3-12-13 Bill Ballard ~ Energies Increasing Dramatically as We Come Closer

Lia's picture

Published on Mar 12, 2013

Currently for those who are aware of the incoming energies we are going through some pretty intense LIGHT downloads right now. This began the evening of March 10, 2013 for me and on 3.11.13 was so intense I had a difficult time staying in my being. The intensity will be different for each and everyone of us depending on our previous levels of LIGHT achieved as well as how focused we are on these energies. There is a very intense state of transfiguration into LIGHT I am feeling within my legs. I have felt this before but not like what has occurred these past days. As we become more and more LIGHT ourselves, that equal and opposite polarity becomes more visible also. All is in a state of Divine Perfection and there is no need to focus upon anything but the LIGHT in my opinion for these next days and remainder of this month. I'm sure we will see things occurring that are beyond what we can currently dream of... ha... Just stay focused on these energies and in your heart and Just Be LOVE