~ via April Crawford
"All those who are physical have ability if they choose to be connected to their spiritual gifts.
Yes. Some are naturally participating daily, while others are a bit more hit and miss.
There are also those so focused in the linear and fearful, that any participation can be extremely limited.
Many souls decide to incarnate for the opportunity to be facilitators of spiritual energy.
Being more connected to your soul, while permitting the sensitivity needed, can be fulfilling on many levels.
The linear definitions of the basics are
Clairvoyant (the ability to see clearly in spirit),
Clairaudient (the ability to hear spirit clearly),
and Clair-sentient (the ability to feel energy of both physical and eternal).
Usually one of the three is strong, but it is not uncommon for all three to have a great presence.
It is important to embrace these gifts.
Often many will become fearful of the energy, which can feel very powerful.
Know that it is not the intention for the abilities to control you or others.
It is the focus to use those moments to be helpful to yourself and other souls in the physical.
It is well known how difficult linear participation can be.
A sort of tool chest of abilities are available to assist all on their path to evolution,
if one opens their hearts to it.
If you are participating fully we encourage you to continue exploring.
If you are hit and miss, or struggling with external or internal acceptance,
we beseech you to push past the physical resistance.
Perhaps calm the voice that is critical and suggesting that you might be making it up.
Assure yourself that the eternal plan does include that ability to be sensitive and an oracle to help.
If you are completely blocked, but know that these moments are deep within,
please endeavor to recover them and allow them to shine.
All souls are on the journey together.
The eternal does wish you to succeed.
Thus the ability to be sensitive and helpful.
Embark upon this with openness.
Allow the clear moments to come through.
You and others can only benefit from the participation.
Allow yourself to be who you are.
A clear shining beacon for all."