April 19, 2013 by Starlight
Written by Caroline K.A.
This morning I posted an article written by Steve Beckow from the Golden Age of Gaia, and it referred to how our vasanas represent the actions and decisions we’ve come to, which remove ourselves from the flow of life.
Lately, we’re really being asked to look deep down inside ourselves as all sorts of emotions are coming to the surface for review.
Within the last two days, I’ve experienced extreme anger, some sadness, insecurity, bliss, and love. It’s a gigantic mixture of emotions and feelings, ups and downs, to which many of us are dealing with as ascension progresses, and as our bodies, hearts and souls, grow and progress right along with it.
Within the shadows of ourselves lie the “little nasties” those vasanas, issues and left over residue which repeatedly plague us in many ways. Mine lives within the shadows of myself, where I’ve kept them locked away in what I see as a basement or cellar, and unless I decide to let them out into the light of day for release, they will remain there forever.
It’s happened twice now. I’ve seen myself open this rickety, wooden door, old and aged with time. As I pull it open, I see nothing but darkness inside, although somehow I know where there is a small ceiling lightbulb to which I reach up, and gently pull the chain.
A faint flicker of light comes on. I cautiously step forward, and another light bulb appears. I turn it on, slowly making my way down the stairs, and into the depths of the dank, basement.
Within the dark corners, and all around me, I hear scattering back and forth, movement, as if something is there, but it doesnt’ want me to find it.
The basement is now dimly lit, and I see the wretched, creatures in every corner. Some are smiling at me in a malicious sort of way, and others, although equally hideous, I sense deep, sadness and sorrow.
I go within, and gather courage. Instead of feeling small and helpless, as I had in the past in the presence of these creatures, I felt anger rise within me for having allowed myself to become so depleted, and to have fallen at the mercy of these insignificant beings, who purged their false ways of thinking, believing, and being upon me for so many years. My only thought was to chase them away, and to clean out this dusty basement of mine which had been cluttered with junk for far too long.
In my anger, I acknowledged each one of them. I told them it was time to go. It was time to move out into the light, because I now saw them for what they were, and they were no longer needed, or wanted.
At this point I began sweeping the basement. Every nook and corner, every cob web came down, and with my broom I chased the shadow creatures up the stairs, and out the door.
As I continued to sweep, I heard movement behind me. When I turned around I saw a young girl standing in front of me. She had red hair, and green eyes, just like mine, and she was smiling at me.
She said she had been waiting for me for a long time. I asked her to tell me about truth. She said all truths lie within our hearts. She then reached out, and placed her hand over my heart, and said, “It is also there where we find love”.
As I continue to clean out this basement of mine, I’ve seen positive results from it, while still there are underlying issues and vasanas which will need to be looked at further, and I will.
I’ve realized now, those vasanas, and my reactions to them have hindered me from truly stepping into the flow of life, and from embracing my truth.
I’ve decided it’s time to take off the mask, and practice being me for a change. The real me. Not the person someone else wants me to be, because that’s not my truth. I’m finding the mask doesnt’ fit anymore.
As we move forward with ascension, life is urgently presenting us with many opportunities for new growth, and learning. If we are willing to take off our masks, and allow ourselves to flow with life, with all our hearts, then we will always flow, and thrive exactly as we should. We’ll remain deeply grounded within our hearts, we’ll live our truth each, and every day, and we’ll BE the persons who we were truly meant to be.
Love and Light to you all,