It’s a foggy cold day outside, winter in SE Washington where I am currently physically residing, but inside the sun is shining. I can feel its strong, yet gentle glow fill my chest cavity. And I am looking forward to the coming year and what it will bring into my life, as well as bidding 2012 adieu.
So, the infamous year of prophecy, speculation and hype is gone. We have undergone a transition but most people, including myself, are still figuring out what that entailed as well as how it will play out. For myself, the ending of 2012 brought a couple of abrupt changes – one friend who I had relied on heavily to act as a sounding board and mirror for my inner and outer developments – is gone. I chose to consciously let go of the relationship for now, realizing that I needed to be more self-reliant for the time being. I also realized that my path did not necessarily parallel his right now. So in order to verify that inner awareness, I felt I needed to step away, if only for a while. And then another friend, who I had not seen for over a year and who lives close-by contacted me out of the blue. We have always been good companions for one another, camping and hiking together in the nearby mountains, as well as spending some casual time going to movies or on walks in town. He is now aware of my writing activity and strongly supports my efforts. And I enjoy his multiple gifts in building furniture, remodeling houses and other practical work.
It is quite apparent that we’re all still here on physical Mother Earth, whether we want to be or not. As I wrote in my previous article on the 23rd, I am one who is very happy to be still present and accounted for, here and now. While we are on the physical body of the planet, there has been a subtle shift in the other bodies of the planet, as well as our own, as we are cells of the planet. As she ascends so do we, at least if we have the intention, focus and soul contract to ascend in this lifetime; not everyone does. Our lovely and loving planetary consciousness, Gaia, chose to take herself and all life upon her into the higher and lighter vibratory levels of the fourth dimension, on her way to ascending to the fifth. There was no sudden planet-wide destruction, no sudden appearance of ascended masters among the general population, no sudden appearance of thousands of galactic light ships on our shores, no sudden anything. The passage was quiet, peaceful and uneventful – and puzzling for many who expected fireworks and the disappearance of billions of fellow beings from the earth plane. None of those things happened – thank Goddess! In her infinite wisdom and unconditional love for all, our Mother decided to move up gradually and peacefully.
Yes, all the “problems” of the third dimension still appear to exist. Remember, we all had a hand or thought in the creation of our current collective paradigm. It is up to us, not some ascended masters or galactic neighbors, to pull us out of the swamp. We need to do it ourselves, as a matter of self-empowerment, as a matter of being responsible for what we think, do and act for as long as we remain here on this planet. Each of us has to learn to consciously unwind ourselves from the paradigm into which we were born and raised, and to take command for what comes into our lives from now on. We can learn to forgive ourselves of past “mistakes” by remembering that there really are no mistakes in life. Whatever we have lived through suffered through or enjoyed, has been of our own making. We are in the process of learning to love ourselves unconditionally. Only through the application of unconditional love can you learn to love and accept the rest of Creation as Self. For many people this is a huge step to make and so it will take some “time” for love to permeate to the center of their beings. And those of us who are slightly ahead in self-awareness need to exercise patience and apply unconditional love to all interactions with everyone around us, no matter at what level their energy is currently vibrating.
I happen to work in an environment that would be very difficult for a lot of lightworkers to even be in for a short time, a prison. I cannot speak in more specific terms but it has been an environment that has taught me the importance of personal space and being in one’s power. Being in fear attracts abuse; it always has – it always will. Fear is the lowest common denominator in our world, an emotional state that our erstwhile controllers have sought to keep us in – a state of constant fear for one’s life, property, family, or whatever other descriptive term you could possibly imagine. Now is the time for those who are awake to step out of fear – fear of the future, fear of being powerful beings, fear of what is to come if someone else doesn’t clean up the place; the fears are multitude and will take us all making a concerted effort to step out of that lowest of the low vibrations and into our god-like power and authority.
Our blessed planet, Gaia, has granted us an opportunity to do such a thing. With our individual and collective will, as we collectively “make” the world around us, we can bring the New World into physical manifestation. At first, we need to work on ourselves and then as we are guided from within, to work on the “outer” world. However, I think that once our inner worlds begin to change we will discover that much has changed in the outer world, as well.
Thought moves in waves and as a wave comes into manifestation. Each of us is a vibrating mass of energy. We have no actual physical bodies, but live in a holographic world created by collective Mind of the Creator, of which we are a part. All that exists within this holographic world has been put here for our learning, for the purpose of expanding understanding at a soul level. Black and white, bad and good, male and female, whatever polarity you would like to list; it is all a part of experiencing duality. Currently, our world is experiencing the lingering effects of the extremities of polarization. These effects will diminish in the future as each individual takes responsibility for their own thought forms and emotions and consciously makes the decision to move into center, to follow the Middle Way, as the Lord Buddha, the Christ, and many other teachers sought to teach us.
It is important to take care of yourselves in these early days of transition. Give yourself plenty of “me” time to simply be, doing whatever brings you joy, whether it be walking your dog, playing with your children, washing the dishes, working in the gardening, walking in nature, working on creative activities or being with friends. Be aware of how you feel inside. Take stock of your inner well-being throughout the day. Meditate or pray or just sit quietly; each person needs to discover for themselves how they can approach being comfortable with self. Step away from the use of technology when you can. Learn to cook simple and healthy foods for yourself and your family. Enjoy the change of seasons and the beauty of our planet. Be kind to yourself and those who you encounter all during the day, for they are a part of the multidimensionality that is the wholeness of what you are. Above all, expect miracles and be a miracle.
Be love and learn to love unconditionally all that comes into your life, each event and each person. Every instance is an opportunity to let go, let be and to move on, accepting, understanding and growing. Even those things that have sparked anger, frustration, resentment, hatred or fear within you in the past – especially those as they are teachers in your current lifetime – see them as manifestations of the extreme polarity of this world, which is an inherent part of the third dimension. You do not need to judge them and you can let go of their ability to disturb your inner equilibrium by choosing to not react unconsciously to their presence in your world. Through your emotional reaction, you move into fear and give your power away to whatever or whoever is “disturbing” your world – this is a very personal perception. By learning to consciously hold to the middle way, through non-reactive, peaceful non-violent living, you will eventually step into a place where you are emotionally and mentally unbound by fear. Review the life of Gandhi – he showed us the way. Many other teachers have lived among us and still live among us, however, in this time of self-mastery and ascension we are become our own teachers, as well. No one can know the true feelings our heart better than each one of us. Become willing to listen to the wisdom of that heart for it is your inner Sun (Son = Christ) speaking to you. It is your truest teacher; all the rest are outer examples.
The past week has been, for me, one of moving back into balance and being quiet. I let go the need or desire to write. There have been no channeled messages and at this time I feel like I need to let that go. If I have a soul contract to be a channel, I will channel. If not, then it will not come to be. Truth is we all channel our higher selves (which includes the ascended masters, our soul, I AM Presence, the Creators and others) all the time. We just don’t always take the time to listen or believe that what we are hearing is “real”. Now is the time to learn to channel for yourself and to discover the beautiful inner world that we are all connected to in its many manifestations, rooms and planes.
As this year closes, I want to thank all those who have found their way to these pages (http://bluedragonjournal.com ). I will continue writing as I feel that it is a gift that I can offer to others, but I hope that all who come to read these words will also come to initiate a voyage of discovery into their own gifts and their own inner beauty. Each of us is a facet of the diamond Mind of the All That Is. Each of us is important to the Whole. Each of us is love and light, a powerful light being. We can bring the new world into manifestation for the whole as we are one being, part of Gaia, part of Creation and a beautiful miracle of life.
Blessings to all on your journey of self-discovery. I wish to all a truly blessed new year as together we walk into a New World. Namaste.
I AM Elizabeth, your sister in light and love.
Copyright © 2012-13 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://bluedragonjournal.com/
Truth is we all channel our
Truth is we all channel our higher selves (which includes the ascended masters, our soul, I AM Presence, the Creators and others) all the time.
For me, I consider listening, playing, singing songs of Spirits on the other side of the veil, channeling. It's a form of eternal life. As long as your art, music, movies, pics, ect., are being analyzed, your energy is present.
Thanks for letting me share.
Love Nageeta