Karen Doonan~What are your patterns telling you?

Lia's picture

So how did you cope with the full moon energies that have built up over the past few days? did you sail through them or did you feel as if you were dissolving in a soggy mess of emotions? we ask because once more the energetic climate of planet earth has changed and the new earth energies are now fully anchoring. These energies do not support any of the energetic patterning of the old earth and it is the word PATTERN that we wish to draw your attention to for this blog. For human life is a series of patterns that we interact with and many we interact with and do not give conscious thought to, these are the ones where most of the teachings of distortion sit within and these are the ones that you are being asked to dissolve in order to move fully into the new earth.

Many of you may feel challenged in many areas of human life at this time or in one particular area, it will of course depend on what you are being asked to release, often it is the teachings that are the deepest that we cannot see for that is how they have managed to exist for so long by being beneath our radar. But when we begin to live from the heart space and FEEL there is nowhere for these teachings to effectively hide for even when we cannot see something we can FEEL it and we are aware, then it is a matter of TRUST and FAITH in SELF and the process for as you allow the harmonisation process to unfold you will illuminate that which needs illuminating in divine timing.

The divine timing is an important part of this process for you cannot unlock a deep level of SELF without unlocking the layers that sit on top of it. Trying to go too quickly through this process without grounding and anchoring will have you deep in frustration for the role of the human mind is changing. In a heart centred life experience it is the role of the head to acknowledge and accept what the heart is anchoring so the head plays a sort of "catch up" role, you may do things and experience things that may make little logical sense at the time but FEEL they are correct, then the human mind will work to acknowledge why you did it and it will be revealed to you. This of course is the direct reverse of how we have been taught to live on this planet and may feel a little odd to start with. Practice and FAITH and TRUST of SELF will see you flow through this process building up in speed as you go, much like unravelling a ball of wool gets easier the more you that you unravel.

It is also important to realise that you need not know where the next step is leading you until you experience it. Its like driving down a dimly lit road in the dark, by moving steadily in the direction you are travelling you will get to where you are going, you dont need the whole road to be illuminated. The human life experience is like driving down this dimly lit road in many ways, many of you may be about to turn a corner but much like sitting in the car with the headlights only going as far as the corner that is lit up you cannot see what is beyond the corner. So do you stop fearing what is around the corner or do you TRUST that as you turn the corner the headlights will illuminate the next part of your journey?

Many of you may wish to park your vehicle at this time, wondering if you will ever make sense of the road that you appear to be travelling on. The human conscious mind able only to perceive little glimpses of what is happening. The heart is your sat nav if you like, it will take you to where you are being guided to, often like a sat nav it may take a completely different route than the one your were expecting but there are many ways to get to where you are going. That is what is called the human life experience. Many of you are so eager to get there you are ignoring the fact that you are living and listening to the human mind when it tries to teach that the direction appears to be "wrong" and that things have to happen a certain way in order for you to achieve that which you came here to achieve.

This brings us back to patterns and often it is the patterns that are holding you energetically from that which you are creating. The new earth energies are now fully anchoring so you may be in a dream timeline but unable to fully reach your dream. This is caused by an energetic vibration that is keeping you in a holding pattern, these patterns are born out of the old 3D earth energies and may APPEAR to be strong at this time. This is often the role of hindsight, the old 3D earth energies persuading you to go over and over events that have occurred and replay them in your mind. This creates a stronger pattern and works to keep the holding pattern in PLACE. We guide strongly for you to dissolve the teachings of distortion in relation to "hindsight". It serves no purpose at all in the new earth energies and if you allow SELF to indulge in this way of living you will go around in circles creating much frustration and anxiety in the process. The frustration and anxiety working to feed the teachings that then gain in strength making the holding pattern last longer, this works to lower vibration and fog the inner vision.

Everything is energy and everything is vibration, that which you have experienced was an experience that served your SOUL in some way, in human logical terms it may appear to have served no one but the head is not here to serve the needs of the SOUL, that is the role of the heart. Do you see how the head will try to trick you into listening to it at the expense of the heart?

Personally we have shifted huge patterns over the past 48 hours some of these patterns were disguised as "safety" and this has been revealed in TRUTH. To live your life looking backwards is to walk blind, the new earth asks that you turn around and fully create with VISION. The energetic difference between the two scenarios staggering. How often over the past few months have you said to yourself "my life used to make sense" and then indulge the mind in going over past events when there APPEARED to be logic and patterns in your waking life experience? To do this is to filter the filters for you will now be filtering again through more teachings that have sprung to life, that is why we guide strongly that past experience is no measure of that which you are now creating from the heart space. Past experience is a different energetic signature to what you are now living and has no relevance at all to ANYTHING that you may create this from this moment onwards.

This is a TRUTH that has many tied up in knots, TRUST is a process and that is why the harmonisation process is unfolding in the way it is within your human life experience. You are now being asked to TRUST in SELF, this is a huge commitment if you have spent most of your life disTRUSTing SELF and allowing others to guide your actions. If you have been betrayed by those you shared you life with and accept the teachings of distortion that teach "betrayal" then you will find TRUST even harder to anchor. There is no wrong and no right in TRUTH for there JUST IS. Again the filtering will come into play and the human logical mind will try to show you patterns of behaviour, this person did this to me therefore it is logical to assume that the next person will also do this to me. That may be logical but is it TRUTH? each person alive on planet earth is a different energy signature and the lessons that were needed at the time may no longer be in operation.

This is what helps divide the human race, people presuming actions based on what other people have done or not done to them in the past. These are destructive patterns and help to lower energy signatures, to have FAITH and TRUST in SELF will allow you to stand neutral and observe the persons actions and FEEL TRUTH, the FEELing of TRUTH the key to the whole process for as we move through the harmonisation process we can FEEL TRUTH, it matters not then what words are used or what actions are taken, the FEELing will show you TRUTH. This is also tying many in knots for in order for this to anchor within your BEing and help you then you must dissolve the teachings that the mind will try to re-ginite when you are faced with "familiar" scenarios. For there will be deeper teachings that sit below the issues of TRUST, remember we do not come into this waking human life experience with fear, this is a concept that is TAUGHT to us as soon as we take our first breath. (this is addressed more fully in TRUTH CODES - Chronicles from Orion).

You are now asked to dissolve the FEAR that you have spent lifetimes anchoring for it is not TRUTH but this is only revealed when you face the apparent "fear" that comes up for you and dissolve it, it is dissolve with the LOVE that IS and the TRUST that you place in SELF during this process.

So what patterns are you now being asked to dissolve? we would guide you to start from the very obvious ones and work your way through the layers........

