by Eileen
Recently I have been very strongly guided to practice the meditation of the 7 directions in which one connects with the elements, all that is above and below as well as the heart centre.
When I first began to practice this meditation a few years ago in New Zealand it really strengthened my connection to Gaia … along with expanding my awareness to the Galactic Centre.
Within both Gaia’s iron core and the Galactic Centre there is an energy or tone which is called `Ge.’
Here is some information which I found about `Ge’
Research suggests that humans have become energetically separated from Source and unity consciousness because of alterations to the vibrational fields of language, color, music and timekeeping that once electromagnetically attuned us with Galactic Center. The impact of these changes on human consciousness has been immense, literally trapping us in duality.
The Language of the Birds is a vowel-only phonetic code that is woven through many languages. Genetic and linguistic research indicates that the five vowels correspond to the five letters used to represent DNA and RNA: A, C, T, G and U. Initiates of the Language of the Birds who are able to speak or tone these vowels in certain ways know that these sounds permanently activate the DNA of all those who are able and willing to hear these sounds. Perhaps this is the true esoteric meaning of the Biblical phrase “for those with ears to hear.”
Sound healer Jonathan Goldman, who writes about this ancient “harmonic language” in Healing Sounds, believes that it once allowed humans to communicate telepathically with all of nature’s creations. He theorizes that the Language of the Birds used sound to transmit information, and may be similar to sounds used by dolphins to transmit three-dimensional holographic thought-forms.
Musical sounds or tones were originally attuned to Source and are believed to be the frequencies used by God to create the cosmos in six days. Sacred chants such as the Gregorian contained notes that connected humanity to Source and, as a result, increased health and longevity. Current musical scales lack these six primary frequencies, known together as the Solfeggio Scale, which was only recently rediscovered. One of the Solfeggio notes, known as “Mi,” is the exact frequency used by genetic engineers to repair DNA.
Color, which as an aspect of light is ultimately an expression of sound, results from combining three primary hues. Today these are red, blue and yellow: the foundation for all modern color schemes. When combined, red, blue and yellow produce a muddy brown. The original primary colors were actually red, green and violet, which combine to produce brilliant white light when projected on a screen. The impact of this dubious change on human consciousness is immense, as it effectively “dumbs down” our visual perception.
Prior to the rise of the Roman Empire, the first hour of the day began at 6 p.m. rather than at midnight, as shown in this figure.
This change reversed the natural charting of time by the brain and decreased the synergistic functioning of the right and left brains. This not only “dumbed down” humanity but blocked the whole-brain integration that is a critical step in human evolution. Whole-brain integration is one of the major traits of geniuses and self-actualized individuals.
You might think of the original or Mosaic clock as going “tick-tock” and the backwards Roman clock as going “tock-tick.” This alteration in timekeeping literally entrains the brain to vibrational frequencies that prevent people from electromagnetically attuning to the circadian forces of Earth.
Even the calendar was changed in an effort to disempower the masses. Originally based on lunar or moon cycles, the calendar once contained 13 months and kept humanity attuned to natural rhythms through moon cycles and sun cycles such as solstices and equinoxes. The implementation of today’s Gregorian Calendar in 1582 effectively attuned humanity to technology rather than nature, as it focused attention on clock-based time rather than solar and lunar movements.
Many indigenous traditions of Mesoamerica believe that Tula ( Galactic Centre)emits a frequency or tone known as Ge that not only heals the body/mind/spirit but provides immortality. Some believe that the tone of Ge is inherent in the vibrational frequencies of the Language of the Birds, the original Gregorian Chants, the Solfeggio Scale and even primary color system that creates white light. These frequencies form the basis for all disciplines such as alchemy and esoteric religions that claim to lead people towards illumination or enlightenment.
It appears that the spiritual practices used in the ancient mystery schools of Egypt and Greece employed a variety of these vibrational tools to attune people’s DNA to Source. This caused the DNA to ring, sing or vibrate so that it resonated with the tone of “Ge”—the frequency of Galactic Center. This attunement activated a San Graal or Song Grail—a “love song in the blood”—creating a rainbow bridge that synchronized an initiate’s consciousness with Source. This love song energetically united Heaven (Galactic Center) with Earth (initiates), opening human hearts and pumping crystallized “Ge”-tuned blood through their bodies. From this perspective, “Ge-sus” is a Master Being sent from Tula or Galactic Center to help humanity attune its DNA to the frequency of Ge so that we can return to Source.
While reading the Pleidian Agenda the idea of setting up an alter to the 4 directions features constantly throughout the book. It is seen as a way of connecting to `Ge’. When you align with `Ge’ she will also send you ideas and inspiration.
I laughed when I was reading about this in this book as I once experienced an earthquake while connecting to Gaia’s iron core crystal in which `Ge’ resides. This is what I found in this book – `When she ( Ge) comes , she will feel like an earthquake, and you will know you are no longer a galactic virgin when this happens. Once you have attained this, she will be able to draw you into her mind whenever she wants to. You will know when to seek your alter.’
I found this to be very interesting.
It would appear that I am no longer a `galactic virgin’
This need to seek your alter …. the alter has been calling me over the last few weeks and I am feeling that it is most important to connect in this way at present.
There is strong energy and tones emitting from the `Ge’ in the earth’s iron core crystal and also in the Galactic Centre .. and by connecting with both , pulling down the prana from the Galactic Centre and up from the core of Gaia into our hearts is a very powerful connection.
When one adds to this the connections to the 4 directions which then link around Gaia you are effectively centring yourself in every direction so that you can receive information through all of these sources … it feels to be very important to maintain these connections during this time.
By connecting in this way and aligning with the power of `Ge’ while centring all this energy in your heart I feel is really important at this time when we are heading towards a heart-based way of BEing… not only that but by attuning ourselves to the tone of `Ge’ within the Galactic Centre and with Gaia herself we can retune ourselves to the tone of Source.
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The Power of Ge
How do you pronounce that? Geee, Geh as in the German word for walking or another way? Does anyone know?
I had forgotten it (!) until I read this- I once felt an earthquake when connecting to the Earth several years ago. I didn't realize exactly what was happening, although I did figure it was a confirmation. I am blessed, I get confirmations frequently. And I have discovered I have a magical connection telepathically with the birds, and the frogs. I would have to say, I am gaisdaughter. :)