Phil Rowen's picture

Published on Oct 28, 2012 by paradoxman316

Robert wrote: "This planet was never to be a paradise; it is a school yard of hard knocks in which we learn to overcome adversity and work off karmic debt. Nothing can be achieved here, if we are nothing but love and peace. There would be no reason to come here, if we were to seek pleasure and bliss, for bliss is where we came from. Duality must have equality in its opposites, equal good to bad. Even if you got rid of the so called bad guys, you still cannot have peace on earth because of every action has an equal opposite reaction. It is a universal law of duality. lt was not just man that fell into duality. it is all of nature... The creator of this universe is not of Divinity, and we live in a false earth and in false bodies all of which are solid material, whereas we are spiritual beings not needing bodies, unless we have reincarnated for more lessons."