The Morning Blessing 10.19.12

glr_Andrea's picture


The Morning Blessing


There is one amazing Eternal Spirit in this world. The Infinite Giver
ever giving of Itself to all creation. I am one with all this Eternal 
Presence is and all it has. The heavens of the universe are open 
and I now receive an outpouring of  blessings in my life.
I am a vessel of acceptance, upturned and filled to overflowing. I
have enough to use and share with plenty left over; my supply is
inexhaustible. There is no lack in the Divine Givingness. I recognize
a universe of limitless wealth; all Spirit has is mine, and I inherit the
kingdom of God. As I flow in the living stream of health, wealth, 
creative self-expression, and loving harmonious relationships, my 
joy and perfect balance are manifest. 
I am the means by which God expresses Its givingness to the 
people in my world. I am one with the limitless treasures of this
Universe. God is, I am. This eternal Truth ever was, is now, and 
evermore shall be. Gratefully, I stand still and watch the fulfillment
of Law. I give thanks unto this, and so it is. 




Morning Blessing! =]

jofish420's picture

Beautiful Blessing!  What a great way to start my day!!  Love you All!! ♥  Joanne  =]]  

The Warmith of Your Heart!!

PinkStar1111's picture

Blessings Miss Andrea,


I thought I wanted to reach out and just to let You know You "ARE" A DIAMOND that so Brilliantly Shines ON & ON In EveryONE's HEART/SOUL DearHeart SisterLOVE !     *****I'm Soooo IN-LOVE-WITH-HUMANITY *****  :o)!!!  Wishing and sending MY (((love))) to You and All that stand around YOU... I Dearly LOVE YOU Andrea.. 




