Thanks to Lucas2012infos January 23, 2013
Uploaded on 19 January 2013 by TheSpiritScience (Thanks Jean)
If there’s one thing I’ve found in my life, it’s that things are never quite as they seem. The rabbit hole goes infinitely small as it does infinitely large, and that the only true sanctuary from the mess we’ve made externally, is within ones own self.
Ghandi said “The Demons in this world are the ones in our own Hearts, and that is where all battles must be fought”.
So this is a video about how pretty much every ancient culture and belief system believes not only that in Light there is Truth, Expression, Creation, and Love… and also that You and I too are of that Light.
We are the Universe!
We are Light Beings, Albert Einstein proved it with E=MC2.
(Everything = Energy = Light Manifesting as Reality w/ Density = We are Light!)
I hope you enjoy! All comments welcome
Thanks for sharing MomT. I
Thanks for sharing MomT. I surely learned alot. I hope you are having a wonderful day today. Smile
Love Nageeta