Short Update~ Internet Love Party To Support the Incoming Energies of Oneness and Joy!~

Lia's picture

Internet Love Party of Joy! We are Welcoming Our Family Home, The Web Of Light's Foundation on the Planet has Been Completed! You can Join Us Live at 1:30pm Pacific! Downloads will be coming through!

 Join us Live At This Link:



Greetings Love Beings, despite outer appearances, The Divine Plan is Flowing Beautifully within the New Earth Energies. Our Next Intense Alignment will be on the 31st of December. At this time every year the Earth Aligns with the Sirrius Star System. For those who Have moved into the Heart You will Be Experiencing More Downloads for the New Earth's Creation which are being activated also. ENJOY! We will Have an Update Out soon about this, and you can join us Live today if you have questions or just want to enjoy the oneness energies with us! All Our Love The Earth Allies





Thanks for sharing Open Your

Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

Thanks for sharing Open Your Heart.  It was a beautiful Love Lullabye that I surely enjoyed. Smile


Love Geeta