LIFE Is Love - How To Bring Peace Freedom Joy & Abundance For All

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ArthurLoveForLife ·Uploaded on Feb 21, 2011


Narayanan Krishnan - A Companion To The Forgotten - LIFE IS THE GIFT OF LIFE IS THE GIFT OF LIFE - When we all co-create gifts of LIFE to serve each other with, we all live in Paradise - When we forgo being Gifts of LIFE and revert to SELF-centeredness, we all live in the midst of chaos that is the present world we are all responsible for creating.

There is no doubt that everyone will be moved by this video, the story of a man who has devoted his life to feeding and nurturing the poor, hungry and homeless in his hometown of Bangalore, India. He doesn't just drop off food and run. He sits with the poor, he washes them, shaves them and cuts their hair, he massages their legs and talks to them.

He ignores his High Caste brainwashing that says he should not even speak to them, let alone touch them. Now imagine how life would be if we all took on the full-responsibility to do something for the needy around us. This is what Kindom is about; communities where everyone is taken care of, everyone fed, everyone washed and everyone sheltered, communities that spread out into the wider community offering support to those in need, whether through illness or poverty.

We get so caught up in elections, politics and commerce that our needs and desires, interior decorating, the footy, the stock market, Hollywood, our lifestyles and our espresso machines that we forget how easy it is to make a difference in someone's life.

As Narayanan says, there is so much joy in giving. When we all start giving, we will transform the world. Our capacity for loving and giving is infinite. The key is to set our lives free from "The System" because then we have unlimited freedom to give to others. See more videos here:

Thank You To Achyut Sharma For Posting This Video In Facebook: