PHOTOS: Astounding Tri-Colored Crater Lakes

Desert Gypsy's picture, Camille Mann






Crater lakes on their own are amazing natural wonders, but the crater lakes of Kelimutu volcano in Indonesia are even more striking. They are each a different color despite being at the crest of the same volcano.

Tiwu Ata Mbupu or the “Lake of Old People” the westernmost of the three lakes is the darkest in color, appearing to look brown in photos. Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai or the “Lake of Young Men and Maidens” is typically a greenish tint and the last lake Tiwu Ata Polo or “Bewitched or Enchanted Lake” appears to be a darker shade of green and sometimes blue in photos.


For more on this story and beautiful lake photos please see
