Design And The Akashic Field

Phil Rowen's picture

               Design Consciousness


Contained within every quantum field are self-organizing forces that give relative measure and validity to a countless number of interactions that when in harmony, provide unlimited opportunities for the formation of light/energy. This photonic light/energy/information field contains all the probabilities that engulf an infinite array of possibilities, i.e. potentialities, of contact with countless other “light forces” within the realm of its influence. 

The convergence of these forces appear as photons, i.e. energy in the form of light waves of a certain frequency and magnitude that appear to emerge from a quantum vacuum. This “materialization” process allows light to both enter and exit the three-dimensional constraints of time/space. In essence, light energy in the form of photons, typically creates the holographic illusions that give form to our realities whether they are mental, physical, emotional and/or spiritual in context.

Light’s holographic projections, reflections and diffractions appear and disappear before our consciousness through designs that symbolize thefield of its’ virtual resource.
Design is the process that transfers light/energy/information from one conscious state to another by taking on the most appropriate holographic formation relative to the situation at hand. 

"Our thoughts create themselves from what could be considered nothing, a field of karma, and then they disappear, no different from atomic particles arising from a field of energy, which could also be considered nothing, lingering a while, and then melting back into immaterial existence. Creativity abounds in the universe." 
E. Raymond Rock

When brought to awareness, form has the potential of bringing “light” a particular reality, i.e. a state of being-ness/consciousness that may, or may not be tangible or apparent. Every form is a reflection of the same unique qualities that are emblematic of the virtual field/s of their origin, which is their Source

By design, energy in the form of light replicates its own particular reality by emitting frequencies (light waves) that characterize its own virtual consciousness throughout both the known and unknown universe. Considered the source, not all light/energy has the capacity to reaches the darkness, yet has the potential to give relative form to its’ shadows. Nor will all light/energy materialize into relative holographic form, e.g. mental, ethereal, emotional and physical expressions of a virtual consciousness. 

Duality exists at all levels and is part and parcel to those qualities that cannot be reached or imprinted upon with the patterns of a particular light/energy formation. Some forms will always be left in the dark. However, when observed at quantum levels both probability and potentiality still harbor the opportunities that typically strike when synchronistic events can be made conscionable and apparent. 

Design affords humanity the opportunity to choose from a holographic field viewed from within the constructs of a resourceful mind. This opportunity presents itself to humanity as an aspect of what might be known as the imagination, i.e. experiences that assist in a subjective journey (path) towards expansion. The transition of “being-ness” from one frequency to another is the result of a cyclic and spiraling pathway designed for an expansion and contraction of consciousness.

 Organisms appear to experience an “individualized” aspect of what could generally be described as a desire to bring-to-life that which appears as frequencies, i.e. patterns and vibrations, that both selectively and collectively resonate to the virtual frequencies that originate from a source. Form therefore becomes the accumulative result of a system of patterned exchanges between component systems and subsystems that give relative vibratory substance to an individualized hologram of specific quantum potentiality. These patterns/formations possess certain unique nuances when given appropriate and relative expression in response to common universal, e.g. archetypal, qualities in the form of frequencies typically shared by dissimilar organism; male, female, fear, attraction, motherhood, physical traits and appearances, quest for food and/or survival, etc. 

Archetypal in source and astrologically tuned to respond, these frequencies share and exhibit similar qualities by both attracting and retaining holistic tendencies in a perpetual quest for balance while simultaneously experiencing the constraints of a particular environment found to be the most appropriate for the situation at the moment. Physical forms are holographic in content and emerge from a quantum field of light/energy, i. e. a virtual consciousness. Individualized, i.e. subjective, holographic formations are made manifest through intent.

Meanings and purposes are symbolically connected to thoughts designed to become cognizant through conscious and subconscious experiences. The connection between imaginings is a vibratory one, a relationship that cannot be entirely measured. These imaginings are inherently hidden yet wildly apparent and can be purposely made perceptible and observable through resonance and intent. 

Each symbol/design is intrinsic to the perceiver and/or observer. Each event resonates to the frequency that characterizes it. This perpetual dance between meaning (emotions) and purpose (mind) occurs within the quantum field we perceive to be consciousness. Symbol making, perception, and interpretation are qualities inherent to consciousness and its capacity to imagine and by intent, make what is an illusion appear to be real. 

The archetypes both describe and contain major patterns of light/energy from which symbolic experiences typically appear and disappear. These forces characterize the universe by qualifying its domain by formulating frequencies that are conducive to symbolizing its intentions through waves of light/energy. Each qualifying force carries with it the potential of finding a relative expression of itself brought to light symbolically through a virtual and self-generated world of illusion. 

From one set of symbols, i.e. the archetypes, other forces emerge, evolve and in time eventually become manifest, thereby formulating analogous expressions in relative substance that give meaning and purpose to those connections between experiences. Similarly, the holographic formations that bring consciousness to these subsets must likewise coalesce in order to bring relevance to any extension of experiences. These threads of patterned formation extend though out every holographic field as designs that are linked together by and through common symbolic origins. 

These formations of energy first link subsets of quantum expression through forces of attraction and then further progress into holographic formations that manifest within the constraints of each conscious field made apparent through awareness.

This is a holographic and convoluted system of androgynous light/energy that is self-sustaining and immeasurable. It could be considered a source depending upon the context in which it is observed. Being quantum and holographic in origin, as are all systems that give meaning and purpose to the universe, it is expressed, brought to measure and typically defined and described by the designs it has virtually imagined, felt and/or brought to fruition. Viewed at mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, quantum and/or metaphysical levels such a systemic consciousness of this magnitude could easily be interpreted as the Source of a conscious universe. (Laszlo) 

This describes the interchange of light energy at quantum levels being shared at both systemic and sub systemic levels. This interchange is contained within a greater field of quantum potential so it, like all other materializations in relative substance, is in constant flux and is dependent upon the changing environment.

A system in the process of manifestation being influenced by an archetypal force intent on making its influence/pattern felt. Still in the light of imagining, the formation is yet to be determined and where potentiality remains untapped due to the inherent drive to adapt to the situation presenting itself. 

A duality in relative form partaking in the active exchange of opposites that are adapting to the quantum field/s it shares with other systems in relative manifestation, i.e. time/space. For humanity this is a holographic infested experience occurring at mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels of awareness. 

Design becomes the apparent dynamic and symbolic vehicle created between opposites and made for the purpose of connecting awareness’ in preparation for potential expansion. Its virtual world is a product of a quantum knowing, united by archetypal threads that interpenetrate and symbolically manifest its own “individualized” perception of reality. These same archetypes also create the pathways that return and tie together the concepts of wholeness that are perceived both microcosmically and macrocosmically.

This is a system of influence having its effect upon another quantum field that it partners with to create a consciousness at a grander scale. Typically occurring at subconscious levels, these influences may or may not find fruition in three-dimensional time/space and therefore full awareness, a circumstance that is solely dependent upon the situation, i.e. its’ context. The virtual realm of quantum consciousness is perpetually in flux, therefore creating a field of potentiality conducive to the generation of a holographic reality that is substantiated and formulated by light/energy. 

Imaginings within a field of consciousness that are gathering about a major quantum (archetypal) thrust that appear to be both revealing and/or qualifying its own state of origin through patterns (frequencies) that are driven symbolically by design. Imaginings seem to attach, fragment and at times appear whole, as assorted universes are affected and substances gather about this fundamental principle. Creativity and the generation of associative ideas are the result of this force. New quantum formations appear as virtual imaginings focused about bringing light/energy to a situation through holographic manifestations that can survive the challenges of a particular time and/or space. 

The model represents a relatively microcosmic influence in reference to the field in which this particular system of light/energy has found its place and/or state of being. While sharing the imaginings and evolving as one of many holograms that find themselves in constant flux within the constraints of a particular realm or state of consciousness, this system is making an identifiable difference in the state of its greater consciousness. In essence, it is consciousness giving back to itself through its’ own awareness (feedback). This sharing of light/energy (love) appears as the formation of a “lifetime” of holotropic experiences made manifest solely to engage a greater consciousness from a different position/level of awareness, i.e. frequency.


Design Consciousness: Design and the Akashic Field