17 December, 2012
Someone posted on a forum the other day that the Connecticut shooting made them feel like there was no mass awakening going on, and in fact that things seemed worse than ever. Now, with only days to go before the date on which so many have pinned all their hopes and expectations for a ‘mass awakening’ it is important to get clear on how we define a mass awakening.
Our mass awakening does not mean that overnight we will go from the world that is as it is now, to a wonderful paradise. It cannot be. There has to be a bridge. Awakening allows us to see that bridge. It helps us to cross it. It even gifts us with a myriad of ideas, synchronicities, tools, resources, emotions and countless other things to ensure we have all we need to create something new. Awakening provides us with the ingredients – we decide what to do with that awakening.
Awakening allows one to see and feel clearly, to see and feel from a new, higher perspective. Awakening allows one’s life to be more guided by the heart, and less by the head. Awakening encourages one’s self to follow one’s own instincts and truth, rather than be negatively influenced by others. Awakening offers strength, courage and empowerment where perhaps before there was a lack of those things. Awakening, especially in its initial stages can trigger many things: inner peace like you’ve never felt before, sadness like you’ve never felt before, anger like you’ve never felt before, joy like you’ve never felt before.....you get the picture.
There is such a misconception out there that awakening is all about bliss and perfection and only bliss and perfection. While an awakened life opens you up to greater amounts of authentic happiness, there is nothing awakened about denying those aspects of reality – both within us and in our external world – that are uncomfortable to feel and face. They are powerful messengers. When we have the courage and the consciousness to truly feel and face these messengers, they have the potential to awaken us further and stir us toward conscious action and transformative change.
When the veil is lifted from eyes that were covered, from a heart that was hiding, from a soul that was in the shadows, the capacity for love is increased and the outpouring of grief and hurt after a tragic event is also increased. The outpouring of love, grief and hurt since the Connecticut shooting has been immense. The call for action to be taken on gun control and mental health is unprecedented in terms of both numbers of people, and the emotion that is driving those people. There have been so many events this year that have had unprecedented emotional responses from the masses of people that are, yes, awakening!
So I do see a mass awakening going on, and the wave is getting stronger, bigger and more intense every day. Although we are all feeling great sadness at this event and so many others, have you noticed that we are all also feeling great love? We know this because such united sadness would not be possible unless our hearts were opened to levels they had not been before, and connected in ways they were not before.
Is there a mass awakening occurring? Oh yes there is. This mass awakening includes tears and petitions and prayers. It includes love and grief and shock. So for all those waiting for a wave of love to descend on them that will make everything paradise like....we have had wave after wave of that love all year. More waves are coming in the coming days, weeks, months and years. The waves are helping us to create our Paradise, but they will not create our Paradise for us. They are rousing us out of our sleep, out of our apathy and denial. They are triggering us to face our truth – personal and collective. They are encouraging us to step into our power and do what needs to be done to create the world we all deserve. The waves will dredge up every last thing that needs to be healed and changed, until we heal and change it. It won’t always be pretty. It won’t always be easy. But now more and more of us in greater and deeper ways, no matter what events and experiences we find ourselves in or find ourselves observing, will feel the Love that is filling us, surrounding us, supporting us and guiding us. We will feel the Love that IS us and feel compelled to act accordingly in whatever small or large, silent or vocal, personal or communal way that feels most right to us. It all contributes to our new world.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2012. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL www.danamrkich.com is included.