The Sacred Cosmic Fires of Spiritual Truth and Divine Justice ~ Message from the Elders

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Monthly Transmissions By The Elders


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The Sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta ~ The Sacred Cosmic Fire of Spiritual Truth and Divine Justice


Let the Light of God forever be our guiding Light,

as Spiritual Warriors of the Light,

as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.


As we now merge with our Beloved I Am Presence,

and connect to all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High,

and the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light,

we are surrounded in the copper-gold and pink-gold sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta,

and the knowing that we are guided through the principles of Spiritual Truth, Divine Justice and unconditional Love.


Holding the Sword of Holy Truth,

we cut through the lies, deceit, fear and violence,

as One Unified Field of Light,

as One Voice in Unity Consciousness.

Surrounded by the Legions upon Legions of Light,

walking behind us, next to us and in front of us,

we assist in guiding all Life into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.


As defenders and advocates of Justice and Truth,

we stand in our power, in our glory and in our Light,

defending the innocent, the helpless, the homeless and the weak.

Crumbling the pillars of corruption,

we lead the way in this new Golden Age of Light,

to reveal the Love of God to every man, women and child.


The Truth and Light sets us free,

and in freedom, in integrity, in Divine Justice, peace and unconditional Love,

we express the utterance of our Spiritual realities,

standing steadfast in the Light,

as the I AM Avatar Race,

as the way showers, light workers and star seeded ones,

leading the way through the Cosmic embrace of unconditional Love, Divine Justice and Spiritual Truth.


All that is not of the Light is unveiled,

released, and transmuted now,

through the sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta,

these beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold flames of Solar Christ Consciousness.


We are now surrounded in the Violet Flame of transformation,

of alchemical magic and transmutation,

assisting in the breaking down of old structures,

and paving the way through our radiant hearts;

through the Love of ourselves,

and the Love for all Life.


We are the sacred warriors of Light,

the guardians and advocates of change,

and to us falls the honor and privilege of standing in our Light,

as custodians to Mother Earth and all her Life.

And so it is.


Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek

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 Music by Thaddeus


Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of April as you experience the sacred Cosmic Fire of Spiritual Truth and Divine Justice through the beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold Flames of Helios and Vesta, and the thirteenth ray of Solar Service.

So let us start, sweet ones, by surrounding you in these beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold Flames of Spiritual Truth and Divine Justice, and wherever you are now in your sacred space, center yourself into the energies of Mother Earth, as you breathe deep into the body. Expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out, and seeing and sensing now the Divine Love of Mother Earth through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, imbuing you now in the crystalline frequencies of the Solar Matrix of Unity Consciousness; as the sub-atomic particles within your body spin in increased Light frequencies you connect now to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. This connection is always there, sweet ones, and you bring a focus simply in Cosmic Consciousness Awareness to amplifying your Light, to amplify this connection with the Divine as you experience the radiance of the Love of All Creation through your hearts, sweet ones. You merge now with your Beloved I AM Presence, the Highest Light that you are within the Kingdom of Mother/Father God. And into this sacred space now we invite all these incredible Illumined Beings of Light from on High, assisting you in this Golden Age of Light.

We call in now ~ the Pleiadians and the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light; the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis; Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek; the Brotherhood of the Light; Lord Melchior, the Galactic Logos; Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logii, Overlighting you through the sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta; Sanat Kumara, the bridge to Solar Christ Consciousness; and Lord Buddha.

You call now upon the Ray Masters, and the Ascended Masters ~ El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, Saint Germain and Lady Portia, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin, and Pallas Athena. You call in the Archangels ~ Archangel Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael, Zadkiel, Jophiel, Chamuel; the Mighty Elohim, Builders of Form; and you call in now all the Illumined Beings of Light you personally acknowledge and wish to join you in this sacred space.

And in this sacred space, sweet ones, you visualize now the shape of a tetrahedron. Three sides to this pyramidal shape, which surrounds you now, sweet ones, and as you breathe deep into the body, and take this out in a vortex of Light, you create within your sacred space your own Divine pyramid of Spiritual Truth, Divine Justice, and unconditional Love ~ for it is these three spiritual principles, sweet ones, that determine the essence, the wisdom and the way forward in this new Golden Age of Light. It is the corner stone to all teachings of Light, and you reflect now on each side of this sacred pyramid, in imbuing yourselves within the Light frequencies of Mother/Father God, and the sacred Cosmic Fire of Helios and Vesta. Within this sacred space you bring your focus to Spiritual Truth, sweet ones. Spiritual Truth directs your thoughts, and actions, and it is important to look within your everyday lives, too, in the knowing that there is only the Truth to guide you in Cosmic Consciousness Awareness ~ the Truth sweet ones, starts on a very basic level of choosing not to lie, not even “white lies”, as you move into a deeper level of experiencing yourselves as these angelic humans, of experiencing yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and Warriors of Light. As you look through your Master Eyes at all of Life around you, and embrace the negative ego aspects of yourselves in Divine Love, you let go of the need to compare yourself to others, you let go of the lesser-than and better-than consciousness, of the need to impress, and indeed the need to lie, for this comes from the negative ego aspects. It is in conscious awareness, sweet ones, that you bring a focus to your integrity, that you bring a focus to being a Pillar of Light, in all your magnificence and Light, and in embracing firstly, the aspect of yourselves that upholds the Teachings of Light. And as you integrate this at a deeper level and step into humility, and step into the reverence for all Life, there comes a greater knowing, through the activation of the dormant DNA, through the remembrance of parallel realities, multi-dimensional realities, timelines of your ascended selves. And they merge with you now, these timelines in consciousness, further activating the crystalline matrix of the DNA to Solar Christ Consciousness; and so you start to imbue yourself with a greater level of discernment and Truth and knowing. This comes from wisdom of experience; this comes through the creation of your Bodies of Light and the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light. And so indeed, sweet ones, this Pillar of Truth broadens into a greater level of knowing on a planetary level. Of the knowing of the Truth of the Teachings of Light as they vibrate at a particular frequency of Light within your body. Of the knowing of when something is not true, whether in thought, in feeling, or in consciousness, and always remaining steadfast in the Light in your Truth, sweet ones. This is the way forward, and you see clearly, within the Christed Timelines, how this Pillar of Truth is an important one for all of you, sweet ones, as the Master Beings of Light and sacred custodians to Mother Earth and all her Life, and you apply this principle of Truth through the knowing you have in your connection to the Illumined Beings of Light from On High, and your Beloved I AM Presence, and indeed in your connection with others, and the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light. Let Truth always guide you. For when you are in Truth every thought you have takes you deeper into the expression and feeling of Divine Love, and you move now into bringing a focus to the pyramidal aspects around you that are all imbued with this essence of unconditional Love. Come into the radiance of your hearts, into your Heart’s Temple, sweet ones. You start in this experience, expression, and feeling of unconditional Love with a deeper level of loving yourselves, of nurturing and appreciating yourselves, for this is then how you appreciate others and love others, sweet ones. And so as you come into your heart, you embrace firstly the victim and persecutor consciousness aspects of yourselves, for you know that these aspects of yourself, and sub-personality aspects that chose many of the challenging journeys on this plane of polarity, simply need to be loved ~ need to be nurtured, need to be appreciated, and as you love and appreciate yourselves now, sweet ones, you welcome into your heart all those aspects of yourself that are still in pain, that have experienced perceived injustices, betrayals, abandonments, lack of Love, but it is okay. You are surrounded in so much Light and so much Love, you are so deeply Loved, sweet ones, for your service work to Mother Earth and all her Life. And as you embrace and Love yourselves, the radiance of your Love expands to embrace all those around you ~ your friends, your family, and those with whom you have perceived conflict, and now all Life. You are simply Love, sweet ones, and the radiance of your Love, of your Heart’s Temple, expands into the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light and together you amplify your magnificence and your Light as these Master Beings and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and you feel this collective consciousness of Divine Love. You are within the radiance of your hearts and the radiance of the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, always and eternally, sweet ones. We use this expression commonly “There is only Love” for Love is your guiding Light, Love transcends every challenge that may pass your way and Love lifts you into a greater level of the magnificence and preciousness of your unique matrices within the collective Consciousness of One.

As you bring a focus now to Divine Justice in this pyramidal structure, you have a knowing too that you have come here as these Spiritual Warriors of Light, as the defenders and advocates of Divine Justice, defending the innocent, advocating for the weak and the homeless, and indeed, sweet ones, standing collectively as One Unified field of Love and Divine Light, in righting every perceived injustice on this earth plane and crumbling the pillars of corruption ~ this in part is why you are here, for as you effect and create change in your realities and in those around you, you affect and create change within the etheric net and increase the Light Vibration of this earth plane, as these physical vessels of Light, as these Spiritual Warriors of Light. You see yourselves now being given the Sword of Holy Truth by Archangel Michael and surrounded now by the Archangels, and their Divine feminine counterparts, Archangel Michael and Michaella, Uriel and Uriella, Gabriel and Gabriella, Raphael and Raphaella, Zadkiel and Zadkiella, Jophiel and Jophiella, and Chamuel and Chamuella ~ bring a focus to perceived injustices on a personal level first, sweet ones, these energetic cords, or aka cords, are old energy cords  of the karmic contracts created, perpetuated, and played out to perfection, and you know that your Beloved I AM Presence is center stage, and as you merge with your Beloved I AM Presence and further call in all the Legions of Light you personally acknowledge, as well as your soul and star families of the Light, you stand as a Spiritual Warrior of Light, in Spiritual Truth, in Divine Justice, and Unconditional Love, and looking through your Master eyes you let all those that you still have perceived conflict with know “I Love you and I forgive you, as I Love and forgive myself. I cut these old cords of perceived injustice, and I right our relationships. For I see that we chose roles to play, and in the Truth, in viewing life through my Master Eyes, I see that there are always personal perceptions that come into play, and I acknowledge that I may not always have stood in my Light and Truth and Integrity, and I take responsibility for this and the knowing that the only person I can change is myself. And I choose to cut these karmic ties. I no longer choose this role and this dance with you ~ I have experienced all I need to learn and every lesson has taken me deeper into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. With the Sword of Holy Truth from Archangel Michael you cut these old connections, and you let each person know, at a soul level, I Love you and I forgive you as I Love and forgive myself, I Love you and I forgive you as I Love and forgive myself”.  Truth, sweet ones ~  at the highest level, there is only one Truth, the Truth of the Light of Creation, and that there is only Love. On the lower worlds and on the lower dimensions the perceptions of Truth differ according to the levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness, and it is to know, sweet ones, regardless of how clear you may feel you are, you are all still working with negative ego aspects; and so use this sense of feeling to know whether something is your Truth, or not ~ and indeed this may change tomorrow, as you increase in Cosmic Consciousness awareness, but be humble, be Truthful, be discerning, and stand as the Warriors of the Light, for this is your Guiding Light ~ Divine Love ~

And now you bring a focus to all those old patriarchal energies and institutions and each one of you, imbued with either the first ray qualities of Will and Power, the second ray of Love-Wisdom, or the third ray of Divine Intelligence, respectively in your service roles on this earth plane will stand for Justice in different aspects of these old patriarchal energies. Whether  moving into a deeper level of Divine Love, of the Divine Feminine energy that pours forth, and standing up for the suppression of the Divine Feminine, or moving into the political arenas, or social arenas, or into the old monetary energies, and creating change within these arenas, sweet ones. And you see these etheric structures, and the energy of old consciousness represented around them, sweet ones, and now you stand collectively together, as the I AM Avatar race, as the Spiritual Warriors of Light and you cut these old cords, these old cords of corruption, and lies, of victim and persecutor consciousness, of power, of war, of violence ~ cut it from the core from where it springs, cut it from the old energy matrix, as you are surrounded now in this beautiful Violet Flame, the Violet Flame of St Germain, of transmutation and alchemical magic, which guides you as you bring through the forces of Nature Intelligence and Nature Spirit Intelligence, as you bring through the forces of Light and bring a focus to these institutions that you wish to create change in. Cut the energy, and you replace them now with these beautiful copper-gold flames, and pink-gold flames of Spiritual Truth and Divine Justice and Unconditional Love. In this Golden Age of Light, this is the new Lady of Liberty. Hold this focus as you move into every arena, that you know personally you have the ability collectively as the I AM Avatar Race, to make these changes.

With your radiant hearts, with your open hearts and with your wisdom you look through your Master eyes and you create these Pillars of Spiritual Truth, Divine Justice, and Unconditional Love, within the hearts and minds of all Life, as you take this tetrahedron, this three-sided pyramid, and place it within the hearts of all humanity. The All-Seeing Eye appears, the Middle Eye of Horus ~ the Middle Eye of Horus brings through this central Pillar of Mildness and Equilibrium, of balancing the scales of justice, through the principles of Spiritual Truth, Divine Justice, and unconditional Love. All that is not of the Light is unveiled and revealed, and now transmuted, and absorbed into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God ~ you are free, sweet ones, to co-create your Heaven on Earth, as the Lightworkers and star seeded ones, for you know you have the power to co-create, you are Master co-creators, you are the sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and Spiritual Warriors of Light, leading the way in this Golden Age of Light for Mother Earth and all her Life.

Helios and Vesta now Overlight you and invite you into their Ascension Seat within the Solar Core of the Sun. As you travel in Soul Consciousness with your Soul family and friends of the Light, and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High that you personally acknowledge, you find yourself now in the Solar Core, embraced and wrapped in these beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold Flames of Light and you are offered an opportunity here, sweet ones, to personally right all your relationships of any perceived injustices. As the Warriors of the Light, you know that you come from holding the Light, you come from Truth and Justice and Love. You are courageous and you hold this energy, this beautiful three-fold flame energy, as you embrace yourself, as you move through the akashic records, as you move through the Christed Timelines; these timelines that you are able to change, of events that have occurred in parallel realities, and in this lifetime, sweet ones. You have a look at the perceived challenges you have experienced and the gift in each one of these recurring patterns ~ no matter what the challenges are, sweet ones, there is a common challenge ~ whether this is lack of power, or abuse, or the inability to manifest, the inability to vision, or to express your Truth. And now, with your Master Guides and Guardian Angel, and Overlighted by your Beloved I AM Presence and Helios and Vesta, you go back into these timelines, so to speak, and you make amends, and you Love and forgive, and change all your relationships, so in this Now you may go before the karmic board and ask them to release the vestiges of these old patternings and conditionings you no longer need to replay and re-experience. Some of these images may not be so pleasant, sweet ones, but you watch them in observation and detachment, lovingly and gently ~ perceived injustices, times in which you have experienced being abandoned and betrayed and unappreciated and unloved and abused. You are such incredible Beings of Light that you chose to down step your vibration and experience these polarities, for it is only in knowing the challenges that many others have gone through, that you can truly open your heart without judgment, and this is a corner stone, too, to Divine Justice ~ in stepping out of judgment and simply experiencing the Love of all Creation. As you see what the gift is, your primary gift from each of these lessons, you see an old karmic contract now that states “If it is for my highest good, I choose to learn my lessons in betrayal and in pain and in violence and in heartache and in lack of abundance and in shame and lack of Love”. You take a big red rubber stamp with the word CANCELLED, and you cancel this contract, you tear it up now and you burn it the Violet Flame of St Germain. You are the alchemist sweet ones. This Alchemy of Fire come through, allowing you to shift your relationships and these karmic contracts, as you appear now before the Karmic Board and you let them know “I AM a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love, a Master Being of Light, and a Warrior of Light, serving Mother Earth and all her Life. I understand the lessons that I have chosen, the karmic contracts and pre-birth agreements. And I choose now to let go of these vestiges of the negative ego, of the false beliefs and judgments, to experience a greater level of freedom and Light, to experience Spiritual Justice, Truth, and unconditional Love. This is my guiding Light, and I cancel and ask that all these old contracts and vows and negative ego aspects now be release and transmuted, so I may fulfil my role completely as a sacred custodian to Mother Earth and all her Life”. This is granted by the Karmic Board and Mother Mary personally comes forward and places within your heart a beautiful pink-orange rose representing the pink-orange Flame of Divine Love and the utterance of your Spiritual realities. You will now find your voice in a new way; you will find yourself able to communicate clearly, lovingly, gently, looking through your Master eyes at all Life around you.

You come back now as you thank all these Beings of Light from On High, into your sacred space, and you place within your hearts this beautiful three-sided pyramid, of Spiritual Truth, Divine Justice and unconditional Love. This is your guiding Light, sweet ones, as you ground once more into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, and feel your connection through the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light and all the Beings of Light from On High to all Life in Divine Love.

You, sweet ones, are leading the way in this Golden Age of Light. We thank you for your service work, we bless you, and with this we bid you a most magical day.

Transcribed by Eadie Miller
