Alan Steinfeld of New Realities talks to Cobra, a code name for a freedom fighter contactee from the Pleidians working for the liberation of the light forces on planet Earth... His voice is also disquised because he needs to keep his identity secret at this time.
Part 1 - Cobra talk about how "Our reality is about to shift and changes will affect everybody." This interview is about the ultimate preparation for this extraordinary time. For more about Cobra go to:
Part 2- is an interview Deborah Peitsch and some of her energetic downloads of higher frequencies for the planetary ascension. Deb's website is:
Cobra's talk includes:
Quarantine Earth and Archon
Forces of Light and forces of darkness
Resistance Movement
New financial system
*New advanced technologies
*Galactic superwave
*Joining the Light forces
*Planetary liberation meditation
*Healing the timelines
*Experiencing Goddess energies
*Goddess Vortex meditation
Cobra On The Event.....
Great interview with Cobra, but the interview with Deborah Ariel Pietsch was even better.
She did this rapid talk download from her Eight Dimensional Self, that was truly breathtaking. It connects you more deeply with your Higher Self, and she does a first level activation on the pineal gland. Truly amazing! I feel like a different person today. Much more intune. I started my artwork again, after many weeks of giving up. Thanks Deb for this beautiful tune-up! She's starting her own tv show on her own channel on the 1st. of December until the 22nd, I think. She said she would help upgrade people listening to the show. I highly recommend listening to the two interviews. They are back to back.