We The People And We Stand With You

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Published March 16, 2013


WE Are Here to Speak for the Human condition, and address it with Greater Understanding through Self Education, and the Awakening of The Divine Intelligence from Within with Unconditional Compassion. The Reason that We Are Here, Is Because We sent Our Prophets into Awaken Humanity, and They usually came back to Us with holes in Them. So Now We, From The Big Leagues Have Shown Up on this Planet bringing Humanity's God~Hood into Complete Awakening. We are not here to start a revolution. We Are Here to Advance Evolution.

The Real Constitution shares that it's the People who own this Government, not the corporations. We Are Here to Shine the Light On this Truth and stand with Humanity as they understand this Truth and together walk out of the prison and Home into Where Love is Everwhere Present.

The federal government is owned By The People, not by the corporations. The reason We can understand that a corporation is not a real entity, is because it can be dissolved. It's just a piece of paper. Love cannot be dissolved. Love is not an agreement, Love is an understanding, a Deep Understanding.~
