Tips To Awaken To Your Psychic Ability

Patricia Sneed's picture

Instinct is inherent in all sentient beings.  Intuition is an interchangeable description for instinct.  I believe intuition to be an untrained, unconscious demonstration of psychic ability.  It is the ability to tap into our higher consciousness.  By learning to utilize our senses we may retrieve information within and beyond our present senses.  It is possible to engage more use our brain’s sentient ability. 


Here are some tips to begin awakening to your inner gifts:


Space Clearing

Your senses are more rested therefore more available when the environment around you feels safe with pleasant smells and serene colors; soothing sounds.   It is good to have an uncluttered environment with comfortable furnishings decorated with pleasing art and items that have meaning to you personally.  This allows your senses to relax.  Learning to relax is one of the first necessary steps to your inner psyche.  If your mind is busy with sensory impute you are distracted and can not perceive your senses or thoughts.


In similar fashion as to dust that accumulates in our homes so also does energy from our thoughts and feelings build up in our personal environment, vehicles, and workspace.  It is best if these energies are cleared on a regular basis.  You will find this is beneficial to your health and soothing to your mind.


There are various methods of energetic clearing.  You can use salt water, rose water, lavender water or a smudge stick (sage bundle). Some prefer incenses such as frankincense or dragon’s blood.  Whatever your choice, take it throughout your space.  Think of a white or pink light filling the environment.  You can pray or ask for Spirit Guides and Angels to assist you by clearing the environment for you.  (It is best to not call on deceased relatives for this one.)



Meditation is the key tool, as through this practice you begin to differentiate between feelings, thoughts and desires versus a psychic impression, mystical experience or spiritual wisdom.  When you have visions or insight into an event of the past, present or future, you will want to be able to interpret what you receive.  You will learn the sensitivity necessary to tell what feelings are yours and what might be coming from someone else around you. 


In meditation you will become better acquainted with these diverse messengers.  You will learn to differentiate one from the other providing you more accuracy in your interpretation. 


Meditation offers many health improving benefits.  Spiritual and psychic development is a nature side effect of regular practice.


Meditation does not have to be complicated or timed to be beneficial.  If you are a beginner I would suggest sitting up rather than lying down.  Start with sitting for just 2-3 minutes.  Set an egg timer or other such devise with a pleasant alarm. 


Start by closing your eyes.  Drift inside as you take a nice slow breath in through your nose; fill the lungs to capacity, hold for a slow count of three, then exhale from the mouth just allowing the air to release easily and gradually.  While you are inhaling think about breathing in a white light of cleansing and purity. Imagine this light filling every cell of your body as you inhale.  As you exhale think of the light expanding out through your aura nine feet above, below and all around you. Think of it removing all negativity so that only the energy serving your highest good will remain.  All negativity goes into the Earth to be transmuted, cleansed and renewed to be used again in its most positive form.


Think of yourself as a tree with roots extending deep into the Earth grounding and renewing your life-force.  Feel the calm healing vibes filling your body and aura.  


If you have trouble “seeing” then just narrate the story in your mind.  The intent will create the same effect in your brain.  Much like a program you run on your computer.  The computer merely reflects what you enter.


Once you have cleared your energy simply focus on your breath.  Nice easy, even flow of breath.  You can count the breaths if you like, but count to five then start over again so you do not get tripped up on losing count etc.


The effects of meditation are accumulative and will continue to improve as you practice.



As with any endeavor the more you practice the more you learn, the more improved you become.  Meditation and energetic clearing should be done everyday for the best results. 


Another practice that will benefit your psychic awareness training is to ask questions about things and listen to your inner reactions.  What do you “feel”, “think”, “hear” or “see” with your senses.  You might want to write these thoughts in a journal.  As you write often more insight will come. Be sure to date and time your recordings as it can be helpful to reflect upon your progress.


If at first you don’t succeed try, try again.  It will be worth your effort.


Dream Interpretation

The brain doesn’t really speak in language.  Learning dream interpretation will give you the Rosetta stone of your mind’s language.  This will help you interpret the psychic impressions you receive.


We connect with our psychic abilities through the sensing and feeling side of the brain… not the intellect.  Senses, feelings, dreams etc are from the right hemisphere of the brain while intellect and reasoning skills are the left hemisphere.  It stands to reason you can not force insight to come.  You can not make it fit a prescribe outcome.  You have to learn to stop thinking and allowing yourself to observe your feelings without opinion.  Give yourself some time to get to know your inner self.  Have fun exploring your inner terrain of consciousness.  Ask questions.  Ponder the things you wish to have a better understanding of. 


May your journey begin….
