Wednesday, November 14, 2012
New Moon Phase - Moon in Sagittarius
Can you maintain light while immersed in darkness? This is what total solar eclipses (like the one yesterday, photographed here by L. Jean-Marc and posted on and the month that follows them ask of us. Yesterday I faced a person who has intended the darkest, most destructive harm to me than any person in my entire life (and I've had a couple of these people in my years). I wasn't too caught off guard by this because anytime I write about the dark side's intentions with the energy, the dark side always finds me that day. But the degree of darkness will take me some time to process. How did I maintain light while faced with this shocker? I knew the potential for darkness to be activated - which is the reason I write about the "negative" polarity of the energy. Knowledge is power and we are wise old owls indeed!
We journey into the second day of the activation point/vision quest under the continued influences of an interplanetary shock wave (electromagnetic force) that brings transformative realizations that move our focus from our baser instincts toward more enhanced spiritual perception. It includes a process of coming to terms with ourselves and recognizing our unique talents (which makes up our individual design on Gaia/Sophia's canvas). Hidden or under-utilized talents are shown. The astrological aspects of yesterday's New Moon included the energy of raw sexual power - power that is being transmuted into spiritual awareness today.
Our focus has been on the sky and the blocking of the Sun, but today it is time to get back down to Earth and remind ourselves of the beauty and wonder of the natural world. (The V-formation of the Canadian geese land for a breather.) Remember that the childlike imagination is empowering this month's vision quest. What brought you joy as a child? Bring it back today.