~ Energies Coming In Already from the Full Moon In Leo~ Fire

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, We are already beginning to recieve the energies from our Incoming Full Moon in Leo. Leo is a fire sign and represents transformation, deep transformation. Astrolgers are also saying this is a Full Moon Of Action. What they are refrerring too for the Lightworker Community is its time to Be Love In action and Fufill Your Missions and Contracts for the New Earth. The New Earth Energies will continue in intensity and we very well could see many Manifestations of this In the Next 2 Months.  WE continue Moving forward. We Love You, Love The Earth Allies  PS, These Newsletters and everything we do here At the Press is done In Unconditional Loving Service 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We have simple needs plus the cost of the press is over 300$ a Month to keep up and running. We only ask what we need to continue forward each month. We are currently 1400$ behind for our January goal with 6 days Left to accomplish this. Thank you for sharing if you can. http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/donate

Heavenletter #4445 - Finding Your Place in the World


Heaven Letters Published on: January 25, 2013


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Latest Earthquake Activity - January 25, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes


All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

January 25




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The Morning Blessing 01.25.13


The Game: Part Two


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10 Ways to Use Colloidial Silver’s Amazing Healing Abilities – 24January2013


The Golden Age Daily January 24, 2013


Natural News

Waking Times

Colloidal silver consists of silver atoms suspended in distilled ion-less water. The particles of silver are small enough to penetrate on a cellular level and destroy pathogens of all types, including bacteria, fungal spores, parasites, and viruses.

Not only does silver get rid of pathogens, it helps promote rapid healing of the tissues infected or destroyed. Most burn centers use various forms of silver and silver soaked bandaging for burn victims.


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Aluna Joy ~ The Beginning Has Arrived



Finally the intense uncertainty and anticipation that was building for the prophetic dates of 12/21/2012 has past, and we have entered into a new beginning that is a merging of our physical body with our spirit. The world did not end in horrific cataclysms; nor was there an ecstatic rapture into paradise. A fleet of UFOs didn’t come to save us either. If you were hoping that the world would shift in an instant without getting up out of your “easy” chair, I am sure you are disappointed right now. Yet I know the sensitive ones of this world are now breathing a deep sigh of relief as the energy bubble, overflowing with crushing ambiguity and expectation, burst, and a more balanced, peaceful and harmonious energy has emerged to the Earth plane.

Now what? It is time to get really friendly with the unknown that is out in front of us now. The world is going to change, and so are we. There are going to be some surprising changes in the directions in our physical and spiritual lives. Being perplexed by all the myriad of choices will be our constant workmate. We are struggling to get clear about what is next for our lives and our usual guidance is now coming from multiple directions at once . . . and to make to more confusing, all of this guidance feels to be true. We are learning to be multi-dimensional beings and think and live in multiple realties. This wrestling for clear guidance is going to stretch us and help us discover new frontiers of reality.


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Heyoka ~ Shift Frequency


For many people it can be difficult to discern between what they really want for themselves and what they have been conditioned to believe that they want.

The marketplace bombards you with promises to attain a happy and fulfilling life, but what exactly does it mean to have a fulfilling life?

Buy this dress, drive this a car, be updated on the news, become a member, find your purpose, read your future, go back to past lives, eat this food, go on vacation, help the poor, save money, get insurance, watch this program, get a degree, change your looks, meet this person, go to this conference, get a job!

PUHHHH – there is so much to do, and there are so many people out there believing that they know what you want and need.

Why do we buy into all these things? Every time we get or do what we believe we want there is a sigh of relief, but how long does it last? A minute, a month, a year?


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Volcanic activity world-wide 24 Jan 2013


Source: Volcano Discovery - 1/24/13, By T

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Eyes of Love


Angel Wisdom Friday, January 25, 2013

See with 'angels' eyes


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Solar prominences on January 23, 2013


Source: The Watchers - 1/24/13, By Chillymanjaro

Solar activity remained at low levels for the past 24 hours. However, there were two large prominence eruptions on January 23, 2013. First large prominence erupted from the southern limb in early hours, producing south-directed  CME cloud, away from Earth. It was followed by filament channel eruption in the northeast quadrant, producing another CME cloud, also, away from Earth.   The CME was first observed in the SOHO/LASCO C2 field of view at about 14:00 UTC, had angular width of about 240 degrees and projected speed around 500 km/s. It was associated with a prominence eruption and EIT wave, situated at...

Solar activity remained at low levels for the past 24 hours. However, there were two large prominence eruptions on January 23, 2013. First large prominence erupted from the southern limb in early hours, producing south-directed  CME cloud, away from Earth. It was followed by filament channel eruption in the northeast quadrant, producing another CME cloud, also, away from Earth.


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Volcanic activity at Reventador peaks


Source: The Watchers - 1/24/13, By Nix
Ecuadorian volcano Reventador is now erupting at full-scale, reports say. A westward 1.5 km high steam and ash plume is noticable above volcano. Summit is glowing and lava can be seen descending the flanks. Increased seismic activity since January 21 has now become stronger with strong tremors and explosions. Explosions were heard as far as in the Reventador sector, witnesses reported. IG reported that during January 16 – 21 seismicity at Reventador was moderate; cloud cover prevented visual observations. Incandescence in the crater was observed at night during January 21st and 22nd. On January 22 seismicity at Reventador increased and was...

Ecuadorian volcano Reventador is now erupting at full-scale, reports say. A westward 1.5 km high steam and ash plume is noticable above volcano. Summit is glowing and lava can be seen descending the flanks.

Increased seismic activity since January 21 has now become stronger with strong tremors and explosions. Explosions were heard as far as in the Reventador sector, witnesses reported.


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January 2013 arctic outbreak in North America


Source: The Watchers - 1/25/13, By Chillymanjaro


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Haze continues to hover over northern India and Bangladesh


Source: The Watchers - 1/25/13, By Chillymanjaro

 Haze continues to spread across Northern India...

Ongoing haze blows across the mouths of the Ganges River and over the Bay of Bengal. Temperature inversion keeps smoke from agricultural fires and urban and industrial pollutants near the ground, rather than rising higher into the atmosphere and dispersing.


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Unprecedented glacier melting in the Andes blamed on climate change


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/24/13

January 24, 2013 – CLIMATE – Glaciers in the tropical Andes have been retreating at increasing rate since the 1970s, scientists write in the most comprehensive review to date of Andean glacier observations. The researchers blame the melting on rising temperatures as the region has warmed about 0.7 C over the past 50 years (1950-1994). This unprecedented retreat could affect water supply to Andean populations in the near future. These conclusions are published in The Cryosphere, an Open Access journal of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). The international team of scientists – uniting researchers from Europe, South America and the US – shows in the new paper that, since the 1970s, glaciers in tropical Andes have been melting at a rate unprecedented in the past 300 years.



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The Heart Song January 25th 2013


The Heart Song for January 25th 2013 is

Dreamer by Doctor Moe of The Galactic Free Press








Copyright: Maurice Turmel PhD, 1999 / 2010



Dreamer is as dreamer does

Dreamer lives in all of us

When you wish upon a star

Dreamer shows us who we are


Dawning days and blissful nights

Bring to dreamer some new delights

Stories you might tell once more

Pictures you could draw on stone



Bring your dreams Alive (4)



Dreamer says as dreamer does

Dreamer speaks for all of us

He takes over when we are thinking

Then He sends us out mischieving


How bout rainbows, how bout kites

How about those medieval knights

How bout moonbeams and rockets in space

How bout Jesus, the Lord, His face





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Earth Ally Simon~ Omnipresent Love



In every moment there is something going on, something manifesting. We tend to put our dreams on hold, wait for something before we take a new step or believe that the future holds our freedom. Freedom is right now.

Ask yourself, what do you want in your heart?

We are all doing our best with whatever we are involved with. Some people are doing service work, helping people with no money. Other people are working in business, doing their best to generate more money. Some people are playing sports, other people are at home waiting for something to happen.

You are really more than just a human being. You are omnipresent God/Love. Let me explain.

I woke up one day and decided to go for a walk. When I walked outside I felt like I was watching things for the first time. I looked up into the sky, heard the birds and felt the sunshine touch my face as if it was happening for the first time. I was there, merely walking, hearing, seeing and feeling. I was not thinking about what I would do tomorrow or when I got back home. I was not thinking about why the man in the red shirt was walking his dog, I merely witnessed him walk his dog.


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2013 ~ Transition, Awakening, Ascension or absolutely Nothing?!


Published on Oct 20, 2012

This short video is all about 2012 and 2013, what is or will be happening?!
Transition, Awakening, Ascension or absolutely not Nothing?!

This is our view...
by http://www.wakeupmessage.com because it's time to Wake Up!
From our Need to Know Topics - To see more topics and Need to Know subjects, just visit our site.

Thank you & don't forget to visit us!
Wake Up

Sources / References
- BBC Documentary - Wonders of the Solar System
- BBC Documentary - Planet Earth (special thanks to YouTube User/Creator
- Bravo1989Tango)
- BBC Documentary - Human Planet (Falcons Save Dubai)
- BBC Documentary - Wonders of the Universe
- Discovery Channel Documentary -- Earth from Space
- Movie - The Adjustment Bureau (2011) by George Nolfi
- Movie - Contact (1997) by Robert Zemeckis
- A Timelapse of Planet Earth, October 2011 to March 2012 (Images Copyright NTs OMZ. Videos Copyright James Drake. See more Electro-L movies and full-size images at http://Planet--Earth.ca/)
- All Images acquired via Shutterstock (http://www.shutterstock.com/)
- Music - The Sound of Silence (Instrumental Original) Simon & Garfunkel
- Music - Imagine (Instrumental arrangement) John Lennon
- Music - The Times They Are a-Changin' (Instrumental) Bob Dylan



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Cupcakes And Angels ~ Bella Capozzi ~ The Year Of The Heart ~


Welcome to my new blog!

And yes, as you will soon see, this one is going to be a quite a bit different than my last one – The Angel Diaries.  My old blog was very well suited to the place we were at in 2012.  But 2013 is a whole new ballgame.  It’s unique and unlike any other year we’ve experienced so far.  It’s shaping up to be a year of action, of taking charge of our own destinies and co-creating with Spirit the best possible world for ourselves, our families and for Humanity as a whole.  It’s all  about world peace.  Self-expression.  The emergence and empowerment, at long last, of the Divine Feminine.  It’s about equality and abundance for all.  It’s about the cultivation of our dreams.  Simply put, 2013 is the Year of the Heart.


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Kara Schallock: Refining Our Space in the New Vibrations



Last year we would receive downloads of high dimensional Light at certain times, like the New and Full Moons, Solstices and Equinoxes and during the thirteen Gateways, and then we would be given an integration and rest period. This year, however, there is a steady stream of this Light coming in constantly and we thus are always in this Flow, and we come to certain awarenesses in order to make certain changes in our lives to be more congruent with our Souls; our Divinity.

As we receive this Light, it then radiates out from us as soon as we receive it and this is how we help all others rise in vibration, if they are resonating with our energy; whether consciously or unconsciously. This is Unity in action. We used to be prompted to send healing energy out to certain places and people; now it is automatic as we attend to our own consciousness and life. This also helps us let go of the doing and saving that we have been limited by for so long. It is how we co-create the New Earth…by Being; not controlling, but allowing the Light to shift us in any way that is for our highest evolution.


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1-24-13 Bill Ballard ~ Hearing the Stories of Those Experiencing 4D ~


Well, Mother Earth is definitely in 4D (and Higher). I am hearing stories of persons seeing and experiencing the astral realms, having fear, uncertainty, chaos and crap as the LIGHT intensity is amplified on planet by the CMEs, Cosmic Hole Streams, Photon Belt, and the Magnetic Beams we have most recently entered coming from the Galactic Center. This intensity has only just begun and will certainly increase as we go. It is designed to raise the Light Quotient of each and every individual on planet, which will eventually have all in 5D and Higher as we ascend. So many persons feel they are ass ending as they play in the 4D realms... Come on Up to 5D! You can ONLY get there through your heart... The exterior illusion will only continue in chaos as we watch the old world collapse... Bliss is found in 5D, as well as majic and mastery of one's life... That is why they call 5D Christ Consciousness... Be LOVE!


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What can we do you ask…?


One World Rising Posted on January 24, 2013



Here is one way you can help change your family and eventually the world. Begin by saving your kids from the jaws of educational mind control. Today’s children are being programmed into mindless slaves to continue on with the work schedule their parents are controlled by. The schools don’t want creativity and free thinking and learning, they want robots they can use in the work force. Bright, eager and intelligent young minds are being captured and held hostage. Take the time to free your children because they are the ones who will take over the world after we are gone.


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We are doing everything we can to get your attention. - channeled by Ron Head




Synchronicities, feathers, coins, and signs of all kinds abound at this time.  We are doing everything we can to get your attention.  We are here and we are working with you in every way we are able.  If you are open to the possibility, ask and you will receive all the signs you need that we are indeed with you.


There is much, much more to reality than you know or even imagine.  You have spent over a hundred years searching for the ‘missing link’.  Did they but know it, it is at last beginning to be acknowledged by your scientists.  Consciousness is that link.  Consciousness is everywhere.  Energy is everything.  At its core, matter is no more solid than thought is.  All is love.


How much is understood now that was totally foreign to the thinking of mankind so recently.  Of course in many places only the very few think of these things at all.  But that is changing, as well.  In your quiet inner moments, dwell on these things, dearest ones.  More than things to pass through your mind, what do they mean?


Could it be that nothing separates you from any other thing?  Could it be that nothing really separates you from me?  Could you possibly know what I want you to know before you read these pages?  Is there a level at which we are indeed all One?


What would that mean in the context of daily life?  All are equal?  Indeed, dear ones.  All are worthy?  All are loved?  All are precious?  No one and nothing is less than?  Most of all you, in your being, are precious, worthy, and loved beyond measure.



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KRYON~The timing of the great shift



Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There are some who come here and think that they are seeing something unusual, something special. They don't understand that what they are truly seeing is themselves. For if you are opening your heart to this message, you're starting to see the family. Perhaps you're starting to understand a little more about the process? Perhaps you feel that you are alone, never understanding that Spirit knows your name? Spirit is expecting you here. Some people approach God in a very unusual way. They believe they're apart and alone. They come to a place perhaps like this, and that's where they call out to God, since they suddenly realize they can. Right now, in this session, while this door is open, there are some who'll say, "The door's open. Now I can pray. Kryon, please hear me." They don't know - they don't know that the door is always open!


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Sophia Love - Working on Freedom


Sophia Love 01/24/13



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Terence McKenna: Aliens? or Alienation. UFO as symbol of our longing for wholeness, requiring linguistic transformation.


Exopermaculture  Posted on January 24, 2013

“We are all, including myself, heavily freighted with linguistic momentum. . .the power of our own metaphors to carry us past the opportunity to listen to what other people are saying. What we are dreaming of is a common language. A linguistic transformation that is not dependent on culturally sanctioned dictionaries, but is in the bones, in the sinews, in the synapses, so that the ambiguity which attends all discussions of reality, will be purged. This is the essence of falling in love, one definition of which is nothing more than lifting the veils of misconception between two entities and still being able to move foward toward some kind of union. We have moved so far from an awareness of the feminine portion of our psyche, that now the thing dearest to us and closest to us must present itself in consciousnessness under the guise of an extraterrestrial or interdimensional invader.


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SaLuSa on the Journey within and Ascension 24 Jan 2013 ~ Multidimensional Ocean


The lightworkers’ light is put through tremendous amount of stress in these end game times. Many of you may struggle now in order to find again that spark of light within your self.


We recommend that in order to overcome these troubled times, you focus your energies on your own life, on your own needs more than ever. Be the hero of your own life, be the light bearer that you need to be in your life right now. Be the saviour that you would like to rescue you. For in truth, you can only rescue your self. No body else can save you or rescue you, as so many newcomers to our messages hope to see happening.



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"No illness is contagious"




Today we would like to focus your attention on the health of your human body and the purpose which illnesses serve. There are very many on your world that are experiencing some form of “virus” which is causing discomfort within their physical vessel. There are very many widespread beliefs about how these “viruses” are spread as well as what purpose they serve. It is our intention today to share with you our perspective on how this can be of service to you.


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Interview with the Pleiadians: Crisis of Faith


Wes Annac

I Wes~i’m reposting this because of the reader interest and the many comments saying how much it has helped you all. Again, I have no desire to cease communicating with any of the sources coming through me despite what is said in this message and in fact, you can expect many more interviews with the Pleiadians in this manner through the enthusiastic temple that is me.

Personally; they continue to validate their existence to me and I faithfully and happily continue along this path. For those who are really struggling, it’s hoped that this message is helpful.

The Pleiadian High Council: You are with us dearest Wesley, and we have many Crew Members stationed around you to make sure that no negative or misleading entities attempt to come through and deliver information that you know to be out of resonation with what is currently occurring on your planet and within you all. (1)

Wes Annac: Thank you so much, dear friends. As you know, this past while has been rather difficult for me. It has nothing to do with December 21st as you also know, but it seems as if negativity is still the rule of the day here on planet Earth. Do you care to comment on that?


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Djwhal Khul – Full Moon In Leo – 24January 2013


The Golden Age Daily January 24, 2013

Terri Newlon

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. This week I want to talk about the powerful Full Moon in the sign of Leo. The Sun is in Aquarius, the Moon is Full in the opposite sign of the zodiac or Leo in this case. I’m seeing it as a very favorable Moon for most people; a good time to ponder a redirection in life or if you’re already moving in a certain way, you can gain more momentum now.

It can also be a time I think when you can start something new and have a lot of follow through time with it. So… well that is of course if your plate isn’t too full already.


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  To Nageetah, you can't tell the difference from him and an indian of today. . There is so much more truth to be revealed.  I love his name.  Now, let me see what I can learn/remember about him.






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Freezing Rain Halts Air, Road Travel in Utah


Weather.com - 1/25/13, Brady McCombs

Salt Lake City, Utah

A driver fills out a police report after rolling her vehicle on the on ramp to I-80 in Salt Lake County Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013. An unusual freezing rain blanketed the Salt Lake City metropolitan area making driving around the valley extremely hazardous. (AP Photo/Deseret News, Jeffrey D. Allred)

SALT LAKE CITY -- A rare freezing rain caused major havoc in Salt Lake City Thursday, creating sheets of ice on roads, sidewalks and airport runways.

The Salt Lake City International Airport was closed for about three hours, delaying hundreds of passengers. The closure came after a Frontier Airlines plane landing from Denver slid on a patch of ice while on the runway. Nobody was injured.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Fireball across Skies in West was Flaming Comet


Weather.com - 1/24/13, AP

NASA/JPL-Caltech/UMD via Getty Images

A comet, like this one, was the reason for a fireball-like object being spotted in the West, according to one researcher.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. -- A California researcher says a fireball seen streaking across Western skies last week was a flaming comet.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.



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The manuscript of survival – part 258


aisha north January 25, 2013


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The Oracle Report Friday, January 25, 2013


The Oracle Report

Gibbous Moon Phase - Moon in Cancer

Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi


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Tropical cyclone Garry now a category three storm


Radio New Zealand International - 1/25/13

Forecasters say tropical cyclone Garry is now a category three system bringing damaging gale force winds to the northern Cook Islands.

This morning the cyclone is located just north of Palmerston Island atoll and Suwarrow.

To read the rest of this story, visit RNZI.com


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Forgive And Forget The Illuminati, Remember Christ Consciousness!


Behind this video...

I made this video for the people who are ready to hear it. I have been on many different paths leading to ascension. I've noticed that most people have bits and pieces of the whole perception of what's going on here in this reality. There are your David Icke fans who support the idea of the reptilians, the government being corrupt and the limited consciousness they keep us in, and most of those people are very angry about this information. Then you have the Eckheart Tolle followers, who don't really focus on the negative side of things, which is great, but they don't know the larger story of what's happening in this matrix, and not having an intellectual understanding of what's going on, makes it harder for people to truly master this reality (ascend into higher dimensions of consciousness). What has worked for me, is delving into the intellectual understanding and the spiritual understanding of this reality. This video advises how to work with the oppositional feelings one faces when knowing of the truth of the illuminati or reptilians (lizzies), and the matrix they created for us. It advises not to be scared, or angry or even threatened by them, but to accept the negative feelings and to FORGIVE them. Yes I said it! When you can keep your heart open and truly let go of the darkness they have created here, you will become bigger than them. You will see them for what they truly are.
Luciferain conciousness, is a perception that is insignificant and diminshed compared to the higher vibrations of christ consciousness. They have no power in a world that is of love. This is why we must forgive them and focus on ourselves and what we wish to create instead! If the entire world dropped their negative focus on their governments and came together with their intent for a better world, the Illuminati would be history! We have the power, we outnumber them!


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We Want YOU to Declare Peace on Earth!


 We want you to declare Peace on Earth! And, we want you to become Peace Reporters, too.


If you haven't already sent in a clip declaring Peace on Earth, please do so today.
If you've already done that, then please get out and start filming your friends, family, neighbors, and people you don't know yet!

It's simple. Just create a short clip like the one below

and then email it to



If you can't make a video clip, you can submit an audio clip or a written statement. You can include photos if you like.



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Denise Le Faye ~ The Ascension Process & Eating/Digesting Difficulties ~


( Artist unknown)

“Dear Denise, Elila, Marilyn, Calliope, Morphqueen, and everyone else here and those commenting on food/eating issues. All I can say is I feel you all. My abdomen, also, looks like I’m about to give birth. No exaggeration – I look about 7-8 months pregnant. I’ve been battling this for years and it gets better and worse but always there. Truly, I can not find pants that fit – it is becoming a nightmare. Today, the jeans I wore to work have a waistband that came down around my abdomen and this big belly sticks out over the top – no judgment – but just to describe – looks like a big beer belly (but maybe bigger). And the eating – I lost about 15 pounds from summer to winter – couldn’t eat much of anything and really didn’t want to. Then I started craving all kinds of food – and I’ve gained some weight back. I mean, literally I am allergic to wheat gluten and soy and lactose intolerant. And most everything else bothers me too… Even water. It is very crazy making and I wish I could just get by without food. However, another issue is that food was always comforting to me – and now, when I often need comforting, I can’t even turn to food, though I’d like to – but the price I pay is too high b/c I feel so awful physically. I went to the movie yesterday and brought my own drink and indulged in some popcorn. This was my big treat for myself – then about 2 hours later felt awful and that lasted the rest of the evening. I look forward to your article Denise. Thanks, as always for all you do to keep this place for us, and thanks to all that write in. Morgean”


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Unity, Oneness and Reality Camps~Pods


Monday, 14 January, 2013  (posted 25 January, 2013)

One of my favourite quotes is by Mattie Stepanek, a wise little boy and regular guest on the Oprah show prior to his passing. He said ‘We fight because we are different, but we are not meant to all be the same.’ As we enter the era of what many have called the age of unity and oneness we are starting to experience a greater sense of unity and oneness, however it is manifesting in a completely different way to how many may have expected it to look and feel.


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SaLuSa 25~January~2013




We salute those of you who have continued to wear the mantle of Love and Light, and are making a path into the New Age. The goals you are aiming for are nearer than ever, and your persistence in helping them manifest will soon bring results. With the dark Ones in retreat and unable to muster sufficient support to continue as before, our allies are making much quicker progress. Many actions are coming to a head, and we hope to arrange for some really positive signs to convince you. We refrain from giving precise details as so many factors are involved, but we try to give you some indication of what is happening. Currently all matters are proceeding satisfactorily and now less likely to be changed due to any outside interference. The foundation for the changes was laid down a long time ago, and about to yield results.


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A Little Inspiration for my Weary Soul



The day may dawn when fair play, love for one's fellow men, respect for justice and freedom, will enable tormented generations to march forth triumphant from the hideous epoch in which we have to dwell. Meanwhile, never flinch, never weary, never despair. ~ Winston Churchill


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Interesting Movie Trailer


  Could this be a veiled announcement of our Inner Earth brethren http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/upside-down-2/trailers/upside-down-trailer...?


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Snowfall too light to ease drought in U.S. crop region - expert


Reuters.com - 1/25/13, By Sam Nelson

* Wheat-killing drought deepens in Kansas

* Only minor relief in U.S. Plains and Midwest

CHICAGO, Jan 25 (Reuters) - Light snow expected next week in crop growing areas of the United States will provide only minor relief from the worst drought in more than 50 years, an agricultural meteorologist said on Friday.

Crop-killing drought deepened in Kansas over the last week, further jeopardizing this season's production of the important winter wheat crop. Kansas is generally the top U.S. wheat-growing state, but the new crop planted last fall has been struggling with a lack of soil moisture.

To read the rest of this story, visit Reuters.com.


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Earthquakes: East Texas, Nevada, and Oregon



To read the stories visit the links below.


Some Oregonians feel small cluster of quakes
off coast near Waldport


Quake Swarm Hits Topaz Area


Earthquake shakes East Texas overnight




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Paranoia in the ranks


    I have been quiet and sat and watched the ups and downs of this ascension thing and I must say its been entertaining to say the least. My problem has been that while it is highly recommended to use your HEART to discern the truth, on alot of the sites though they do not lead by example. Now to the title. I of late have observed many sites tightening the controls on the comment section of their site. I will not mention the sites specificly because i still believe in their work. It is just sad to see them falling for the Shill Game. In  my opinion the Shills do what they do to create dissent among our ranks and to discredit anything we have to say. But there is a more sinister motive and that is to create an atmosphere where Honest commenters and people trying to get Questions answered are mistaken for a shill. As an outside observer and seeker of the truth I find it extremely difficult to get the truth when you have to word a question or comment in such a way as not to labeled a Shill. THIS HAS TO STOP. There are Honest people out there that want answers NOT CENSORSHIP. I am not lumping all sites into this because THERE ARE STILL GOOD SITES OUT THERE. I am also not saying that SOME caution isn't warranted but come on LET'S NOT LATCH ONTO THEIR PROJECTED FEAR AND PARANOIA. I would like to also take this opportunity to say how gratful I am to have this outlet for my posts THANK YOU GALACTIC FREE PRESS. In short LET'S NOT BECOME THAT WHICH WE ARE FIGHTING AGAINST.




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Dead Man Live


My my my...hehehee.  Yesterday, I realized why my inability to trust was most previlent in my being.  It transpired in Egypt; I read somewhere on this blog (I read most material on this blog) that trouble in Egypt started when the Annunauki came.


When I was reading bout Djedefre, when I saw the words SA-RE (sorry...) and saw the face of the bust saying it to me.  You see, when I was outside lookin at the sun, I asked my Father why I was not able to trust anyone, ESPECIALLY a man since I had before in this life even though it was in vain (I thanks Spirit it was NOW THE REAL SHIT CAN HAPPEN.  hehehee). Djedefre came to mind and I googled it.  hehehee.  When I read it, I felt it, in my soul and body.  I EXCEPT YOUR APOLOGY D.  hehehee


The rest is history and I AM free to TRUST again.  When I responded to the post entitled in his name, the third post, I felt as if I was lighter, freer, I felt as if I might begin to float.  My Heart got bigger, like when the grinch stole christmas, and he gave the things back and his Heart expanded...I had the same smile.  hehehee


Yes, Djedefre is now free to travel to his next destination, and so am I.  And so AM.  "May he live again in the tradition of Hor-Kheper."


Love NaGee


I dont spell check because its a feeling thang for me. And, I AM surely NOT perfect...


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3MIN News January 25, 2013: Comet PANSTARRS





Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Jan 25, 2013


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Keep watch on bright Sirius in February's skies


Tallahassee.com - 1/25/13, Ken Kopczynski

News and Notes: On Feb. 15, a fairly small asteroid will pass by Earth. Asteroid 2012 DA14 is expected to miss our planet by about 20,000 miles. This is one-tenth of the distance to the Moon.

If Asteroid 2012 DA14 were to hit Earth, it would ruin your day and probably any travel plans you had for next summer.

To read the rest of this story, visit Tallahassee.com.


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UK Weather: More Snow Before Rain Is Expected To Cause Flooding (PICTURES)


The Huffington Post United Kingdom - 1/25/13, Sara C. Nelson

squirrel in the snow

A red squirrel in Kielder Forest, Northumberland, following fresh snowfall

Heavy snow is expected to sweep the country on Friday, ahead of a thaw which, coupled with rains, is expected to cause flooding.

The worst of the white stuff will hit Scotland, northern England, the Midlands and the east, where up to seven inches is predicted over high ground.

To read the rest of this story, visit huffingtonpost.co.uk.


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'We are marooned': state's north soaked


Brisbane Times - 1/24/13, Marissa Calligeros

Water is lapping at the doors of homes and businesses in north Queensland where towns have been cut in half as ex-tropical cyclone Oswald moves south.

As Ingham streets flood, a severe weather warning remains in place for the Central Coast.

As Ingham streets flood, a severe weather warning remains in place for the Central Coast. Photo: Channel Seven

Residents in the state’s sodden north were on crocodile watch after reports a two-metre reptile was spotted in floodwaters along the Bruce Highway. The crocodile was in fact a baby and was seen on a mud bank well away from the highway.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Brisbane Times.


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Massive Rainfall Totals From Tropical Storm Oswald Seen By NASA


RedOrbit.com - 1/24/13

Image Caption: This TRMM satellite rainfall analysis covers the period from Jan. 15-22, 2013. The analysis showed that Oswald and its remnants have already dropped over 600 mm (~23.6 inches) of rain in areas of the Cape York Peninsula near the Gulf of Carpentaria. Credit: NASA/SSAI, Hal Pierce

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Tropical Storm Oswald’s heavy rains have caused flooding in Queensland, Australia and NASA’s TRMM satellite measured almost two feet of rain fell in certain areas.

Tropical cyclone Oswald’s sustained winds have never been greater than 35 knots (~40.2 mph) but the storm’s extreme rainfall has resulted in widespread flooding in Australia over northern Queensland. Many roads have been reported flooded resulting in some communities being cut off.


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In The World And In Ourselves~ Feeling Fed Up With Humanity




From time to time, we may all feel fed up with humanity, whether it's from learning about what's going on around the world, or what’s going on next door. There are always situations that leave us feeling as if people are simply not capable of behaving in a way that is coming from a place of awareness. Often it seems as if people are actually geared to handle things in the worst possible way, repeatedly. At the same time, none of us wants to linger in a judgmental mood about our own species. As a result, we might tend to repress the feelings coming up as we take in the news from the world and the neighborhood.



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Leo Full Moon Fire Passion and action


Leo energy is bigger than life find that which brings life back to you and GO


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9 Powerful Affirmations for Greater Happiness, Abudance and Awareness


Healers Journal Posted by admin on January 24, 2013 By Truth | The Healers Journal


Affirmations are simple, yet powerful phrases you can repeat to yourself throughout the day in order to reprogram your conscious and subconscious mind.  They can greatly facilitate the replacement of limiting beliefs with ones that more accurately reflect your true divine nature and support a life of greater health, happiness, abundance and awareness.

I find the most powerful times to repeat affirmations are as follows:


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Leo Full Moon Aquarian Values are Quietly Emerging



Steve Nation
January, 2013

Welcome to this festival meditation for world service, held in the light of Aquarius. In Western astrological terms the sun is considered this month to be in Aquarius. On a greater time scale we are moving into an era of two thousand years or so when the entire field of human consciousness will be oriented around Aquarian energies.

Everyone who is meditating during the period of the full moon, and doing so as a service to human and planetary evolution, is part of one group mind. We are co-workers looking inwards to the world of soul where energies of light, love and spiritual purpose are to be found and looking outwards upon the world of affairs, events and happenings in the life of humanity. One group, one mind! As we do this work month after month, year after year, decade after decade the group imagination is maturing, so that more and more of us are beginning to see at least the outlines of the reorientation of consciousness that is taking place in humanity. What is happening is that we are learning to see behind the outer and into the realms of meaning and significance — and we are doing this with increasing definition and clarity, continually refining our ability to discriminate between fantasy and reality. We are learning to read the events of the time with esoteric discrimination.


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James Gilliland ~ Spiritual Ego, Inner Sensitivity, And Critical Thinking ~


jamesgillilandThis may sound like a bit of a rant but it needs to be said. We know the energies are intense and people are in process, some lashing out, yet what is being said makes us very sad considering the awareness of the masses. This includes those who pride themselves on their spiritual connection.

Did you know everything you judge to be unspiritual is God too?

Yes, it all came from one source yet the spiritual ego, smug as it may be, exalts itself over others, losing the ability to know what is really going on. It takes sides, loosing critical thinking, getting caught up in the flow of mindless programs, never stepping back and asking what is wrong with this picture. Some wave flags, proud to be a democrat or republican, never realizing both parties are puppets for the same puppet masters. Many claim to be of one faith or another playing the separation game—yet God is omnipresent; there are no divisions in God. Some profess to be Godly, yet act in ungodly ways.


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AA Michael ~ The Character You Play


Friday, 25 January, 2013  

Greetings! Greetings! Greetings! My Beautiful Beings of Light. Have you been experiencing the new energies? How are you feeling about your new forward motion?

My Beloveds the new energies are very different, you have turned a significant page. Be kind to yourselves and allow yourselves to observe and feel, really feel the differences. The energies will continue to change My Divine Beings of Love. Each new step up of Light will usher in new waves of higher Vibrations.

These moments in NOW are about change My Beloveds. All have been seeking Peace and Community, that is why you came at this time to witness the evolutionary experience one on one. These wave changes will act as the stepping stones, baby steps if you will, to eventually achieve Peace and Community. Removing the negativity evolutionary process itself has been placed on fast forward according to The Creator’s Divine Blueprint.


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Golden Age of Gaia: Connections by Suzi Love is the only Choice


Written by Suzanne

sandy and my face 029It feels as though an entire world has passed through me since last year. The changes are coming fast and they’re powerful and subtle at the same time.

What we’re transforming into is our original Divine blueprint, so it makes sense that returning to our natural state might not feel so radical.

Aside, of course, from the clearing work we’re all doing so brilliantly.

So much has been written since the 21st of December about why things are as they are and why we may feel the way we do that I don’t feel much more can be said. We did what we needed to in order for humanity to be able to get through that particular portal, from which there’s no turning back.

All that remains of the old 3D matrix is the ever-diminishing shadow of it. The only power it then has is what we give to it ourselves with thoughts perpetuated out of habit and beliefs conditioned into our bones.

As a dear friend pointed out to me, in December we destroyed the ring of power.


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The Lightening Emerges and Sets The Winds of Change in Motion!!




Holy cow did the field, everyone’s readings, tell a vast story yesterday.  I know I have said this before, but I am going to say it again, I feel so absolutely privileged,  blessed, to be able to connect to you in the way you allow me to.   So, thank you for your love, your trust and your support for all us moving thru this new and auspicious time in our lives!

My first lady kick started a day of just weird energy that seemed to be present the rest of the day.  She had forgotten to give me the country code to connect my call with her.  I had no clue where in the world she was, I just knew she as out of the country.  After an hour and fifteen minutes of emailing, we finally got her country code to allow the connection.  It didn’t ring any bells yesterday (I was too worried about her hour reading only getting to be 15 minutes, because that’s all the time I had left before my next appointment.


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Karen Doonan: High Council of Orion Message for 25 Jan 2013 New Earth Energies



Greetings dear ones we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and support as many are now calling to their higher SELF and aligning with SOUL purpose. The energies of the new earth will now heighten and expand as the human race now prepares to heighten and expand at SOUL level. Many of the changes that are now flooding into your waking conscious life experience are there to help you make the shift from the old earth energies into the new supportive energies of the universe.

Many are still holding on tightly believing all that their human eyes and ears can see and hear and ignoring the deep calling from their SOUL. Dear ones the calling from your SOUL is TRUTH for it comes from within the heart space. The human vehicle is not equipped to interpret the new earth energies for the human vehicle is now being asked to go beyond where it has ever gone before. Many are now searching logically for a reference point and we guide there is not one. In an energetic climate that moves you beyond where you have experienced in your human form there is no logical reference point. This is being exploited by many within the old earth energies, as many are now stepping forward trying energetically to hold back the tide of the new earth energies.


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PALENQUE 12/21/2012!!!


From my beloved Pleaidian 'Star Sister' ALUNA JOY YAXIN who was at PALENQUE on the 12/21/2012  -  here is video footage of the sacred happening - the energy of the 'Old Era' washed away.


If you would like to read more about what happened in the Yucatan over the 12/21/2012, just go to Aluna's website (tons of sacred info) and sign up for her newsletter.  I could copy and paste it, but out of respect for her work and her site, if interested, I would rather re-direct you: 


Wishing EVERYONE a BLESSED weekend. 

MUCH MUCH LOVE, ANDROMEDA       www.andromeda1111.com









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