A Message for 12~21~2012 - As channeled through Michelle L. Hankes

Sarah Shiddian's picture


Take this time now to be within yourself, to be engaged in beingness. Beingness is not doingness – there is no action to take. Simply allow yourself acceptance of what is and how it could be; within your frame of understanding you will see that beingness is simple. There is no work to be done; only Love. Simply be and you will see.
Love is a grand measure of understanding. It is relative to beingness in that it is Source energy from which you come. You are love and you are being. They are equal and the same. Simply be and you will be love too. Just love and you will be.
Love one another and you will love that which you are. Love your foibles and your exploits and love the foolishness of others – for they are not separate from you. They are you... They have always and will forever always be that which you are. You cannot be separate from you. All you can be is in the shadow remembrance of what you have been and what you will be. You choose from there. What more is there, you ask? What more can there possibly be not? Everything is creation and creation is already created and you are creating your experience of creating creation. There is no more in simplicity than to remember that you are all creation and creative opportunity and your creation is simply that of the creator creating itself over and over again, each from a new point of view – therefore, not yet created, yet is.
Creation is simply manifestation. It is the beginningness of understanding Truth in the Universe. You are practicing the understanding of being by doing. But now is the time to choose an offering of truth in yourself. What next? What beingness do you choose? You have always been choosing a beingness for in beingness there is a category of doing. It is no different than Love (which is the Universal encompass) being all there is and yet, there is shadow in opposite. But the shadow (and the relinquishing of the veil to remember Light again) has always and forever will be encompassed by Light because it is Light and it has never been not. Doingness is still beingness – just a state of action. Now is the time for non-action for there is nothing you must do. There is only that which is and that which has yet to come to fruition.
What are you choosing? What have you chosen already? What more is there? Questions to ponder and ask yourself in your moment of beingness.
Each moment is a moment of beingness ensconced and encompassed by Light. Your Light. Always your Light. For your Light is all there is in this beauty of Universe we call Home. The Light that you are, even in the shadow, presents itself always and forever because it cannot not be. It must and therefore, it is. You are present in the shadow as simply another version. Therefore, when you are ready, turn to see your Light and encompass yourself once again in all that you are – the glorified beingness of Truth. That is simply the truth of all in the Universe – just be. And you are already doing so.
Action / non-action – it is up to you. Your choice. Do you choose to participate or simply observe? What amount of energy do you put forth and where does it go? What energy comes back again and shows you the truth in your beingness you have so chosen? Your Light is all around you and has forever been present. Your truth is not changing now. It has forever been present. You are simply remembering to tune back in. Remember the truth of who you are and there will be no doubt, no shadow effect. And how does one remember? Simply by being.
Honor your state of being – it is a choice. A choosing of honor or a choosing of dismissiveness. You have chosen wisely and yet, you cannot always see the wisdom in your choice. Know that you are wiser than you believe and your choice is simply an experience in experimenting with who you are in any moment. Trust in your instincts to guide you to truth. Instincts are not a body maneuver – they are guidance from within about your truth in the moment. And they are always correct because your truth supersedes your doubt. Why? Love encompasses shadow. And the truth of shadow is it is Love, but Love with blinders on. So, remove the blinders and begin to see bigger, wider, broader aspects of you. You have always been there, but now, you can see again more of who you are. This global aspect of you is not cyclic. You do not have to repeat patterns. You are simply choosing a new way of being and each time you choose, you are choosing something different. Do not choose out of boredom; choose from a place of Love in your heart and your global knowingness of the Truth of the Universe. And ask yourself: why am I not all of me?
And our answer is: your truth lies in the knowingness you are projecting from within. You are always and forever the full beingness of you. But your remembrance may be hindered by your unknowingness or unwillingness to know. So simply be. And allow your remembrances to return at their own pace. Your truth will be set free because it was never bound. It is in you and of you and for you and with you. You are simply being the version of you that you choose to be. Choose more, choose less, choose different or just be. There is choice in being and being in choosing. Either way, you are simply experimenting with beingness further. So be whatever you wish to be and then be something else. Or the same thing or something all together unfamiliar. It is up to you. Your choice and always within you is the truth of what is right for you. So be. And be in respect of others’ beingnesses, as well. They all have choice because they are you choosing differently. There is no difference between you and another except choice and perspective. It’s the glorified Wholeness experiencing itself in a new and vital way. And you are beginning to see that you are you and they are they and there is no difference in-between except what is seen or not seen. As is with Light and shadow. No difference in-between. One and the same – just a multitude of different points of view. Do not judge others for their choices; simply be and allow for you that which is within your alignment.
What more will be? What new energies, new pathways, new planetary awarenesses? They are already present, dear ones. They have never not been. To say so would imply that they were and have not been the fullness of what they have always been. And that would be saying the same of you. And it is not true. The energies feel more present because you are. The pathways seem bigger because you are. The planet’s awareness seems changed because you are. Each moment you shine brighter, so does the candle of all that is. Your brightness does not determine another’s, but simply allows the candle flame to be more brilliant than it was a moment before. However, the candle has always been aware of its candleness. It never once thought itself less than a candle, but the flame was not always there. You judge yourself on the flame and the level of brightness you are shining. But we say to you, your candleness has never been in question. You are the candle of the Universe. Your flame determination is based upon your choice to shine – how much, how often and when. But the candle has never forgotten what it is. It is forever a being of opportunity to shine or remain dark. But we will tell you, even in the darkness, the candle knows the potential to illuminate remains running through its core, whenever it is ready and for however long it chooses. But not once does the candle forget that it is an object of illumination, regardless of whether its flame is burning or not. It is not the flame that determines who you are – it is the knowingness that you are the candle, and that of the Universe. You don’t even need a flame.  
Posted 22 hours ago by Angel of Pleiades



Can beingness be a choice?

samadhi's picture

You either exist or not. It is not a choice!

And who is going to choose? Except of the limited mind?