Geomagnetic storm / Solar Watch – January 18, 2013

Rain's picture

Source: The Watchers - 1/18/13, By The Watcher

Two Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) are expected to impact the earth in the next 24 hours and a G1-Class Geomagnetic storm will be possible shortly after. Solar activity is expected to go quiet again after these active regions rotate off the earth-facing disk over the next 36 hours.   Video by SolarWatcher Related posts: Brief G1 geomagnetic storm over Solar wind  reached near 700 km/s and this helped stir up a brief G1 Level Geomagnetic Storm (Kp=5) at high latitudes during the early hours of Wednesday morning. Migratory animals are affected at this and higher levels and aurora is commonly visible...

Two Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) are expected to impact the earth in the next 24 hours and a G1-Class Geomagnetic storm will be possible shortly after. Solar activity is expected to go quiet again after these active regions rotate off the earth-facing disk over the next 36 hours.



Video by SolarWatcher
