The Oracle Report Tuesday, April 23, 2013

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The Oracle Report


Gibbous Moon Phase - Moon in Libra

Ruling Mahavidya - Chinnamasta

Today's energy produces the longing for people, places, and things.  Desires run high and our eye for beauty is keen.

This is because we have several faces of goddess energy at work right now.  Think of it like this: Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty, etc., meets up with Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and Battle in an arena where Eris, Goddess of Awakening and Freedom, and the Mahavidya Chinnamasta are already on scene.  Colloquially, a bunch of cool chicks are hanging out.

So the true nature of today's energy is entirely feminine and collegiate.  It's also quite magical, as in the power of magic is high.  This is why it's the prime time to make a wish for something you want.  But we can't forget that this type of energy is the favorite for manipulation, so we may encounter or experience a perversion of the energy as jealousy, insecurity, aggression, deception, materialism, and other such things.

If you find yourself doing this or encounter this from another person, recognize that it is an archontic control program that is being amplified and then disengage from it.  Break off and walk away.  Remember that we have all that we need inside ourselves. 

Be aware also that the potential for Illuminati hijinks heightens over the next two days while we have this type of goddess energy in play and also because the Moon is in Libra (thus making another "hit" or "strike" to the Eris Point energy of the New Moon - see post in Archives for April 10, 2013).

But let's focus on the effervescent energy that these goddess archetypes are expressing today.  Explosions of beauty are everywhere.  All that we need is contained inside ourselves and all that is valuable comes from the heart - being on a beautiful planet of eye candy is the bonus.

(Note:  I will be on The Global Awakening Radio Network tonight at 7:00 pm central time.  Listen to the live stream on, call in to the show by dialing 530-881-1400 using access code 159867.  Q&A mode will be enabled during the latter part of the show, press *6 to enter the live caller queue.  Telephone archives available after the program by calling 530-881-1499 with access code 159867 and HD streaming archives available at  Please join us!)


