened” can sometimes have a tendency to outwardly project the change that needs to happen in others and the rest of the world, when we have so much work to do with ourselves. The only change we can consciously create is the change from within. We can help others, we can plant seeds, we can be open channels for their journey, but the change has to come from their own light source.
Lightworkers are making global and galactic changes in different realms, different expressions of light; beyond the visible light spectrum we currently reside. Every time we raise our frequencies to a higher level, we contribute to the conscious shift to light, beyond the 3D understanding. These are the realms where thick change happens. Beings that are vibrating on such a high octave that you can see it in every sense of their essence; you can feel it just by being in their presence or making eye contact with them. You just know there’s something there. Something is going on right now, you can feel it. Those are the seeds of light energy that’s being shared without any effort. Beyond all spiritual ego duels we sometimes find ourselves drawn into by those who seem to want to outwardly display every crystal they have discovered.
Another side effect of the spiritual ego is the concept of Mind Manifestation. In the world of manifestation (which originates from realms beyond the mind and physical reality), there are various degrees of conscious involvement. There’s everything from thinking about something one minute, and it appearing in the next few days, to those manifestations that are so unbelievable, we often hesitate to share. Manifestation energy is a direct reflection of the vibration of the individual, from the heart. What you give, you receive. Not always when we “Think” we need it, but always right on-time. Let it flow.
Realities such as manifestations and synchronicities become more a part of our beings when we completely accept them as who we are. No longer needing to validate them in an old world by constantly paying homage to their presence. This response effectively lowers their potential and separates us from the infinite world of wonders we have yet to discover. This can also be a reflection of the spiritual ego, needing to be recognized as part of the team.
The ride never ends. We all have work to do. If you are still here and reading this article and think you have reached the finish line of enlightenment, think again. It's probably your spiritual ego, alive and well. There is no finish line. It continues on forever. The fun is when you find something else to work on that you didn't realize was there. Those who have started on this journey are easily susceptible to this concept due to the fact that we see everything as perfection, light, and loving beauty. Yes, this is true. But what are you going to do with this energy? What realms are you going to seek out? What internal work do you have to do to open the next door?
December 21st, 2012 will come and go. And whatever happens during this time frame will be guided by the higher realms, to be physically and spiritually experienced by us. The higher our frequency of antenna down here, the more channels we can tune into when they are available, and the more involved we can be in this entire process. We could all use a little polishing, on every level.
Continue working from the inside out, and the world will reflect your beauty.
Love You,