The Truth about Gods Divine Delay :)

Anonymous's picture

When I read the report stating the delay had been caused by light workers not honouring there path I had mixed feelings. Firstly I knew the info been brought forward wasn't entirely correct and secondly I was grateful to have confirmation that the hell I had just been though was as big a deal as I was been told by my guidance.


I would like to start by making you aware or reminding you that all things which served to limit or hold you back from ascension were cleared from our paths. This included all lower beings working in astral. Time and time again I have to bring this up because people are still, as far as im aware, using the old paradigm of dark versus light as a distraction.


I work with God and I check all info that is circulating online. I feel I have a good idea what's going on and who is reporting the truth. When I encounter peoples work I don't resonate with I just leave it. I don't listen or read and I certainly don't comment. I feel people can use there own discernment in what is truth.


Im well aware that personal events in my life, events that for me were a big deal, effect the whole. For the past 2 years i've dedicated myself to my highest path and i've been aware that my path holds a key role in mass awakening. I am that I am and I honour my role. I know that my divine counterpart giving me and his highest path up has caused a major delay. I also know what's been delayed.


Its time for people to stop giving there power away to stories of dark forces working to hold us back. Its over. Its done. Its finished. This is New Earth and any and all events only serve to serve you. Yeah there's been a delay and I have grieved. Knowing what I know about God, knowing what I know about events to do with me and my DC this year and on a soul level im grateful he lost his highest path. Im grateful for the delay because its Gods will and Gods will is only the highest outcome for all. My divine counterparts Seraph self lost me because he defied God. This is the delay.


My path has took a dramatic turn for me. The person I had given my all right to the very end and the soul I have shared many an incarnation with on earth has gone. Hes lost his highest path and his role in mass awakening. He left me. Its really is the ultimate rejection, he went against his soul in his choice. But alas I have over come and I know in my heart the higher purpose. It seems my divine union is a big deal and I know God has waiting to unfold only the highest love for me. I know its only a heart beat away.


Thanks for reading



We agree, as we shared more

glr_Andrea's picture

We agree, as we shared more than once the so called dark forces are no more than thoughts that are believed as real. No matter what Divine Plan cannot be stopped, though every single expression of God (Us All) has its path and choice on How to experience it, and as we're All interconnected with One another what many choose influences the whole. And even if so many truly reached the state of BEing the Love they are, some that are in a position of influencings many beings still resist the simple Truth of Who They Are, which makes it simply more compliacated to smoothly lift the Global Consciousness. 

The more we gather as One recognizing our Divinty in each other the more the illusion fades letting God... BE.


All our Love