February 17-24, 2013
Beloved Ones,
There has been a great influx of energy in the past week and most of you are finding yourselves trying to assimilate and integrate these within your system. Many issues and emotions are coming up for review and these must be purified by spending time in silence and contemplation. At the root of all issues is the emotion of the fear of lack of love and what is needed to be summoned from within you is forgiveness, of others and most of all, yourselves. Remember that every experience that has happened in your lives was drawn to you for a reason. Every experience successfully dealt with returns to you another fragment of your personal divine power.
There is always something that is happening in the events around you that can distract you from your path of enlightenment, empowerment and ascension. It behooves each aspirant on the path to discern that which is taking place and make choice as to whether to give attention to it or not. The allowance of each outward occurrence as a part of the flow of events during these times is important. Try to do this without making judgment and it will flow through you and move on without disturbance to your energetic system.
You are in the times of transition from one state of being to another. In times of transition, there will be many challenges that need to be successfully navigated. Most of you have already done this work and you need to remind yourselves each day that what appears before you is that which you can just acknowledge and allow to flow through you as an observation rather than participation. Follow your inner guidance in all things that come before you, follow the promptings of your heart. It is this which is accurate for your path, your destiny.
Do remember, Dear Ones, that each of you is situated in the place you are at now for a reason. It is there that the Light most needs to be anchored into the Earth in order that stability of the energies flowing into the atmosphere takes place. You are conduits whether you have a conscious awareness of this role or not. The energies flow through your entire energetic field and into the core of the planet. This is a most important service that you are rendering to the Divine Plan. Work with this knowing and observe as the energies flow through and trust that all is unfolding as it should.
Take time each day to go within in a period of silence in order to check in with guidance coming through. You are the radiance of Light in your area of the world and you are honored in this work upon the inner realms. Have faith that your life is unfolding as planned by your Divine Self and that you are always loved, guided and protected. We wish to assure you that your beloved ones are also under our protection. We cannot protect them from the lessons they have chosen to experience on the Earth but we offer protection in the form of constant guidance, and safety from harm. You are loved and held in the highest esteem by your Family of Light.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com
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February 10-17, 2013
Beloved Ones,
The effects of the latest waves of energy being directed to Earth are now being felt in each soul. To those who have been doing the inner work, there is a lightening of their spirit as they go about their daily lives. This Light is discernable to those who know them but do not see them regularly. There is an indefinable something which makes these individuals stand out and that of course is their inner Light. This is an excellent time to renew your dedication to your daily disciplines so that you can take full advantage of the opportunities that are presented.
Each individual throughout the planet is now beginning to make choices to take back their own sovereignty of Being and are uniting in focuses that are designed to bring attention to long standing and ongoing concerns that need addressing. The old paradigms are being changed moment by moment as the balance of energies between the masculine and feminine are being brought into balance. This can create chaos in areas of the world where there has been an imbalance for centuries as the masculine energies resist the call to align with the higher energies of the cosmos and the universal laws of conduct.
The anomalies in the weather patterns continue and the Earth is still adjusting as the greater alignment to the galactic center takes effect. Old ways of conduct are being highlighted in the news media and bringing to the attention of the masses the need for evaluation and change. Those who uphold their integrity are anchoring this energy into the new paradigm. All are being tested in their resolve to become greater than former limitations would have them believe they can become. It is the time of becoming all that you truly are in the inner recesses of your mind.
The process of purification is usually a very challenging one. It is often quite difficult to see aspects of one’s self that need transformation. It is valuable to know that those with whom you interact on a daily basis are those who are reflecting to you that which needs to be addressed and looked at. It is helpful to remember that they have agreed on a spiritual level to do this service for you because as souls they love you dearly. It can be difficult to realize that all challenges currently being experienced in your daily lives are those that you, as sovereign soul, have brought into your lives to focus on the areas of soul refinement that still need work.
The refinement taking place in the areas of human expression by all of humanity is underway. In humanity, all that is base and of lower vibration is slowly falling away and being replaced with a conscious desire to walk this world as their true authentic Self. There will be more moments of spontaneous bursts of pure joy that well up from within each heart as they live their mundane lives expressing their true nature of spirit in these challenging times. The jewel that they truly are is being polished into greater brilliance and reflection and this process touches and impacts others in amazing ways.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com
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