The following is an entry from my personal journals that I've kept and posted online in an effort to share my awakening process as well as, ultimately, to bring about the Global Awakening we all are experiencing. This entry in particular I post here because of its obvious relevance to other posts and to the concerns and questions we all have during this time of transition. I hope to post many more in the future as I get accustomed to GFP (I just joined today!) but hope this serves as a nice introduction to what I've felt and experienced. With profound love I thus share Entry 105 of Journal 7 (which you can read online in context at
Entry 105
Why have the aliens come? Why have they chosen to return?
To See You Choose!
Every being in the Universe (other than on Earth) knows of the profound power given them in their choice between Love and Fear. God Himself trembles at the Power that is Yours to make in the Eternal Now (for Now, God Experiences with you the results of your Decision). God Himself and all the Great Spectators of the Universe have gathered here…they’ve all come to our Pale Blue Dot…and have a front row seat for the Greatest Spectacle Ever Witnessed or Imagined in this or any other Dimension…
A Complete Reversal of the Poles.
This is so rare, so spectacular, so awe-some, that it has called upon all the Great Beings in the Universe. All are here now…
…waiting on you to Decide.
See and Feel, Now, your immense power of choice. See and Feel, right now, the nails going through your hands and feet. See and Feel, right now, in this moment, your fellow brothers and sisters whipping you, raping you, imprisoning you, terrorizing you, crucifying you…
And Choose Now To Love Them.
The Power of Christ is Given You! For the Power of Forgiveness is Given You! Feel, Now, the remarkable and awesome Power of the Choice Given You Now, in this and every moment of consciousness. Right Now, in this very moment, the power is given you to forgive and love the entire world. Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do. Forgive Satan, Father, for he knows not what he does. All who hate, all who rape, all who terrorize, and all who crucify…
Are But Asleep…
…and dreaming a nightmare. We need but wake them up peacefully. They’ve been asleep so long…and their nightmares have seemed so real…that for quite some time they might remain fearful. This is wonderful, for all the time in the world is Given us to comfort them and show them that there is nothing to ever Fear.
There is nothing to ever Fear, simply because Here, in Reality, all have Chosen Love. Here, in Reality, all know of the Profound Power Given Them. And Here, in Reality, all have Accepted this Power and therefore have it to give through their Love, Peace and Forgiveness. Here, these are Chosen, for Here, All Are Free to Choose.
How do we forgive the entire world? How do we show the entire world that war and suffering and death are but illusion?
By Choosing Love Now.
And then Giving the Power of Choice to the entire world.
The entire Earth, every human being alive without exception, has been Given this Power Equally. All you must do is stop denying them and yourself this Power. Stop trying to lead each other. Stop trying to change each other. Stop trying to convince each other.
Simply Decide Yourself.
Simply Make Your Decision.
Choose Love or Fear Now.
Choose Peace or War Now.
Choose Freedom or Slavery Now.
Choose Heaven or Hell Now.
Choose Suffering or Joy Now.
Choose to be Separate or Whole Now.
Choose to be Equal or Special Now.
Choose Dreams or Reality Now.
Choose Truth or Illusion Now.
Choose God or Satan Now.
For when you do, no longer will you wonder why they have come. For then you will Know and have Experienced the Truth of Reality and of God. You will have woken up to See and Know the vastness and the mystery of The Cosmos…and as the child of consciousness and of God that you are, you will welcome with enthusiastic and joyful curiosity the dawning of a New Age in Humanity and in Consciousness itself. You will not just be observed but observe yourself the Shared Joy and Peace and Happiness of a Reality of Wholeness, Union and Freedom. You will be welcomed home in Heaven by God Himself and will dance and sing and celebrate the Love and Peace and Freedom Given You All Equally.
And then, you will stop suffering; you will stop seeking; and you will stop dying. For you will have awoken in Reality and in Heaven, where All Power and All Freedom, even Eternal Life, is Given You.
These are all yours as soon as you Choose them.
And how do you choose them?
By Being Joyful Now.
BEAUTIFUL! Thank you.
BEAUTIFUL! Thank you.
Thanks for reading! So glad you enjoyed! :-)
Thank you!!!!
FromYouToYou, this is very beautiful! I like your message and I want to welcome you here. I am Astreia. The story behind my name is that Astreia was a woman who loved a star, and was changed into a star so that she could be with him. I like the name you have chosen for yourself.
Your journals! Wow, what a grand work!!!!!
Love and blessings, Astreia
Thanks :-)
Thank you so much Astreia! I like your name as well :-)
My journals have been such an amazingly beautiful process for me and I've wanted to share them for quite some time now. A friend of mine shared GFP with me recently and I've been glued to the daily newsletters and have discovered some remarkable blogs that have spoken to me deeply. It's such a relief to know that I am not alone in what I'm experiencing.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and for welcoming me to the group. It's truly an honor to share this time and space with you all and I look forward to learning and sharing more with such an amazing collection of people.
Much Love!
Great article
Mr Hanson, I will skim the first and last of most articles on this site just to see, but always keep up with the "authentic" channels/channelers. Yours caught my eyes though and I like your style, time for you to write a book young man.
You nature of imput will be well accepted on this site, they are good people and work hard at trying to weed out the least authentic.
From time to time I will come down on alleged channels that are full of it up to their ears and GFP has contended with me so far. I certainly don't mean anything aginst them, they are great well meaning people.
But on one hand, one you speak of, I don't want the cabal or any other to catch me dozing off. I mean they have rock-a-byed us for long enough, right?
Welcome to the press
David Porter
Author of the series
May the Force be with you!
Thank you very much Mr. Porter. I truly appreciate it.
My "journals" actually started out as what was supposed to become a book, however I simply haven't been able to stop writing as my experiences and insights have engulfed more and more of my consciousness. I also have begun believing that a monumental shift is approaching in humanity and that the end of war, hunger and inequality are firmly within our reach. As such, "my" writing of a "book" has been revealed to be quite meaningless in context, lol.
I'm truly and utterly immersed in doing whatever humanly possible to help foster the transition in consciousness that is to come. Stumbling across GFP has served to further intensify that belief and relieve me of my fears that I might be "the only one" who believes it, lol (I live in the United States and nearly all of my friends and family have ostracized me due to my new-found "radical" beliefs).
Nonetheless, I'm now filled with hope and am extremely excited to continue writing and posting on my website at I will definitely check out more of what you have written and invite you to do the same with mine. I also look forward, now that I've found this community, to continue posting some of my most authentic entries here.
May the Force be with you good sir, and may it be with us all as we delve together into the grand mystery of the cosmos.
With Love,