2-22-13 Bill Ballard ~ Clearing Energies ~ Be Very Careful When Stepping Into

Lia's picture

Last week there was another wave of humanity just waking and their fears of what is going on was released to the field. This will happen many more times until we complete this shift. I had mentioned what my experience was and a dear sweet loving friend astrally entered my field to touch my heart and send love. She did this at a time when I was consciously clearing the lower vibrations from Mother Earth within my field, a double helix tornado with high currents going up and down, channeling out lower vibrations and allowing more light incoming. Many of us were consciously clearing for humanity and Mother Earth these past days.
These fields that surround the body are both electric and electromagnetic in nature. These are very powerful currents that will be different in each of us depending on our personal levels of activation. They are like a force field, similar to those around Galactic Ships in Star Wars... What happens when something attempt to enter that field? It gets zapped by the energy it comes into contact with. For me and her both, it grounded out our energies and created some blockages that took a bit of time to clear.
I know that many of us wish to explore our new spiritual abilities as we open up and begin to remember. This video is a word of caution about doing so at a time when you do not know what the other is currently (pun intended) working on... ha... We both got a jolt out of that one and it took time to clear... Send Love and Light from afar is one thing but when you step into another's field without asking first, it could disrupt both persons. Be careful and be conscious of what you are doing... Spiritual powers are far stronger than you think!

A yellow butterfly goes through at 14:50 as I was ending the vid... Cool!



Clarissalynn's picture

THanks for telling us about anchoring to the cosmic "whatever" instead of Gaia when you want to clear out some negative energy.  Since tomorrow is the 7th anniversary of my daughter's murder, I was having uncontrollable grief... it took about 3 times to breath and anchor to the cosmos but it cleared and I did well last night and all day today!!!  Thanks again, Bill